

Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet
William Shakespeare
"Romeo and Juliet" is a tragic play written early in the career of William Shakespeare about two teenage "star-cross'd lovers" whose untimely deaths ultimately unite their feuding households. It was among Shakespeare's most popular plays during his lifetime and, along with Hamlet, is one of his most frequently performed plays. Today, the title characters are regarded as archetypal "young lovers"??PROLOGUE:?Two households, both alike in dignity,?In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,?From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,?Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.?From forth the fatal loins of these two foes?A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;?Whole misadventured piteous overthrows?Do with their death bury their parents' strife.?The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love,?And the continuance of their parents' rage,?Which, but their children's end, nought could remove,?Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage;?The which if you with patient ears attend,?What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.
Criza european? ?i modernismul rom?nesc
Criza european? ?i modernismul rom?nesc
Boca Mariana
O carte spectaculoas?, care ??i asum? nu pu?ine riscuri, intr?nd pe terenurile pu?in explorate ale romanului. Cercetarea ?n care ne-am angajat este analitic? ?i speculativ?, o ipotez? pe care ne-o ?nchipuim ?n anticamera adev?rurilor simple ?i general-consim?ite despre romanul secolului XX, fiindc? aceste adev?ruri sunt a?teptate ?nc? spre a fi spuse. Istoriile sistematice, studiile exhaustive despre romanul secolului abia ?ncheiat lipsesc deocamdat?. Este ?i prima dificultate majora pe care a trebuit s? o ignoram pur ?i simplu. Risc?m propria noastr? ipoteza ?ntr-un spa?iu ?nc? insuficient ordonat ?i tocmai de aceea ispititor pentru orice c?l?torie critic?.
Aristotle: The Complete Works
Aristotle: The Complete Works
Part 1: Logic (Organon) Categories, translated by E. M. Edghill On Interpretation, translated by E. M. Edghill Prior Analytics (2 Books), translated by A. J. Jenkinson Posterior Analytics (2 Books), translated by G. R. G. Mure Topics (8 Books), translated by W. A. Pickard-Cambridge Sophistical Refutations, translated by W. A. Pickard-Cambridge Part 2: Universal Physics Physics (8 Books), translated by R. P. Hardie and R. K. Gaye On the Heavens (4 Books), translated by J. L. Stocks On Gerneration and Corruption (2 Books), translated by H. H. Joachim Meteorology (4 Books), translated by E. W. Webster Part 3: Human Physics On the Soul (3 Books), translated by J. A. Smith On Sense and the Sensible, translated by J. I. Beare On Memory and Reminiscence, translated by J. I. Beare On Sleep and Sleeplessness, translated by J. I. Beare On Dreams, translated by J. I. Beare On Prophesying by Dreams, translated by J. I. Beare On Longevity and Shortness of Life, translated by G. R. T. Ross On Youth, Old Age, Life and Death, and Respiration, translated by G. R. T. Ross Part 4: Animal Physics The History of Animals (9 Books), translated by D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson On the Parts of Animals (4 Books), translated by William Ogle On the Motion of Animals, translated by A. S. L. Farquharson On the Gait of Animals, translated by A. S. L. Farquharson On the Generation of Animals (5 Books), translated by Arthur Platt Part 5: Metaphysics (15 Books), translated by W. D. Ross Part 6: Ethics and Politics Nicomachean Ethics (10 Books), translated by W. D. Ross Politics (8 Books), translated by Benjamin Jowett The Athenian Constitution, translated by Sir Frederic G. Kenyon Part 7: Aesthetic Writings Rhetoric (3 Books), translated by W. Rhys Roberts Poetics, translated by S. H. Butcher
O inim? de Broscu??. Volumul X. Puterea z?mbetului
O inim? de Broscu??. Volumul X. Puterea z?mbetului
Gheorghe Vîrtosu
Volumul Sublimul tr?d?rii reprezint? o incursiune ?n lumea ?multidimensional?“ a crea?iei teatrale. Convins de existen?a unor straturi rarefiate ale spiritului, ?n care reprezenta?ia a fost h?r?zit? s? existe, autorul se ?ndep?rteaz? de orice interpretare ?vulgar?“, la prima m?n?, a artei scenice. F?c?ndu-se apel la teorii ale esteticii teatrale, dar ?i ale filosofiei, psihanalizei, exegezei ?i criticii literare, ne este relevat un univers artistic complicat, complex, predispus unei analize profunde. Astfel, locul care ?i este destinat spectatorului nu mai este acela de privitor pasiv, ci de partener al actorilor.?Oper?nd alegerea de sine“, spectatorul iese din plasa esteticului nu pentru a-i desfide rostul, ci pentru a se proiecta ?n centrul ac?iunii scenice, ?ntr-un loc ?n care ??i poate afirma prezen?a. Actul ?lecturii“ teatrului implic? ?ndatoriri egale cu cele din spa?iul public, for??ndu-l pe insul aflat ?n sala de spectacol s? faca o eschiva printre imperativele vie?ii, consider?nd interpretarea ca circumscriere concret? ?n ?legea universal?“ a eticului. Doar ?n acest fel, spectatorul poate accepta responsabilit??i legate de ceea ce i se ?nt?mpl?, atent la (?i preocupat de) via?a sa superioar?, spiritual?.“
Magna?ii. Cum au inventat Andrew Carnegie, John D.
Magna?ii. Cum au inventat Andrew Carnegie, John D.
Charles R. Morris
Dintre toate scrierile Svetlanei Aleksievici, Ultimii martori este cea mai sf??ietoare. C?ci ce poate fi mai cumplit dec?t copil?ria ?n timp de r?zboi, mai tragic dec?t inocen?a supus? violen?ei ?i anihil?rii? Personajele acestei c?r?i, b?ie?i ?i fete, aveau, ?n perioada celui de al Doilea R?zboi Mondial – conflictul poate cel mai inuman din istorie –, ?ntre trei ?i doisprezece ani, dar r?nile c?p?tate atunci le s?ngereaz? p?n? ?n ziua de azi. ?i totu?i, ?n pofida suferin?elor descrise, textul dob?nde?te o extraordinar? for?? evocatoare pentru c? reu?e?te s? reconstituie poezia inerent? v?rstei copil?riei. Tulbur?tor prin ?nc?rc?tura sa de adev?r ?i r?v??itor suflete?te, Ultimii martori ne schimb? perspectiva asupra istoriei, a r?zboiului, a copil?riei ?i a vie?ii.
Trecutul la judecata istoriei
Trecutul la judecata istoriei
Gh. Buzatu
Boris Johnson exploreaz?, ?n paginile acestui volum, din ce anume este constituit ?factorul Churchill“ – acea inteligen?? unic? a unuia dintre cei mai importan?i lideri ai secolului XX. Demont?nd miturile ?i prejudec??ile care au d?inuit al?turi de realitate, Johnson realizeaz? – cu inteligen?a ?i pasiunea caracteristice – portretul unui om al contradic?iilor, al curajului contagios, ?nzestrat cu o elocin?? uimitoare ?i cu o putere inegalabil? de a croi strategii. Curajos pe c?mpul de lupt?, Churchill a trebuit s? primeasc? ordin de la rege pentru a sta departe de focul b?t?liei ?n Ziua Z; a fost de acord cu bombardamentele strategice la scar? extins?, cu toate c? ura distrugerile produse de r?zboi ?i ?i dispre?uia pe politicienii care nu ?i tr?iser? ororile. A fost un jurnalist apreciat, un mare orator ?i a c??tigat Premiul Nobel pentru Literatur?. A fost faimos pentru capacitatea de a combina serile de dineuri oficiale cu nop?ile ?n care lua decizii cruciale pentru soarta r?zboiului. Viziunea sa progresist? asupra lumii l-a f?cut un pionier ?n dezvoltarea sistemului public de s?n?tate, de educa?ie ?i de asisten?? social?, de?i a r?mas un adept incorigibil al incorectitudinii politice. Factorul Churchill nu este o carte doar pe gustul pasiona?ilor de istorie. Este o lectur? esen?ial? pentru to?i cei care doresc s? afle din ce material anume e f?cut un mare lider.
Eugène Delacroix
Eugène Delacroix
Camille Mauclair
Pour bien comprendre la portée de l'intervention et de l'influence de l'?uvre de Delacroix dans l'école fran?aise, il est nécessaire de se rappeler la situation exacte de la peinture au moment où il parut.??La Révolution avait brutalement traité les ma?tres du XVIIIème siècle finissant. ?prise d'un sévère idéal gréco-romain, dont déjà Vien avait donné des exemples et que David allait porter à son apogée, la génération jacobine avait considéré les peintres légers et délicieux du règne de Louis XVI comme les bénéficiaires de la corruption luxueuse des nobles et des fermiers généraux, et elle les avait rejetés dans le même mouvement d'injuste fureur. Fragonard mourait oublié, chassé de son logis des galeries du Louvre. Hubert Robert échappait gr?ce à une erreur à l'échafaud. Greuze mourait dans la misère noire. On ne parlait plus de Chardin. Un Latour se vendait quelques francs. ??L'?Embarquement pour Cythère?, peint par Watteau pour son entrée à l'Académie, y était criblé de boulettes de papier m?ché par les élèves de David, neveu de Boucher dont ils parlaient en de tels termes, qu'il était obligé, par pudeur, d'excuser à leurs yeux son oncle. Les gravures de Cochin, de Lépicié, de Choffard, de Lavreince, des Saint-Aubin, de Debucourt, de Gravelot, d'Eisen, allaient s'ensevelir dans les soupentes de quelques brocanteurs, et on attendrait quatrevingts ans avant de les rechercher pour les couvrir d'or. Un siècle s'effondrait. Son go?t exquis, sa morale profondément naturelle et humaine, son libéralisme sceptique, tout lui était imputé à vice et à crime. On rêvait d'un art moralisateur, que Greuze avait préparé aux applaudissements de Diderot par ses scènes familiales et son ingénuité bourgeoise, mêlée de libertinage hypocrite. ??On voulait un art héro?que, sévère, propre à élever les consciences. David apparut l'homme d'une telle ?uvre, et créa d'un seul effort la réaction d'une esthétique néo-romaine, d'une peinture con?ue d'après la statuaire antique, et toute consacrée à des expressions de sentiments cornéliens. La discipline de cette école fut plus dure encore que celle imposée, centvingtcinq années auparavant, par Louis XIV, Le Brun et l'école de Rome. Plus de recherches de la nature, plus de gr?ce, plus de vérité, plus de coloris, mais simplement un art allégorique, pompeux, aride, éloigné de la vie et tout entier construit sur des théories, un art aussi opposé que possible au tempérament fran?ais.
No Mistakes Grammar for Kids, Volume II: Lie and Lay
No Mistakes Grammar for Kids, Volume II: Lie and Lay
Giacomo Giammatteo 
Do you tell your dog to lay down or lie down? How do you respond to the question of "How are you?" Do you say good or well? If these questions confuse you, imagine how tough it is for your kids. Don't worry about it anymore. Let Queen Shinobi teach them the proper way. She's been around a long, long time and she knows her stuff. So invest a few bucks in your child's learning and let Queen Shinobi show them how to do it. ?
Delta - Feature Film Script
Delta - Feature Film Script
Tina Papados
DELTA is a fictional screenplay that explores the lives of young film-directors who seek success in the entertainment industry. ‘The Director’ bar is where a lot of aspiring directors head to in hopes of creating great networks with key film industry players. Three male directors, Bradley Jones, John Michel and Anglo Floyd spend some time discussing with the bar’s bartender, who gives them a card with the details of a bar called “d” (Delta). The directors are informed that “d” is where the most successful filmmakers head to for networking and successful careers. Once they relocate themselves to a bar filled with the elite filmmakers, the three directors are finally introduced to a community where all the cinematic magic takes place. However, they are yet to learn about the exploitation, branding and identity crisis that the actors and filmmakers must endure for their art. After all, great passion also requires great sacrifice.
A First Book in American History: "An Early Life of America"
A First Book in American History: "An Early Life of America"
Edward Eggleston
IN preparing a first book of American history, it is necessary to keep in mind the two purposed such a work is required to serve. There are children whose school life is brief; these must get all the instruction they are to receive in their country's history from a book of the grade of this.To another class of pupils the first book of American history is a preparation for the intelligent study of a textbook more advanced. It is a manifest waste of time and energy to require these to learn in a lower class the facts that must be re-studied in a higher grade. Moreover, primary histories which follow the order of larger books are likely to prove dry and unsatisfactory condensations. But a beginner's book ought before all things else to be interesting. A fact received with the attention raised to its highest power remains fixed in the memory; that which is learned listlessly is lost easily, and a lifelong aversion to history is often the main result produced by the use of an unsuitable textbook at the outset.The main peculiarity of the present book is that it aims to teach children the history of the country by making them acquainted with some of the most illustrious actors in it. A child is interested, above all, in persons. Biography is for him the natural door into history. The order of events in a nation's life is somewhat above the reach of younger pupils, but the course of human life and the personal achievements of an individual are intelligible and delightful. In teaching younger pupils by means of biography, which is the very alphabet of history, we are following a sound principle often forgotten, that primary education should be pursued along the line of the least resistance. Moreover, nothing is more important to the young American than an acquaintance with the careers of the great men of his country.
The Apologia
The Apologia
The story is based around incident when Apuleius was accused of using magic to gain the attentions and fortune of a wealthy widow. He declaimed and then distributed a witty tour de force in his own defense before the proconsul and a court of magistrates convened in Sabratha, near ancient Tripoli, Libya.
Lysistrata is a comedy originally performed in classical Athens in 411 BC. A comic account of one woman's extraordinary mission to end the Peloponnesian War. Lysistrata persuades the women of Greece to withhold sexual privileges from their husbands and lovers as a means of forcing the men to negotiate peace—a strategy, however, that inflames the battle between the sexes. The play is notable for being an early exposé of sexual relations in a male-dominated society.
The Birds
The Birds
Two middle-aged men stumbling across a hillside wilderness are guided by a pet crow and a pet jackdaw. One of them advises the audience that they are fed up with life in Athens, where people do nothing all day but argue over laws, and they are looking for Tereus, a king who was once metamorphosed into the Hoopoe, for they believe he might help them find a better life somewhere else.
Misused Words and Then Some: No Mistakes Grammar, Volume V
Misused Words and Then Some: No Mistakes Grammar, Volume V
Giacomo Giammatteo 
This is the final book in the No Mistakes Grammar series, so be prepared to learn. We cover a lot of territory in this book. Things like: count nouns (data and media), linking verbs, comma usage, hyphenation, sayings and proverbs, appositives, more mispronunciations, words from other languages, and more. There should be enough in here to keep you busy for a while. And I guarantee it will improve your grammar in an easy-to-understand style. ?
The Thesmophoriazusae
The Thesmophoriazusae
Today the women at the festival are going to kill me for insulting them!' This bold statement by Euripides is the absurd premise upon which the whole play depends. The women are incensed by his plays' portrayal of the female sex as mad, murderous, and sexually depraved, and they are using the festival of the Thesmophoria (an annual fertility celebration dedicated to Demeter) as an opportunity to debate a suitable choice of revenge.
The Art of Listening
The Art of Listening
J. Krishnamurti
This first volume covers talks given in Italy, Norway and India. Krishnamurti begins with the statement "Friends, I should like you to make a living discovery, not a discovery induced by the description of others... I am not going to try to describe what to me is truth, for that would be an impossible attempt. One cannot describe or give to another the fullness of an experience. Each one must live it for himself." An extensive compendium of Krishnamurti's talks and discussions in the USA, Europe, India, New Zealand, and South Africa from 1933 to 1967—the Collected Works have been carefully authenticated against existing transcripts and tapes. Each volume includes a frontispiece photograph of Krishnamurti , with question and subject indexes at the end. The content of each volume is not limited to the subject of the title, but rather offers a unique view of Krishnamurti's extraordinary teachings in selected years. The Collected Works offers the reader the opportunity to explore the early writings and dialogues in their most complete and authentic form.
8 piese pentru teatrul de p?pu?i
8 piese pentru teatrul de p?pu?i
Huber Rogoz Viorica
** Pamella Singh – Miss India 1982… spioan? de pat la NATO ** Frumoasele Miss, prad? u?oar? pentru trafican?ii de stupefiante ** Angela Nichitin – Miss Johannesburg, victim? a traficului de carne vie ** O Miss pentru solda?ii americani din Irak ** Miss Diaspora… uneori important poten?ial pentru spionaj ?i contraspionaj? ** Momeal? pentru pedofili ** Tita Cristescu, fost? Miss Rom?nia, ucis? cu cianur? de potasiu ** Concursurile Miss ?i reginele alese, motiv de scandal ?i crim?? ** Heather Whitestone – Miss America 1994, sub teroarea unui obsedat ** Evreica Lise Goldarbeiter – Miss Univers 1929 a supravie?uit nazismului ** C?teva regine… surpriz? **** Zsa Zsa Gabor – Miss Ungaria 1936. Nou? c?s?torii ?i scandaluri cu duiumul ** Rosemarie Frankland – Miss Univers 1961, ucis? de singur?tate? ** Imelda Marcos – Miss Leyte ?i ?Muza Manilei“ al?turi de un dictator ** Bess Myerson – Miss America 1945, de la politicieni, la mafio?i ** Plou? cu Miss-uri: Nud, Fund Mare, Jumbo ?i mai tr?snite ** Miss Penitenciar sau… Miss Pu?c?rie? ** Zig-zag ?n lumea concursurilor de frumuse?e ?i a concurentelor. Pilule dulciFiecare om, evident, are destinul s?u. Reginele au avut ?i au, ?i ele, firesc, destinul lor. Cele ?ncoronate ?i declarate ca atare datorit? frumuse?ii lor fizice ?i intelectuale sunt, de multe ori, superioare celor n?scute cu s?nge albastru, dar totodat? ele sunt expuse ?i mai mult unor pericole ce le dau t?rcoale. Tenta?iile ce apar des ?i capcanele ce li se ?ntind fostelor Miss sunt de multe ori ?irezistibile“. Din nefericire, unele tinere nu le-au sesizat la timp ?i, treptat, uneori f?r? voia lor, au c?zut ?n plasa unor servicii de spionaj sau a unor re?ele mafiote interna?ionale, implicate ?n traficul cu droguri, armament ?i fiin?e umane. Altele, ?ns?, au avut un destin ?i mai tragic, ajung?nd dup? gratii sau devenind ?inta unor asasinate care au f?cut v?lv? ?n pres?.Au fost ?ns? ?i ?Regine“ fericite. Din p?cate, pu?ine ?i pentru o perioad? scurt? de timp. Nici ?n lumea Miss-urilor n-au fost ?i nu vor fi dou? destine la fel.O carte ce cuprinde un soi de miniromane poli?iste, axate pe soarta, uneori-adeseori, dramatic? a reginelor frumuse?ii.
Ge?mi?ten Gelece?e Emirda?
Ge?mi?ten Gelece?e Emirda?
Ahmet Urfalı
Foto?raf makinesi, insan o?lunun en ?nemli icatlar?ndan biridir. Bir foto?raf, ‘’an’’ denilen k?sac?k bir zaman?n tan???d?r. Ancak onda bir tarihi yakalamak da mümkündür. Bu bak?mdan foto?raf? sadece g?rsel bir obje olarak g?rmemek gerekir. Bakmas?n? bilenler i?in foto?raf; tarih, sosyoloji, psikoloji, kültürel yap?, sosyal de?i?im… konular?n ?nemli ip u?lar? i?erir. Foto?raf; g?rüp g?sterme, ger?e?i g?rünür k?lma, ger?e?i kavratmad?r. Her foto?raf?n bir dili vard?r. O dili anlayabilenler, nice güzellikleri ke?federler. Foto?rafta sadece g?rüneni de?il, g?sterilmek isteneni de bilmek ve alg?lamak gerekir. Her foto?raf bir ‘’an’’? yakalasa da onun i?inde sakl? bir hik?ye bulunur. Foto?raf, g?rselli?iyle beraber; topluma, zamana, mekana ve bireylere ili?kin bilgi ve belgelerle doludur. Foto?raf bireylerin ve toplumun aynas?d?r. Bu albüm-kitapta siz kendinizi bulacaks?n?z. Mahalleniz, k?yünüz, hat?ralar?n?z, akraba ve dostlar?n?z burada, sizin kar??n?zda olacakt?r. Sizleri ‘’Ge?mi?ten Gelece?e Emirda? ‘’ gezintisine ??kar?yoruz. Bu albüm-kitap Emirda?’?n tarihi süre? i?inde ge?ti?i a?amalar? da yans?tarak, gelece?imize ???k tutacakt?r. Emirda?’?n sosyal de?i?imini kitapta g?rmek mümkündür Foto?raflar grupla?t?r?larak okuyucuya kolayl?k sa?lanm??t?r. Genel, askerlik, ?ar??-pazar, bayramlar, spor, e?itim, tar?m-hayvanc?l?k, otobüs?ülük, aile, k?yler, ?ehreler, g??, yayla, bina-yap?lar, milli mücadele ve yat?rlara ait foto?raflar bir araya toplanm??t?r. “Ge?mi?ten Gelece?e Emirda?”?n olu?mas?nda eme?i ge?en, katk? sa?layan tüm Emirda?’l?lara te?ekkür ederim.. ? Ak?n A?CA Emirda? Kaymakam?
?ocul crizei
?ocul crizei
Christi Aura
Inchizi?ia spaniol?, poate cea mai temut? institu?ie din istoria omenirii, a fost ?nfiin?at? ?n 1478 de Regii Catolici, Ferdinand ?i Isabella, ?i abolit? abia ?n 1834, odat? cu R?zboaiele Napoleoniene. Spre deosebire de Inchizi?ia medieval? din restul Europei, cea din Spania ?i Portugalia s-a r?sp?ndit ?n coloniile iberice din Asia, Africa ?i America de Sud, ajung?nd s? terorizeze, timp de peste trei secole, nu mai pu?in de patru continente.Care au fost ?ns? motivele ?nfiin??rii ei? De ce provoca at?ta team?? Cine erau victimele torturate ?i arse ?n autodafeuri? Toby Green readuce la via?? aceast? perioad? a istoriei cu ajutorul uria?ei arhive inchizitoriale p?strate ?i prezint? nenum?rate cazuri judecate de Sf?ntul Oficiu, de la arhiepiscopi la oameni obi?nui?i, victime inocente ale unui sistem diabolic. De?i ?nsp?im?nt?toare, aceste pove?ti sunt un exemplu al rezisten?ei spiritului uman ?n fa?a absurdului ?i a r?ului. Toby Green ne dezv?luie mecanismele prin care pot ap?rea persecu?ia ?i teroarea, dar ?i felul ?n care pot fi evitate. Inchizi?ia este un avertisment venit din trecut, o lec?ie a istoriei pentru noi to?i!
The Elements of Style (Classic Edition): With Editor's Notes and Study Guide
The Elements of Style (Classic Edition): With Editor's Notes and Study Guide
William Strunk Jr.
This Classic Edition contains the original version of "The Elements of Style" written by Cornell University English professor William Strunk Jr. Generations of college students and writers have learned the basics of grammar from this short primer over the years. It was rated "one of the 100 most influential books written in English" by Time in 2011, and iconic author Stephen King recommended it as a grammar handbook that all aspiring writers should read. Written one hundred years ago, "The Elements of Style" is a nostalgic link to a momentous time in American history that ushered in the Art Deco era and the Roaring Twenties. Many of the English grammar rules it cites are as relevant today as they were at the turn of the 20th century; but, one by one, these rules are becoming out-of-date This Classic Edition, updated as we head into 2017, is intended as a tribute to Prof. Strunk's enduring book. It follows the original version but includes these enhancements for today's readers: 1. Editorial notes have been inserted to indicate grammar rules now considered obsolete, and to provide brief insights on updated rules for present-day writers. 2. Easily recognizable symbols have been added to the grammar examples throughout the book so that readers can discern correctly written sentences from errors at a glance. 3. A Study Guide has been added at the conclusion of the book. 4. The paperback version includes blank, lined pages at the end for convenient note taking. 5. The digital version has been restyled for improved display on all modern e-book readers.
Arabian Nights
Arabian Nights
Neil Duffield
When Sheherazad is brought to the palace to be the Sultan’s new bride, her very life depends upon her skill as a storyteller. She tells him tales of lost cities and buried treasure, of slave girls and robbers, of genies in bottles and evil sorcerers. But will it be enough to save her? The stories of the Arabian Nights date back more than a thousand years and originate from Persia, India and Arabia. Neil Duffield has combined elements of many of them, keeping alive the excitement and humour to produce a show which will transport the audience into a world of myth and legend where fantasy and reality can never be separated.