

Snapchat Tips, Login, Support, Updates, Emojis, Filters, Streaks, Download App G
Snapchat Tips, Login, Support, Updates, Emojis, Filters, Streaks, Download App G
Kenneth Simpson
Snapchat Tips, Login, Support, Updates, Emojis, Filters, Streaks, Download App Guide
Blockchain Technology with DevOps and Microservices Architecture: A Non-Programm
Blockchain Technology with DevOps and Microservices Architecture: A Non-Programm
Stephen Fleming
Blockchain Technology with DevOps and Microservices Architecture: A Non-Programmer's Handbook
??letmelerde Bili?im Sistemleri Y?netimi
??letmelerde Bili?im Sistemleri Y?netimi
Ph. D Mustafa Çoruh
Bu kitap “Bili?im Teknolojileri (BT) Ekonomisi ve Toplumu” adl? ilk kitab?mda BT’lerin hayat?m?z? de?i?tirdi?i d?rt yerdeki (Evde, okulda, kentlerde ve i?yerlerinde) incelememin ü?üncüsü olan i?yerlerindeki etkileri üzerinedir. Daha ?nce “Bili?im Teknolojileri Destekli ??renim” ve “Bili?im Kentleri ?a??” adl? kitaplar?mda BT’lerin okul ve kent ya?am?ndaki etkilerini detaylar?yla inceledim. 30 y?l? a?an i? hayat?mda BT’lerin i? dünyas?n? ve y?netimini kurulan Bili?im Sistemleri (BS) vas?tas?yla nas?l de?i?tirdi?ini ya?ayarak bildi?imden bu konu i?in uzun bir ara?t?rma yapmak zorunda oldu?umu biliyordum. Di?er yandan 592 sayfay? bulan bu ara?t?rmada sayfa s?n?rlamas? amac?yla BS’lerle ilgili baz? konular? (?rne?in Toplam Kalite Y?netimi, 6 Sigma, Simülasyon, Gereksinim Y?netimi, Programlama vs.) kitap haricinde b?rakmak zorunda kald???m? da belirtmeliyim. Bu kitapta a??rl?kl? olarak BT’lerin i?letmelerdeki uygulamas? olan Bili?im Sistemlerinden bahsettim ?ünkü BT’ler BS’ler vas?tas?yla i?letmeleri ve y?netimlerini etkilemektedirler. Dünyan?n en h?zl? bilgisayar?n? veya en yeni ak?ll? telefonunu sat?n alman?z veya en h?zl? internet eri?imine sahip olman?z i?letmeye ekstra bir katk? sa?lamamaktad?r. Ne zaman ki bu ara?lar i?letme süre?lerinin otomasyonunu sa?layan BS’ler i?inde kullan?lmaya ba?lan?nca i?letme rekabet?ili?ine, kar?na veya maliyetlerinin kontrolüne bir faydas? olabilmektedir. Bu yüzden i?letme y?neticilerinin bilmesi gereken en ?nemli konu BT ara?lar?n? ve di?er yeni teknolojik ara?lar? i?letme i? süre?lerinde nas?l verimli ve etkin bir ?ekilde kullanabileceklerini bilmeleridir. Bilmiyorlarsa da bilenleri i?e almalar?d?r. En son yenilikleri kullanmak belki de firmaya zarar vermekte veya rekabet dezavantaj? olu?turmaktad?r. Bu a??dan ?ncelikle bugün BS’lerin hangi i?letme fonksiyonlar?n? nas?l etkiledi?ini ve gelecekte nas?l etkileyebilece?ini anlatmaya ?al??t?m. ?rne?in, Yapay Zek? (YZ) ve onun en ?nemli uygulamalar?ndan birisi olan Robotiklerin i? süre?leri ve i?letme y?netimlerini yak?n bir zamanda nas?l etkileyebilece?inden bahsettim. Endüstri 4.0 teknolojileriyle insan ve makinelerin birlikte nas?l verimli ve etkin bir ?ekilde ?al??malar? gerekti?i insanl???n ve i?letmelerin ?nünde duran en ?nemli konulardan birisi oldu?unu s?ylemek fazla fütüristik bir kehanet de?il. Kitapta ??letmelerde kullan?lan Bili?im Sistemleriyle ilgili temel konulara bir bütünlük i?inde bakarken kitab?n arka kapa??ndaki sorular? cevaplamaya ?al??t?m. Bili?im Sistemleri aras?ndaki ili?kileri, farkl?l?klar?n? ve birbirlerini nas?l tamamlad?klar?n? sat?r aralar?nda vermeye ?al??t?m. BS’lerle i?letme süre?lerinin nas?l bütünle?tirilece?i i?letmelerdeki en yeni y?netim sorunlar? oldu?u unutulmamal?d?r. ??letme y?neticilerinin hat?rlamas? gereken bir ?nemli konuda BS’lerin bir yaz?l?m ve de?i?im projesi olmas?d?r. Bili?im Teknolojileri ve Sistemleri okuryazarl??? i?in bilinmesi gereken baz? teknik, bilimsel ve teknolojik terimlerin k?saltmalar?n? kitapta ilk kullan?ld???nda uzun ve k?salt?lm?? yaz?l?mlar?yla birlikte kulland?m. ?rne?in Veritabanlar? (VT), Veri ??leme Sistemi (V?S), Kurumsal ?? Zek?s? (K?Z), Y?netim Bili?im Sistemi (YBS), Karar Destek Sistemi (KDS), Veri Ambar? (VA), Veri Madencili?i (VM), Kurumsal Kaynak Planlama (KKP), Mü?teri ?li?kileri Y?netimi (M?Y), Tedarik Zinciri Y?netimi (TZY), Ofis Otomasyon Sistemi (OOS) ve Bilgi Y?netimi (BY) en fazla kulland???m k?saltmalard?r. Kitap sonundaki “K?saltmalar” tablosunda tüm k?saltmalar? listelemeye ?al??t?m. Ayr?ca bir?ok terimin ?ngilizcesini de parantez i?inde vermeye ?al??t?m. ?rne?in Veritabanlar? (Database) gibi. Dilimize girmi? bir?ok yabanc? teknik terim ve kelimelerin Türk?esini kullanmaya ?zen g?sterdim ve bu yabanc? kelimeleri de parantez i?inde yazd?m. Ayr?ca BT’lerin BS’ler vas?tas?yla i?letmeler üzerindeki etkilerini incelerken, birazda üniversitelerimizde YBS b?lümlerinde okutulan BS’lerle ilgili uzmanl?k konular?n?n ?o?unu ?zetlemeye ?al??t?m. ?zellikle i? Dünyas?nda ?ok?a kullan?lan baz? konulara (V?S, YBS, KDS, VT, VA, BY, US, KKP, M?Y, Sistem yakla??m?, SGYD vs.) biraz detayl? bakmaya ?al??t?m. K?sacas? kitapta i?letmelerde Bili?im Teknolojileri ve Sistemleri denince akla gelebilecek bir?ok konuya de?inmeye ?al??t?m. Bu yüzden bu kitab?n BS alan?nda bir elkitab? veya kaynak kitap olarak dü?ünülmesinde fayda vard?r. Bu kitapta ilkokul ??retmenim Say?n ?erare ?zya?c? han?mdan, en son Doktora tez dan??man?m say?n Prof. Dr. Len Rogers’a kadar yüzlerce ki?inin eme?inin oldu?u unutulmamal?d?r. 1984’ten beri Türkiye, ABD, Kanada ve ?ngiltere de ?al??t???m veya dan??manl???n? yapt???m onlarca firma ve mü?terilerimin katk?lar?n? unutabilir miyim? Burada isim isim te?ekkür edemedi?im ancak bu kitab?n yaz?lmas?nda katk?lar? olan daha yüzlerce ki?i var, hepsine en i?ten dileklerimle te?ekkür ederim. Hayatta neyi tek ba??m?za yapabiliyoruz ki? Bu kitap 30+ y?ld?r üretim planlama ve stok kontrol müdürü, metot etüdcü, sistem analisti, programc?, VT tasar?mc?s?
Snapchat Guide For Beginners: How to Marketing & Make Money on Snapchat
Snapchat Guide For Beginners: How to Marketing & Make Money on Snapchat
Juha Öörni
Snapchat Guide For Beginners: How to Marketing & Make Money on Snapchat
150 Most Poweful Excel Shortcuts: Secrets of Saving Time with MS Excel
150 Most Poweful Excel Shortcuts: Secrets of Saving Time with MS Excel
Andrei Besedin
150 Most Poweful Excel Shortcuts: Secrets of Saving Time with MS Excel
Affiliate Marketing 2018: Beginners Guide Book to Making Money Online
Affiliate Marketing 2018: Beginners Guide Book to Making Money Online
Cynthia Lyne
Affiliate Marketing 2018: Beginners Guide Book to Making Money Online
Veritaban?: "Felsefesi, Tasar?m? ve Y?netimi": MS-Access ve SQL Server Projeleri
Veritaban?: "Felsefesi, Tasar?m? ve Y?netimi": MS-Access ve SQL Server Projeleri
Ph.D Mustafa Çoruh
“Bili?im Teknolojileri” konusunda yazd???m ü? kitaptan sonra as?l uzmanl?k alan?m olan veritabanlar? konusunda uzun y?llar ?nce yazmaya ba?lay?p bitiremedi?im daha do?rusu bas?lmayan bu kitab? güncelleyerek yeniden yazmaya karar vermek benim a??mdan yeni bir heyecan oldu. 1980’lerde COBOL ile ba?layan ve 1990’da dBase ve Informix’le devam eden veritaban? tecrübelerim, 1995 sonras? MS-Access ve SQL Server yard?m?yla geli?tirdi?im 100’e yak?n veritaban? uygulama programlar?yla devam etti. 1996’da Dallas’ta MCI Systemhouse’da FrontPage ve Access 95’le veritaban?na dayal? Intranet web siteleri geli?tiren ilk ki?ilerden birisi ben oldum. 1999’da Movo Mediya’da ilk ??p?atan web sitesi www.dating.com'un?arkas?ndaki SQL Server veritabanlar?n? tasarlayan ve y?neten ki?i de bendim. 2000 y?l?nda Aris Genesis Intermedia Inc’de web tabanl? muhasebe program?n?n arkas?ndaki SQL Server veritaban? tasar?mc?lar?ndan biriside bendim. Büyük al??veri? merkezlerinde g?rülen Kiosk’lar?n SQL Server tabanl? ilk uygulamas?n? Los Angeles’de kuran Genesis Intermedia Inc’deki tasar?mlar? yapan ki?ilerden birisi de bendim. 2001’de Los Angeles’de SQL Server ve ASP 3.0’la Citibank’ta kredi kartlar?yla ilgili projenin mimarlar?ndan biriside bendim. K?sacas? Veritabanlar?n?n Web’de kullan?lmas?nda ilk ?al??an ve tasarlayanlardan birisi oldu?umu s?ylemeliyim. 1995-2000 y?llar? aras?nda ya?anan ve dot com bom olarak bilinen metaforun i?inde bir fiil ?al??an ve yarat?c?lar?ndan birisiydim. Veritabanlar?n?n Internet’e ba?lanmas? i?in geli?tirilen ilk projelerinde uzun y?llar Kalifornya, New York ve Colorado firmalar?nda ?al??t?m ve dan??manl?k yapt?m. Bu tecrübelerim s?ras?nda ??rendi?im en ?nemli ?ey; tek bir konuda uzman olmak gerekti?idir. Ben Ms-Access ve SQL Server veritabanlar? tasar?m?nda uzmanla?t?m. Bir?ok teklif olmas?na ra?men Oracle, DB2, Aproach, File Maker gibi veritabanlar? tasar?mlar?yla ilgilenmedim ?ünkü her biri ayr? bir uzmanl?k isteyen veritaban? yaz?l?mlar?d?r. Bu a??dan ?zellikle Bili?im sekt?ründe ?al??anlara verebilece?im en ?nemli tavsiye tek bir konuda hatta tek bir programda uzmanla?malar?d?r. Kitapta Veritabanlar? tasar?m?n? Access ve SQL Server projeleri üzerinden anlatmaya ?al??t?m. University of Phoenix’de verdi?im Veritabanlar? ve Veri Ambarlar? ders notlar?m bu kitab?n omurgas?n? olu?turmaktad?r. Veritabanlar?yla ilgili kavramlar?, felsefesini, tasar?m?n? ve birazda y?netimini detaylar?yla anlatmaya ?al??t?m. Umut ediyorum ki yeni Veritaban? tasar?mc?lar? ve y?neticilerine burada payla?t???m enformasyon faydal? olur. 30 y?ll?k Bili?im Teknolojileri ve ?zellikle veritaban? alan?ndaki tecrübelerimin bir?o?unu bu kitapta okuyucularla payla?maya ?al??t?m. Daha ?nceki kitaplar?mda da vurgulad???m gibi bu kitapta da ilkokul ??retmenim Say?n ?erare ?zya?c? han?mdan, en son Doktora tez dan??man?m Say?n Prof. Dr. Len Rogers’a kadar yüzlerce ki?inin eme?inin oldu?u unutulmamal?d?r. 1984’ten beri Türkiye, ABD, Kanada ve ?ngiltere de ?al??t???m veya dan??manl???n? yapt???m onlarca firma ve mü?terilerimin katk?lar?n? unutabilir miyim? Di?er kitaplarda oldu?u gibi bu kitab?n yaz?lmas?nda bana katlanan e?im Meliha ?oruh’a ve o?lum Bu?ra’ya da en ba?tan te?ekkür etmeliyim. Burada isim isim te?ekkür edemedi?im ancak bu kitab?n yaz?lmas?nda katk?lar? olan daha yüzlerce ki?i var, hepsine en i?ten dileklerimle te?ekkür ediyorum. Elinizde tuttu?unuz bu kitap 30 y?ld?r Bili?im Teknolojileri alan?nda yapt???m ??retim, ?al??ma ve tecrübelerin veritabanlar? alan?nda kay?t alt?na al?nm?? bir ?zetidir. Tabii ki kitab?n hatalar? ve eksikleri vard?r ve bunlar tamamen bana aittir. Kitapta Veritabanlar? denince akla gelebilecek bir?ok konuya de?inmeye ?al??t?m. Kitapta teori ile uygulamay? birlikte harmanlamaya ?al??t?m. Bu yüzden bu kitab?n bir elkitab? veya kaynak kitap olarak dü?ünülmesinde fayda vard?r. ? Mustafa ?oruh Kdz. Ere?li, Mart 2017
DevOps:Introduction to DevOps and its impact on Business Ecosystem
DevOps:Introduction to DevOps and its impact on Business Ecosystem
Stephen Fleming
“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”-?Charles Darwin As the industry is moving towards maximum digitization there is a consensus that DevOps practices help you deliver software faster, more reliable, and with fewer errors. DevOps is set of practices and cultural values that have been proven to help organizations of all sizes improve their software release cycles, software quality, security, and ability to get rapid feedback on product development. This book is aimed at Consultant, Project Manager and people from techno-commercial profiles who would be explaining the benefits of DevOps to the client, internal leadership or project teams. As the crux of DevOps methodology lies in the cultural transformation of the organization, people who are stakeholders in shaping this change must understand the overall alignment of business goals with this methodology. You would get to explore: ·What is DevOps·Relationship between Agile, Scrum, Kanban and DevOps·DevOps Adoption:? Organizational cultural Change·DevOps Ecosystem·Emerging Trends·DevOps success stories In the Bonus Booklet you will find out: ·DevOps Job Market overview·Insights into DevOps job application·People to follow on twitter “Grab your copy today along with Bonus DevOps Booklet”
Mastering JavaScript Single Page Application Development
Mastering JavaScript Single Page Application Development
Philip Klauzinski, John Moore
An in-depth guide to exploring the design, architecture, and techniques behind building sophisticated, scalable, and maintainable single-page applications in JavaScriptAbout This Book·Build large-scale, feature-complete SPAs by leveraging widely used tools and techniques.·Gain a solid understanding of architecture and SPA design to build applications using the library or framework of your choice.·Explore the various facets of SPA development to build web apps that are fast, scalable, and easy to test.Who This Book Is ForThis book is ideal for JavaScript developers who want to build complex single-page applications in JavaScript. Some basic understanding of SPA concepts will be helpful but not essential.What You Will Learn·Organize your development environment using the command line with NPM, Bower, and Grunt.·Choose an accurate design pattern for your app·Understand modular JavaScript programming and Node.js·Interact with a REST API using JavaScript and AJAX with practical examples·Build a single page application using the MEAN stack·Connect your app across popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn·Test your app, both on the server side and in views·Prepare your app for the real world and deploy it to HerokuIn DetailSingle-page web applications—or SPAs, as they are commonly referred to—are quickly becoming the de facto standard for web app development. The fact that a major part of the app runs inside a single web page makes it very interesting and appealing. Also, the accelerated growth of browser capabilities is pushing us closer to the day when all apps will run entirely in the browser.This book will take your JavaScript development skills to the next level by teaching you to create a single-page application within a full-stack JavaScript environment. Using only JavaScript, you can go from being a front-end developer to a full-stack application developer with relative ease.You will learn to cross the boundary from front-end development to server-side development through the use of JavaScript on both ends. Use your existing knowledge of JavaScript by learning to manage a JSON document data store with MongoDB, writing a JavaScript powered REST API with Node.js and Express, and designing a front-end powered by AngularJS.This book will teach you to leverage the MEAN stack to do everything from document database design, routing REST web API requests, data-binding within views, and adding authentication and security to building a full-fledged, complex, single-page web application.In addition to building a full-stack JavaScript app, you will learn to test it with JavaScript-powered testing tools such as Mocha, Karma, and Jasmine. Finally, you will learn about deployment and scaling so that you can launch your own apps into the real world.Style and approachFollowing a structured approach, this book helps readers gain expertise in SPA development. Its thorough coverage of SPA architecture and design, along with practical use cases, provides readers with a clear path to building applications with the library of their choice. For readers who are afraid to take the plunge straightaway, the book also offers step-by-step guidance on developing a complex web app.
React 16 Essentials - Second Edition
React 16 Essentials - Second Edition
Artemij Fedosejev, Adam Boduch
Everything you need to start working with React 16 and assess React FiberAbout This Book·Hands-on examples and tutorials for the latest React 16 release·Assess the impact of React Fiber for your future web development·Build maintainable and high performance React 16 web applicationsWho This Book Is ForIf you're a frontend developer with some knowledge of native JavaScript development and frontend frameworks, wishing to learn the fastest web user interface library there is, then this book is ideal for you.What You Will Learn·Learn to code React 16 with hands-on examples and clear tutorials·Install powerful React 16 tools to make development much more efficient·Understand the impact of React Fiber today and the future of your web development·Utilize the Redux application architecture with your React components·Create React 16 elements with properties and children·Get started with stateless and stateful React components·Use JSX to speed up your React 16 development process·Add reactivity to your React 16 components with lifecycle methods·Test your React 16 components with the Jest test frameworkIn DetailReact 16 Essentials, Second Edition, fully updated for React 16, takes you on a fast-paced journey through building your own maintainable React 16 applications. React experts Artemij Fedosejev and Adam Boduch give you all the essentials you need to know and start working with React 16, in this new edition of the best-selling React.js Essentials title. You'll find the latest React 16 code updates, assessment of React Fiber, new coverage of Redux, and how to work as a modern React developer.The authors offer you their current assessment of React Fiber, and you'll soon be exploring React 16 hands on, creating your own single and multiple user interface elements with React 16. You'll then see how to create stateless and stateful components and make them reactive. You'll also learn to interact between your components and lifecycle methods, and gauge how to effectively integrate your user interface components with other JavaScript libraries. Delve deep into the core elements of the Redux architecture and learn how to manage your application and data persistence. Then go the extra mile with the Jest test framework, and run multiple tests on your applications and find solutions to scale without complexity.Today React is used by Facebook, Instagram, Khan Academy, and Imperial College London, to name a few. Many new users recognize the benefits of React and adopt it in their own projects, forming a fast-growing community. The speed at which React has evolved promises a bright future for anyone who invests in learning it today. Let Artemij and Adam bring you a brand new look at React 16 and React Fiber, and move your web development into the future.Style and approachReact 16 Essentials, Second Edition, will take you on a fast-paced, hands-on journey through building your own maintainable React 16 applications.
Javascript: Javascript Programming For Absolute Beginners
Javascript: Javascript Programming For Absolute Beginners
William Sullivan
☆★☆ Javascript: Javascript Programming For Absolute Beginners☆★☆ The best starter guide for javascript!The fundamentals of javascript are often missed, however, this book's primary focus and emphasis is learning the essentials and to build from the ground up.? What You'lll Learn The history of JavaScript and its uses Setting Up Your Environment The Vital Basics of HTML and CSS Statements, Comments & Variables How to properly use jQuery String Operators JavaScript Array Methods Loops and Iteration How To Use Functions And much, much more! ? Within this book you will learn various mechanisms of javascript programming: variables, conditional statements, and why learning these core principles lead to success.Once you gain knowledge of the fundamental building blocks of javascript you will gain confidence to tackle more complex topics down the road.Programming books can easily retail for 100s of dollars, why not start with an expert you can trust and for an affordable price?The immense value of this book cannot be understated, and this is a once in a life time opportunity for you to take advantage of and invest in yourself by empowering yourself with the right tools and knowledge for success.What are you waiting for?Includes: 21 practice questions! Note* For best visual experience of diagrams it is highly recommend you purchases the paperback version for best image quality.☆★☆ Grab your copy now!☆★☆
Learn Python in One Hour:Programming by Example
Learn Python in One Hour:Programming by Example
Victor R. Volkman
You're already a smart person, you don't need a 1000+ page book to get you started on the web's fastest growing programming platform. Instead, Learn Python in One Hour delivers on the promise of code literacy while saving your most precious commodity - time itself. Volkman's innovative programming-by-example approach means you focus on usage, not mindless detail. Based on the author's sold-out live seminars, you'll see Python's flexible coding technique in action as we refactor from script to procedural to object-oriented during actual problem solving. In a seven-lesson progression, you'll be exposed to this and more: Basic file input and output operations Exception handling with try/except Using functions to compute and return multiple values Basic elements of a class definition and how to call methods Lists, dictionaries, sets, and other collections Iteration through collections, files, sorted sets Converting lists to strings and vice-versa Six most common Python pitfalls Take the One Hour challenge and see if you too can pick up 90% of syntax and semantics in less time than you probably spend commuting each day.About the Author Victor R. Volkman graduated cum laude from Michigan Technological University with a BS in Computer Science in 1986. Since then, he has written for numerous publications, including The C Gazette, C++ Users Journal, Windows Developers Journal, and many others. He has taught college-level programming courses at Washtenaw Community College and has served on its Computer Information Science (CIS) Faculty Advisory Board for more than a decade. Volkman says Python helped him "rediscover the joy of programming again." www.volkman.org From Modern Software Press
Inside the Box: An Introduction to ePub, HTML & CSS for the Independent Author/P
Inside the Box: An Introduction to ePub, HTML & CSS for the Independent Author/P
David Kudler
An ebook is just a website in a boxBut what’s inside the box?In this clear, concise guide, ebook designer and indie author David Kudler folds back the lid of ePub, the universal ebook format. He introduces you to the nuts and bolts that make an ebook work. Includes overviews of the ePub format and internal structure as well as basic guides to the HTML and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) that you need to know to make your ebooks look professional.(Self-Publishing & Ebook Creation)David Kudler is an independent publisher and author. He has been designing ebooks since 2010. He blogs about ebook creation, publishing, and marketing on Huffington Post, Stillpoint Digital Press, and The Book Designer.
Secrets Every Author Should Know: Indie Publishing Basics
Secrets Every Author Should Know: Indie Publishing Basics
Maggie McVay Lynch
Frustrated with the plethora of conflicting information on how to self-publish? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to sit down with someone who has already made the mistakes, done the analysis, and will provide you the short cuts—the secrets about the things that work? Now you have that chance with the Career Author Secrets series.Indie Publishing (Self Publishing) has changed dramatically in the past five years. There are now new, easier tools to use for every part of the process—editing, formatting, distribution, sales, and analysis. This first book in the Career Author Secrets series provides a foundation for navigating the indie publishing process and staying away from the scammers. It breaks down the requirements for self-publishing successfully, protecting your rights for the future, and YES I do share all the secrets I’ve learned. It contains everything a DIY author needs to get her book from manuscript to professional publication in both ebook and print, including: Why books don’t sell Options for DIY or contracting professionals The truth about ISBNs & Copyright Registration Secrets for formatting your book the easy way Creating book covers that sell Making decisions about distribution This book is especially valuable for those with limited technical skills who want to produce a quality professional book for the least amount of cost. Learn the secrets to easier implementation and how to make good decisions on what is worth your time and money.
The Monster Trilogy
The Monster Trilogy
Brian Aldiss
Dracula Unbound, Frankenstein Unbound and Moreau’s Other Island all together in one eBook. All of Aliss’ Monster Trilogy in one place. Moreau’s Other Island Welcome to Dr Moreau’s other island. Place of untold horros. Home of the Beast Men… Available for the first time in eBook. He stands very tall, long prosthetic limbs glistening in the harsh sun, withered body swaying, carbine and whip clasped in artificial hands. Man-beasts cower on the sand as he brandishes his gun in the air. He is Dr Moreau, ruler of the fabulous, grotesque island, where humans are as brutes and brutes as humans, where the future of the entire human race is being reprogrammed. The place of untold horrors. The place of the New Man. Frankenstein Unbound When Joe Bodenland is suddenly transported back in time to the year 1816, his first reaction is of eager curiosity rather than distress… This is Aldiss’ response to Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, available for the first time in eBook. When Joe Bodenland is suddenly transported back in time to the year 1816, his first reaction is of eager curiosity rather than distress. Certainly the Switzerland in which he finds himself, with its charming country inns, breathtaking landscapes and gentle, unmechanised pace of life, is infinitely preferable to the America of 2020 where the games of politicians threaten total annihilation. But after meeting the brooding young Victor Frankenstein, Joe realises that this world is more complex than the one he left behind. Is Frankenstein real, or are both Joe and he living out fictional lives? Dracula Unbound A dramatic reworking of the vampire myth in a way that only Brian Aldiss can… Available for the first time in eBook. When Bram Stoker was writing his famous novel, Dracula, at the end of the 19th century he received a visitor named Joe Bodenland. While the real Count Dracula came from the distant past, Joe arrived from Stoker’s future – on a desperate mission to save humanity from the undead.
Frankenstein Unbound (The Monster Trilogy)
Frankenstein Unbound (The Monster Trilogy)
Brian Aldiss
When Joe Bodenland is suddenly transported back in time to the year 1816, his first reaction is of eager curiosity rather than distress… This is Aldiss’ response to Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, available for the first time in eBook. When Joe Bodenland is suddenly transported back in time to the year 1816, his first reaction is of eager curiosity rather than distress. Certainly the Switzerland in which he finds himself, with its charming country inns, breathtaking landscapes and gentle, unmechanised pace of life, is infinitely preferable to the America of 2020 where the games of politicians threaten total annihilation. But after meeting the brooding young Victor Frankenstein, Joe realises that this world is more complex than the one he left behind. Is Frankenstein real, or are both Joe and he living out fictional lives? BRIAN SAYS: Developed as a tribute to Mary Shelley’s work, following the writing of Billion Year Spree, with its proposal, since widely adopted, that Frankenstein is the first seminal work to which the label “SF” can be logically attached. Frankenstein makes a female monster to accompany the male; Bodenland, lost from our time, hunts down first Frankenstein and then the monsters, becoming monstrous himself in the process.
3D Game Design with Unreal Engine 4 and Blender
3D Game Design with Unreal Engine 4 and Blender
Justin Plowman
Combine the powerful UE4 with Blender to create visually appealing and comprehensive game environments About This Book The only resource that shows how you can incorporate Blender into your Unreal Engine 4 Game environment Create amazing 3D game environments by leveraging the power of Blender and Unreal Engine 4 Practical step-by-step approach with plenty of illustrative examples to get you started immediately Who This Book Is For This book would be ideal for 3D artists and game designers who want to create amazing 3D game environments and leverage the power of Blender with Unreal Engine 4. 3D design basics would be necessary to get the most out of this book. Some previous experience with Blender would be helpful but not essential What You Will Learn Create a fully functioning game level of your own design using Blender and Unreal Engine 4 Customize your level with detailed 3D assets created with Blender Import assets into Unreal Engine 4 to create an amazing finished product Build a detailed dynamic environment with goals and an ending Explore Blender’s incredible animation tools to animate elements of your game Create great environments using sound effects, particle effects, and class blueprints In Detail Unreal Engine 4 now has support for Blender, which was not available in earlier versions. This has opened up new possibilities and that is where this book comes in. This is the first book in the market combining these two powerful game and graphic engines. Readers will build an amazing high-level game environment with UE4 and will show them how to use the power of Blender 3D to create stunning animations and 3D effects for their game. This book will start with creating levels, 3D assets for the game, game progression, light and environment control, animation, and so on. Then it will teach readers to add amazing visual effects to their game by applying rendering, lighting, rigging, and compositing techniques in Blender. Finally, readers will learn how to smoothly transfer blender files to UE4 and animate the game assets. Each chapter will add complexities to the game environment. Style and approach This will have a clear, step-by-step approach to creating game assets in Blender and then importing them to UE4 to create stunning game environments. All asset creation techniques are explained in detail along with tips on how to use them to create your own game environments. The book offers end-to-end coverage of how to design a game level from scratch.
Getting Started with Microsoft System Center Operations Manager
Getting Started with Microsoft System Center Operations Manager
Kevin Greene
A beginner's guide to help you design, deploy and administer your System Center Operations Manager 2016 and 2012 R2 environments About This Book Discover how to monitor complex IT environments with System Center Operations Manager using tips, tricks and best practice recommendations from industry experts. Learn how to create eye-catching dashboards and reports to help deliver a tangible return on investment back to your organization. Optimize, troubleshoot and perform disaster recovery in Operations Manager using step by step examples based on real-world scenarios. Who This Book Is For The target audience for this book is the IT Pro or System Administrator who wants to deploy and use System Center Operations Manager but has no previous knowledge of the product. As a ‘Getting Started’ book, our primary objective is to equip you with the knowledge you need to feel comfortable when working with common monitoring scenarios in OpsMgr. With this in mind, deep-diving into less-common OpsMgr features such as Audit Collection Services (ACS), Agentless Exception Monitoring (AEM) and Application Performance Monitoring (APM) has been intentionally omitted. What You Will Learn Install a new System Center 2016 Operations Manager Management Group Design and provision custom views to relevant support teams. Understand how to deploy agents Work with management packs Monitor network devices Model your IT services with distributed applications Create dashboards and custom visualizations Tune, optimize, maintain and troubleshoot System Center Operations Manager In Detail Most modern IT environments comprise a heterogeneous mixture of servers, network devices, virtual hypervisors, storage solutions, cross-platform operating systems and applications. All this complexity brings a requirement to deliver a centralized monitoring and reporting solution that can help IT administrators quickly identify where the problems are and how best to resolve them. Using System Center Operations Manager (OpsMgr), administrators get a full monitoring overview of the IT services they have responsibility for across the organization - along with some useful management capabilities to help them remediate any issues they've been alerted to. This book begins with an introduction to OpsMgr and its core concepts and then walks you through designing and deploying the various roles. After a chapter on exploring the consoles, you will learn how to deploy agents, work with management packs, configure network monitoring and model your IT services using distributed applications. There’s a chapter dedicated to alert tuning and another that demonstrates how to visualize your IT using dashboards. The final chapters in the book discuss how to create alert sub*ions, manage reports, backup and recover OpsMgr, perform maintenance and troubleshoot common problems. Style and approach A beginner’s guide that focuses on providing the practical skills required to effectively deploy and administer OpsMgr with walkthrough examples and tips on all the key concepts.
Asynchronous Android Programming - Second Edition
Asynchronous Android Programming - Second Edition
Helder Vasconcelos
Unlock the power of multi-core mobile devices to build responsive and reactive Android applications About This Book Construct scalable and performant applications to take advantage of multi-thread asynchronous techniques Explore the high-level Android asynchronous constructs available on the Android SDK Choose the most appropriate asynchronous technique to implement your next outstanding feature Who This Book Is For This book is for Android developers who want to learn how to build multithreaded and reliable Android applications using high-level and advanced asynchronous techniques and concepts. No prior knowledge of concurrent and asynchronous programming is required. This book will also be great for Java experts who are new to Android. Whether you are a beginner at Android development or a seasoned Android programmer, this book will guide you through the most basic and advanced asynchronous constructs used in Android programming. What You Will Learn Get familiar with the android process model and low-level concurrent constructs delivered by the Android SDK Use AsyncTask and loader framework to load data in the background, delivering progress results in the meantime Create services that interact with your activity without compromising the UI rendering Learn the working of Android concurrency on the Native Layer Interact with nearby devices over Bluetooth and WiFi communications channels Create and compose tasks with RxJava to execute complex asynchronous work in a predictable way Get accustomed to the use of the Android Loader construct to deliver up-to-date results In Detail Asynchronous programming has acquired immense importance in Android programming, especially when we want to make use of the number of independent processing units (cores) available on the most recent Android devices. With this guide in your hands you’ll be able to bring the power of Asynchronous programming to your own projects, and make your Android apps more powerful than ever before! To start with, we will discuss the details of the Android Process model and the Java Low Level Concurrent Framework, delivered by Android SDK. We will also guide you through the high-level Android-specific constructs available on the SDK: Handler, AsyncTask, and Loader. Next, we will discuss the creation of IntentServices, Bound Services and External Services, which can run in the background even when the user is not interacting with it. You will also discover AlarmManager and JobScheduler APIs, which are used to schedule and defer work without sacrificing the battery life. In a more advanced phase, you will create background tasks that are able to execute CPU-intensive tasks in a native code-making use of the Android NDK. You will be then guided through the process of interacting with remote services asynchronously using the HTTP protocol or Google GCM Platform. Using the EventBus library, we will also show how to use the Publish-Subscribe software pattern to simplify communication between the different Android application components by decoupling the event producer from event consumer. Finally, we will introduce RxJava, a popular asynchronous Java framework used to compose work in a concise and reactive way. Asynchronous Android will help you to build well-behaved applications with smooth responsive user interfaces that delight the users with speedy results and data that’s always fresh. Style and approach This easy-to-follow guide is full of code examples of real-world use cases. Each asynchronous topic is explained sequentially, from the most basic and low-level to the more advanced, using concise and effective language. Some lifecycle flows and concepts feature illustrations to help you understand the complex interactions between Android entities.
R for Data Science Cookbook
R for Data Science Cookbook
Yu-Wei, Chiu (David Chiu)
Over 100 hands-on recipes to effectively solve real-world data problems using the most popular R packages and techniques About This Book Gain insight into how data scientists collect, process, analyze, and visualize data using some of the most popular R packages Understand how to apply useful data analysis techniques in R for real-world applications An easy-to-follow guide to make the life of data scientist easier with the problems faced while performing data analysis Who This Book Is For This book is for those who are already familiar with the basic operation of R, but want to learn how to efficiently and effectively analyze real-world data problems using practical R packages. What You Will Learn Get to know the functional characteristics of R language Extract, transform, and load data from heterogeneous sources Understand how easily R can confront probability and statistics problems Get simple R instructions to quickly organize and manipulate large datasets Create professional data visualizations and interactive reports Predict user purchase behavior by adopting a classification approach Implement data mining techniques to discover items that are frequently purchased together Group similar text documents by using various clustering methods In Detail This cookbook offers a range of data analysis samples in simple and straightforward R code, providing step-by-step resources and time-saving methods to help you solve data problems efficiently. The first section deals with how to create R functions to avoid the unnecessary duplication of code. You will learn how to prepare, process, and perform sophisticated ETL for heterogeneous data sources with R packages. An example of data manipulation is provided, illustrating how to use the “dplyr” and “data.table” packages to efficiently process larger data structures. We also focus on “ggplot2” and show you how to create advanced figures for data exploration. In addition, you will learn how to build an interactive report using the “ggvis” package. Later chapters offer insight into time series analysis on financial data, while there is detailed information on the hot topic of machine learning, including data classification, regression, clustering, association rule mining, and dimension reduction. By the end of this book, you will understand how to resolve issues and will be able to comfortably offer solutions to problems encountered while performing data analysis. Style and approach This easy-to-follow guide is full of hands-on examples of data analysis with R. Each topic is fully explained beginning with the core concept, followed by step-by-step practical examples, and concluding with detailed explanations of each concept used.
Large Scale Machine Learning with Python
Large Scale Machine Learning with Python
Bastiaan Sjardin,Luca Massaron,Alberto Boschetti
Learn to build powerful machine learning models quickly and deploy large-scale predictive applications About This Book Design, engineer and deploy scalable machine learning solutions with the power of Python Take command of Hadoop and Spark with Python for effective machine learning on a map reduce framework Build state-of-the-art models and develop personalized recommendations to perform machine learning at scale Who This Book Is For This book is for anyone who intends to work with large and complex data sets. Familiarity with basic Python and machine learning concepts is recommended. Working knowledge in statistics and computational mathematics would also be helpful. What You Will Learn Apply the most scalable machine learning algorithms Work with modern state-of-the-art large-scale machine learning techniques Increase predictive accuracy with deep learning and scalable data-handling techniques Improve your work by combining the MapReduce framework with Spark Build powerful ensembles at scale Use data streams to train linear and non-linear predictive models from extremely large datasets using a single machine In Detail Large Python machine learning projects involve new problems associated with specialized machine learning architectures and designs that many data scientists have yet to tackle. But finding algorithms and designing and building platforms that deal with large sets of data is a growing need. Data scientists have to manage and maintain increasingly complex data projects, and with the rise of big data comes an increasing demand for computational and algorithmic efficiency. Large Scale Machine Learning with Python uncovers a new wave of machine learning algorithms that meet scalability demands together with a high predictive accuracy. Dive into scalable machine learning and the three forms of scalability. Speed up algorithms that can be used on a desktop computer with tips on parallelization and memory allocation. Get to grips with new algorithms that are specifically designed for large projects and can handle bigger files, and learn about machine learning in big data environments. We will also cover the most effective machine learning techniques on a map reduce framework in Hadoop and Spark in Python. Style and approach This efficient and practical title is stuffed full of the techniques, tips and tools you need to ensure your large scale Python machine learning runs swiftly and seamlessly. Large-scale machine learning tackles a different issue to what is currently on the market. Those working with Hadoop clusters and in data intensive environments can now learn effective ways of building powerful machine learning models from prototype to production. This book is written in a style that programmers from other languages (R, Julia, Java, Matlab) can follow.