

Lotus Lake, Dragon Pool: More Encounters in Yoga And Zen
Lotus Lake, Dragon Pool: More Encounters in Yoga And Zen
Trevor Leggett
Collected by the author over many years, these stories from the Yoga and Zen traditions are the flint and steel that strike a spark that lights up the mind with insights that one should ponder daily to bring to light ever deeper meaning. They may be similar in intent to Zen Koans – but they are rather different in content. In many Zen Koans someone says or does something extraordinarily inappropriate, which catches your attention just because it’s extraordinary –but afterwards the light from them has to be applied to daily life. In contrast, the stories here are often ordinary incidents from ordinary lives (not that there aren’t some extraordinary ones too!) that nevertheless open the mind’s eye to the vast potential for realization and inspiration to be found in daily life. The pictures featured throughout this book were brushed by Jacques Allais in the Suiboku style, in which he was an acknowledged expert. The innate beauty of this ancient monochrome ink-painting technique lies in its subtlety of expression, in which infinitely more is suggested than is drawn on the page – making it the perfect vehicle for focusing meditation practice as well as an ideal complement to the stories in this book.
Being Called to Change
Being Called to Change
Dale Halaway
Being Called to Change is the first book in The Transformation Trilogy. This book is to help you understand the nature of change, how to recognize when it's knocking on your door, and then embrace change in your life. To embrace change effectively, and with minimal stress, Being Called to Change lays the groundwork for making lasting, massive changes that stick. Dale helps you understand how to relax more, calm down more and let go of the idea that you need to be in control of everything going on in life. In such a fashion Being Called to Change empowers you to make lasting changes from a place of grounded clarity and understanding. You will unlock the power within yourself to make positive beneficial changes in your life, business and relationships, while reducing the levels of stress that you experience day-to-day.
Love Is ...: "10 Rules of the Love"
Love Is ...: "10 Rules of the Love"
Oksana Esina
Everyone in life is gonna hurt you,?You just have to figure out which people are worth the pain.?- Erica Baican??She Walks In Beauty like the night (Lord Byron)??Everybody is looking for someone they belong to. Everybody is looking for the sense of their lives. But whatever you do, nothing makes sense without love in your heart.?So, the question is "What can love do?"?Love helps to live and to survive in the hardest moments of our lives.?Love inspires you.??Love awakes good feelings in your soul. The feeling of flying in the sky...The feeling of growing wings... The feeling of real living, not existing...?Love brings harmony in your heart.?Love is belief.??Love is warmth. Warmth, which can protect you from all your fears.?Love is caring. Caring for every living being around you.?Love is giving. Giving everything you have, your joy and your sorrow, your heart and your soul, your love and your mind, offering a helping hand in hard moments to the person you love...?Love is pain. Pain that hurts you & inspires you at the same time...?Love is peace. Peace in your heart, in your mind, in your life.?Love is charity...?Love is romance. Romantic ideas, romantic acting...??And Love is the best feeling in the world. Love makes the world go round. It is the greatest mystery of all times. If you ask someone What is love?, He or she will hardly find enough words to express its meaning. Love can be different. There is love for parents, love for children, love for animals, love for friends; first love, love for husband or wife, boyfriend or girlfriend. ??When you love someone or something, your heart and soul become warmer and kinder. People, who carry love in their hearts, are always happy and in good mood. Love helps to live and survive in the hardest moments of our lives. Almost all feelings in the world have some advantages or disadvantages.??However, love has only advantages.?It brings harmony and peace. About Author: Was born in city of Kharkov in Ukraine. She graduated from the National Law Academy of Ukraine named after Yaroslav Wise, speciality "Jurisprudence" with the red diploma. Wrote 5 scientific papers at the chair of financial law, National Law Academy of Ukraine named after Yaroslav the Wise. Occupation legal science had a great influence on my literary career and enriched me with your knowledge, who were guides in life. Successfully made a career – head of the legal Department at the tax office. Happily married (with “Murat UKRAY” who CEO of “CHEAPEST BOOKs”). ?Literary works: The book is about female destination: “Next stop, Married. Let's go, girls, go!” (Следующая Остановка) Publication in Russian language in July 2016
The Human Machine
The Human Machine
Arnold Bennett
In a characteristic for Arnold Bennett humorous style he takes us through ideas and techniques of staying sane and mindful. The book is about an idea which can transform a human mind leading to a more meaningful, mindful life.
Feng Shui Made Simple - The Beginner’s Guide to Feng Shui for Wealth, Health and
Feng Shui Made Simple - The Beginner’s Guide to Feng Shui for Wealth, Health and
Sabrina Godwin
Feng Shui Made Simple' is the perfect starting point for anyone interested in this ancient practice. The practice of Feng Shui brings a positive balance of energy to your home and your life.Sabrina Godwin takes you through all of the basics like: An introduction to Feng Shui,Yin and Yang,The Five Elements and what they mean,The Bagua,Feng Shui'ing your bedroom, kitchen, and every other room in your houseIt's all here!Grab your copy today and learn how to?naturally attract wealth,?improve your relationships and your health,?increase creativity and knowledge, and?even advance your career!?? Scroll up and click the 'Buy Now' button to start learning how to bring a positive balance of energy to all aspects of your life!
Drug of Choice
Drug of Choice
Mark Van Stratum
If a millionaire told you that he found success after being hit by a train, going to prison, dealing drugs and forgetting friends… would you follow his footsteps? Mark is a successful affiliate marketer with several businesses boasting millions of dollars in profit. He has created a fulfilling life, which he shares with his beautiful fiancé and a world-wide circle of friends.?But his inspiring life of today grew out of a dark and dangerous past.In this gripping tale,?van Stratum brings a once-in-a-lifetime read of his experience growing up with one arm in a small town where he developed a savage temper and a criminal mindset. After a violent robbery by rival drug dealers he had a flash of insight that his life must change, or it would quickly end.After moving to a new country without telling a soul, Mark penetrates the secret world of pick-up artists and learns an incredible skill set that enables him to get the most desired women on the planet. In?Drug of Choice,?Mark offers insightful lessons about the power of choices to change your business, relationships, and life.Drug of Choice:?The Inspiring True Story of the One-Armed Criminal Who Mastered Love and Made Millions?will make you believe again that it is never too late to change.
Empath Highly Sensitive People's Guide
Empath Highly Sensitive People's Guide
Jason Gale
Empath Highly Sensitive People's Guide Understand Your Gift: Empath Highly Sensitive People's Guide? ?Understand Your Gift: ?Are you a highly sensitive individual? ?Than this guide is for you and will give you an in depth understanding of how to function as an Empath navigating yourself in this turbulent world. Master your emotions in 5 simple steps! Do you ever feel overwhelmed by your emotions? This guide will empower you and assist you into having full control of your dynamic emotions in just 5 ?easy to use steps. What you'll Learn? Understanding Empaths & Empathy ?Challenges & Solutions Techniques & Emotional Management ?Theories ?Traits Of An Empath How To Control & Learn Empaths' Abilities ? Living Life Like An Empath Mastering Your Emotions In 5 Simple Steps! ?BONUS Chapters ?And, much,much more!? ?Take this opportunity to have empowering information at your finger tips that will benefit your personal life. Over 120+ pages of valuable content! ? What are you waiting for? Change your life forever! ?Grab your copy now!?
The Complete Commentary by ?a?kara on the Yoga Sūtra-s
The Complete Commentary by ?a?kara on the Yoga Sūtra-s
Trevor Leggett
The text translated here is an historical find: an unknown commentary on the Yoga Sutra-s of Patanjali by Sankara, the most eminent philosopher of ancient India. Present Indications are that it is likely to be authentic, which would date it about AD700. The many references to meditation in his accepted works have sometimes been regarded as concessions to accepted ideas of the time , and not really his own views. If he has chosen to write a commentary on Yoga meditation, it must have been a central part of his own standpoint, although he was opposed to some of the philosophical doctrines of the official Yoga school. One would expect a tendency to modify these unacceptable doctrines if this text is really by Sankara. This turns out to be the case'.? T.P.Leggett - Introduction for the general reader -?1990 '.....Leggett's translation of the Vivarana did not receive the attention it deserved when it first came out. Some of the points that he raised are well worth consideration in the context of the authorship problem, and his contribution to the debate should be recognised..... Dr Kengo Harimoto in his Foreword to the e-book edition -?2017 'When enthusiasm flags, read sutras 11.15 - 17; look around you and see how anxiety, pain and death are rushing towards us like an express train. Yoga is a way to escape them'. T.P.Leggett - How to use this book for Yoga Practice - 1990 Excerpts from 'The Complete Commentary by Sankara on the Yoga Sutra-s' by Trevor Leggett
Pendule et magnétisme: 2 guides en 1
Pendule et magnétisme: 2 guides en 1
Christian Cambois Bonnemaison
Ce livre n'est pas un nouvel ouvrage de l'auteur. Il regroupe et réunit ses deux guides pratiques, actualisés, sur la mise en ?uvre du magnétisme curatif et l'usage du pendule, publiés séparément en juin 2015 (Magnétiser, un acte d'amour) et en décembre 2016 (Le pendule, un fil de l'?me).??L'auteur s'est initié seul à ces deux méthodes qu'il utilise conjointement. Le pendule intervient comme un assistant, un "conseiller" sur la zone de souffrance à traiter et le geste à faire.
Omul ultra. De la supraponderal, la campion de anduran??
Omul ultra. De la supraponderal, la campion de anduran??
Rich Roll
Cartea care a schimbat vie?ile a milioane de oameni Jocul A?adar, vedem c?, pentru a juca cu succes jocul vie?ii, trebuie s? ne antren?m facultatea de a ne imagina. Un om cu aceast? abilitate, antrenat s? ??i imagineze doar binele, va atrage ?n via?a sa ?toate dreptele dorin?e ale inimii“ – s?n?tate, bog??ie, iubire, prieteni, expresia perfect? a sinelui, idealurile cele mai ?nalte. Imagina?ia a fost supranumit? ?foarfeca min?ii“, care taie ?i taie, zi dup? zi, imaginile v?zute, iar omul ??i ?nt?lne?te propriile crea?ii, mai devreme sau mai t?rziu, ?n lumea exterioar?. Pentru a ?i antrena cu succes imagina?ia, omul trebuie s? ?n?eleag? cum ?i func?ioneaz? mintea. Grecii au spus ?Cunoa?te te pe tine ?nsu?i!“ Exist? trei planuri ale min?ii: subcon?tientul, con?tientul ?i supracon?tientul. Subcon?tientul este, pur ?i simplu, putere f?r? direc?ie. El este ca aburul sau electricitatea ?i face ceea ce este direc?ionat s? fac?; el nu are putere s? influen?eze. Tot ceea ce omul simte profund sau imagineaz? cu claritate este imprimat ?n subcon?tient ?i este executat ?n cele mai mici detalii. Iubirea Adev?rata iubire este dezinteresat? ?i eliberat? de team?. Ea se revars? asupra obiectului afec?iunii ei f?r? a cere nimic ?n schimb. Bucuria ei se g?se?te ?n bucuria de a d?rui. Iubirea este Dumnezeu manifestat ?i cea mai puternic? for?? magnetic? din univers. Iubirea pur?, lipsit? de egoism, atrage ceea ce ?i apar?ine; nu trebuie s? caute sau s? cear?. Foarte pu?ini au o vag? idee despre adev?rata iubire. Omul este egoist, tiranic ?i tem?tor ?n afec?iunile lui, pierz?nd astfel obiectul iubirii lui. Gelozia este cel mai r?u du?man al iubirii, c?ci imagina?ia se dezl?n?uie?te, v?z?nd fiin?a iubit? atras? de altcineva, ?i, inevitabil, aceste temeri devin realitate dac? nu sunt neutralizate.
Confesiuni psy. Psihologii, psihiatrii ?i psihoterapeu?ii se dest?inuie
Confesiuni psy. Psihologii, psihiatrii ?i psihoterapeu?ii se dest?inuie
Christophe André (coord.)
Un angajat cu experien?? ajunge s? ia decizii financiare nes?buite, repet?nd, f?r? s? ?tie, istoria t?t?lui s?u, un parior "ratat" pe care nici m?car nu-l cunoscuse. O t?n?r? depresiv? vrea s? se sinucid? prin "evaporare", pentru ca mai apoi s? afle c? bunica ei supravie?uise camerelor de gazare de la Auschwitz. Un b?iat e cuprins de senza?ii inexplicabile de frig, f?r? s? ?tie c? unchiul s?u murise ?nghe?at.?Cartea de fa?? vorbe?te despre acele fobii, depresii ?i g?nduri obsesive care ne cople?esc f?r? s? ne d?m seama de unde ni se trag. Combin?nd cercet?rile din neuro?tiin?e cu interven?iile specifice constela?iilor familiale, autorul demonstreaz? ?n ce fel uneori ajungem s? mo?tenim ?i s? retr?im, ?n mod incon?tient, suferin?ele ?i traumele nerezolvate ale str?mo?ilor. Cititorul are la ?ndem?n? c?i utile pentru eliberarea de traumele mo?tenite pe cale transgenera?ional?. Aceste tehnici merg de la identificarea anxiet??ilor mascate dup? cuvinte ?i comportamente aparte p?n? la genogram?, dialogul imaginar cu str?mo?ii ?i eliberarea, prin compasiune, de suferin?ele genera?iilor trecute.
Sora pierdut?
Sora pierdut?
Flynn Berry
C?nd "explodezi" de furie, gesturile necugetate pot avea consecin?e pe care s? le regre?i o via?? ?ntreag?: ajungi s?-?i strici rela?iile cu cei mai buni prieteni, ??i periclitezi situa?ia de la serviciu sau chiar te ?mboln?ve?ti grav. Reac?ia pasiv?, de tipul "Rabd? ?i ?ntoarce ?i cel?lalt obraz", dar ?i exprimarea brut? a furiei (prin lovirea unor perne, de exemplu) sunt, ambele, solu?ii la fel de nes?n?toase. Dar cum altfel s? faci fa?? stresului ?i nedrept??ilor ?i cum s? ??i aperi punctul de vedere, f?r? s? pari agresiv? Influentul terapeut american Albert Ellis te ajut? s?-?i ?n?elegi mai bine credin?ele care ??i provoac? furia, s? ??i exprimi ?n moduri asertive (dar neviolente) opiniile ?n fa?a celor care te-au m?niat, dar ?i s? aplici metode de relaxare ?i de control cognitiv-comportamental al reac?iilor afective exacerbate ?i al g?ndurilor ira?ionale disfunc?ionale. Miza c?r?ii nu const? ?n a-?i reprima sau ascunde furia, ci ?n a o accepta ?i a o modula ?n forme s?n?toase, care te pot ajuta s? fii mai asertiv ?i mai echilibrat.?
C?nd ?nflore?te liliacul
C?nd ?nflore?te liliacul
Hall, Kelly Martha
G?nde?ti exagerat de mult ?nainte de a ac?iona? E?ti ?nclinat s? faci previziuni negative? ??i faci griji c? e posibil s? se ?nt?mple ce poate fi mai r?u? Te afecteaz? prea tare feedbackul negativ? E?ti foarte autocritic? Dac? r?spunsul este afirmativ, suferi de anxietate. Vestea bun? este c? po?i ?nv??a s? ??i gestionezi capcanele anxiet??ii – ezitarea excesiv? ?nainte de a ac?iona, reflectarea ?ndelungat? ?i ?ngrijorarea, perfec?ionismul paralizant, teama de feedback ?i critic? ?i evitarea (inclusiv procrastinarea). R?spunde mai ?nt?i la chestionarele care te vor ajuta s? apreciezi ?n ce stadiu te afli ?n raport cu un blocaj specific anxiet??ii, apoi afl? ce schimb?ri de g?ndire ?i modific?ri comportamentale ??i recomand? autoarea. Bazate pe principiile terapiei cognitiv?comportamentale, acestea pot fi folosite ?n via?a de zi cu zi pentru a dep??i blocajele ?i a avea succes ?n rela?ii, at?t ?n via?a personal?, c?t ?i ?n cea profesional?.
Jill Alexander Essbaum
De ce devii psihiatru/psiholog/psihoterapeut? De ce s? vrei s? aju?i oamenii s? dep??easc? problemele vie?ii ?i s? se cunoasc? pe sine? Ce se ?nt?mpl? ?n mintea celui chemat s? te asculte ?i s? te accepte necondi?ionat? Rolurile se inverseaz? acum ?i ascult?torul este invitat s? se dest?inuie. Pe parcursul a 22 de confesiuni reunite ?n acest volum de cunoscutul psihiatru Christophe André, medicii ?i psihologii ??i ?mp?rt??esc experien?e personale ?i profesionale ce i-au adus sau i-au f?cut s? persiste pe acest drum, o cale, printre altele, de reg?sire de sine ?i de autod?ruire. Confesiunile ?nc?nt? prin stilul propriu al fiec?rui autor, prin anecdotica antrenant?, prin posibilitatea rar? de a p?trunde "?n culise", acolo unde fiecare ??i preg?te?te ?nt?lnirea mereu singular? cu pacientul din fa?a sa. Cartea se dore?te a fi o inspira?ie pentru cei afla?i ?n c?utarea echilibrului interior sau ?naintea unei alegeri profesionale, fiind totodat? o lectur? pl?cut? ?i incitant?.
Cu tine ?n departare
Cu tine ?n departare
Carla Guelfenbein
Serie v?ndut? ?n peste 60 de milioane de exemplare. Con?ine ?apte capitole cu sfaturi practice, dovedite, de la profesioni?ti de top.Po?i ?nv??a ?ntr-o s?pt?m?n? tot ce ?nva?? exper?ii ?ntr-o via?? Duminic?: Exploreaz? factorii de influen??, at?t pozitivi, c?t ?i negativi Luni: ?n?elege stereotipurile, puterea congruen?ei ?i importan?a prezent?rii Mar?i: Dezvolt?-?i o voce cu autoritate cu ?puterea lui trei” ?i tehnicile propozi?iilor asertive Miercuri: Descoper? cele trei elemente de comunicare ?i cum s? le folose?ti pentru a stabili un raport rapid ?i eficient Joi: ?nva?? s? recuno?ti filtrele interne ?i s? le utilizezi ?n modelele de persuasiune Vineri: Folose?te modele de programare neuro-lingvistic? pentru a influen?a la un nivel incon?tient S?mb?t?: ?nva?? cum s? folose?ti tehnici dovedite de persuasiune, precum TAB ?i AIDA, legile reciprocit??ii, ale pu?inului ?i al?i declan?atori emo?ionali
A doua venire
A doua venire
Cristache Nicolae
Atunci c?nd discu?i cu adul?ii despre educa?ia sexual? pe care au primit o ?n copil?rie ?i adolescen??, ei vor spune, ?n general, c? a fost complet nepotrivit? ?i c? ?i ar dori ceva mai bun pentru copiii lor. ?i copiii ??i doresc un dialog cu p?rin?ii lor. Toat? lumea este con?tient? de necesitatea de a discuta despre sex cu un adolescent. Adolescen?ii ?i sexul este o carte instrument care ne ajut? s? umplem un gol de comunicare. Cum s? discut?m despre schimb?rile fizice ?i psihice de la pubertate, locul de unde se pot aduna informa?ii despre sexualitate, nevoia de intimitate, rela?iile adolescen?ilor cu adul?ii ?i cu cei de aceea?i v?rst?, impactul sexualit??ii adolescen?ilor asupra vie?ii de familie, precum ?i comportamentul riscant, orientarea sexual? a tinerilor ?i rolul p?rin?ilor – toate aceste teme importante ?i, uneori, st?njenitoare sunt abordate ?i discutate concret, cartea oferind informa?ii clare ?i sfaturi practice p?rin?ilor care vor s? ?i sprijine copiii ?n dificilul proces al maturiz?rii.
Cursuri universitare de arheologie preistoric?
Cursuri universitare de arheologie preistoric?
Vladimir Dumitrescu
Faptele sunt mai gr?itoare dec?t cuvintele: o ?ncuviin?are din cap, un suspin elocvent, o privire studiat?, un z?mbet cu sub?n?eles, bra?ele ?ncruci?ate, chiar ?i modul ?n care v? atinge?i nasul sunt c?teva dintre sutele de indicii pe care trupul vostru le ofer? permanent ?i de care poate c? nici nu sunte?i con?tien?i.
Hallatlan kiváncsiság
Hallatlan kiváncsiság
Gárdonyi Géza
In creating psychoanalysis, a clinical method for treating psychopathology through dialogue between a patient and a psychoanalyst, Freud developed therapeutic techniques such as the use of free association (in which patients report their thoughts without reservation and in whichever order they spontaneously occur) and discovered transference (the process in which patients displace on to their analysts feelings derived from their childhood attachments), establishing its central role in the analytic process. Freud’s redefinition of sexuality to include its infantile forms led him to formulate the Oedipus complex as the central tenet of psychoanalytical theory. His analysis of his own and his patients' dreams as wish-fulfillments provided him with models for the clinical analysis of symptom formation and the mechanisms of repression as well as for elaboration of his theory of the unconscious as an agency disruptive of conscious states of mind. Freud postulated the existence of libido, an energy with which mental processes and structures are invested and which generates erotic attachments, and a death drive, the source of repetition, hate, aggression and neurotic guilt. In his later work Freud drew on psychoanalytic theory to develop a wide-ranging interpretation and critique of religion and culture. Psychoanalysis remains influential within psychotherapy, within some areas of psychiatry, and across the humanities. As such it continues to generate extensive and highly contested debate with regard to its therapeutic efficacy, its scientific status and as to whether it advances or is detrimental to the feminist cause. Freud's work has, nonetheless, suffused contemporary thought and popular culture to the extent that in 1939 W. H. Auden wrote, in a poem dedicated to him: "to us he is no more a person / now but a whole climate of opinion / under whom we conduct our different lives". About Author: Sigmund Freud (Born Sigismund Schlomo Freud; 6 May 1856 – 23 September 1939) was an Austrian neurologist who became known as the founding father of psychoanalysis. Freud qualified as a doctor of medicine at the University of Vienna in 1881, and then carried out research into cerebral palsy, aphasia and microscopic neuroanatomy at the Vienna General Hospital. He was appointed a university lecturer in neuropathology in 1885 and became a professor in 1902.
Kit?m?tt barbár
Kit?m?tt barbár
Péterfy Gergely
Ugye milyen jó lenne, ha a férfiak félszavakból is kitalálnák a legtitkosabb vágyainkat, a mosolyunk pedig elégedettséggel t?ltené el ?ket? REGINA SWOBODA a N?i rafinériában arra a nem kis feladatra vállalkozott, hogy a k?zhelyeket és sablonos válaszokat elkerülve bebizonyítsa: mindez k?nny?szerrel lehetséges.
Bu Kalp Buna Dayan?r m??: Sonsuz Ya?am
Bu Kalp Buna Dayan?r m??: Sonsuz Ya?am
Dr. İlhan Korkmaz
Bu kitap ile ?nsanlar?n kafalar?ndaki ya?amsal konulardaki soru i?aretleri ile Genel ?lke ve Dünya sorunlar?na evrensel bir bak?? a??s?yla yakla??mda bulunarak na?izane ??züm ?nerilerinde bulunmaya ?al??t?m. Umar?m okuduklar?n?z ya?am?n?za katk? sa?lar. Unutulmamal?d?r ki hayat bizimle ya da bize ra?men akmaya devam edecektir. ?nsan, kendisini, toplumu ve dünyas?n? güzelle?tirecek ?ekilde ya?ayabilendir. ??? Ya?am?m i?inde ald???m e?itim ve olu?turdu?um tecrübelerimde bana yard?mc? olan tüm insanlara, hayat?mda bana katt?klar? de?er i?in tüm dostlar?ma ve bana g?sterdikleri sevgi, sayg? ve anlay?? i?in e?ime ve ?ocuklar?ma te?ekkür ederim. Bana kitab?m? bas?l? hale getirerek, ?bu ?ns?züme de katk? ?yapan Emek yay?nevi ve yetkilisi ?zkan Günal’a da ayr?ca te?ekkür ediyorum. Bu kitab? okuyan siz de?erli okuyuculara te?ekkür ediyorum. Bir kitab? de?erli ve güzel k?lan okuyucusudur. ? ?yi ki vars?n?z.. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?lhan KORKMAZ ??Yazar hakk?nda? ???Yazar. ?stanbul 1962 do?umlu olup ?stanbul ?ehremini Anadolu Lisesi 1979 y?l? mezunu ?ve 1987 y?l?nda ??stanbul ?niversitesi ?stanbul T?p Fakültesini bitirdi. ?Mecburi hizmetini Van ili ?zalp il?esinde 1990 y?l?nda tamamlad?, ard?ndan askerli?ini Diyarbak?r Ergani’de Jandarma Komando Te?men olarak 1992 y?l?nda bitirdi. S?ras?yla Yalova, Fatih, G. O. Pa?a, Beyo?lu / ?stanbul il?elerinde g?rev yaparak, 2007 y?l?nda Bursa iline yerle?erek Y?ld?r?m ve Nilüfer il?elerinde g?rev ald?. ???En son, Nilüfer il?esi Ataevler Aile Sa?l??? Merkezi Aile Hekimli?inden emekli oldu ve halen i? yerlerinde k?smi zamanl? olarak ?? Yeri Hekimli?i yapmaktad?r. ?Dilek Korkmaz ile evli olup, Serhan ve Nazl?han isimli iki ?ocuk babas?.
Despre locuri ?i locuire
Despre locuri ?i locuire
Petraș Irina
Jeffrey Kluger a crescut ?ntr-o familie al?turi de al?i trei fra?i b?ie?i. De asemenea, mai are doi fra?i vitregi gemeni, dintr-o a doua c?snicie a tat?lui s?u – o fat? ?i un b?iat.Plec?nd de la experien?a personal?, autorul exploreaz?, cu ?n?elegere ?i umor, lumea complex? a fra?ilor din mai multe puncte de vedere: ?tiin?ific, psihologic, sociologic ?i memorialistic. El este de p?rere c? nimeni nu ne afecteaz? la fel de profund ca fra?ii ?i surorile noastre – nici p?rin?ii, nici copiii, nici prietenii no?tri. Din momentul ?n care ne na?tem, fra?ii sunt colaboratorii no?tri ?i cei cu care conspir?m, modelele noastre ?i cei de la care avem cele mai multe lucruri de ?nv??at. Ei ne ?nva?? cum s? ne rezolv?m conflictele, cum s? ne facem prieteni ?i cum s? st?m departe de necazuri. Fra?ii no?tri sunt singurele persoane pe care le cunoa?tem care se calific? ?ntr-adev?r ca parteneri de via??.Printre subiectele pe care autorul le examineaz? ?n aceast? carte se num?r?: conflictele ?ntre fra?i ?i rezolvarea lor; ordinea na?terii ?i influen?a acesteia asupra evolu?iei ulterioare a fra?ilor; consecin?ele pe care faptul de a fi favoritul unuia dintre p?rin?i le are asupra celorlal?i fra?i; urm?rile pe care divor?ul p?rin?ilor le are asupra copiilor, care fie trebuie s? locuiasc? cu un singur p?rinte, fie sunt nevoi?i s? tr?iasc? ?n cadrul unei familii noi, l?rgite; conceptul de alloparenting (ajutorul dat de fra?ii mai mari la cre?terea fra?ilor mai mici); drogurile, consumul de alcool ?i sarcina la adolescen??; studiile care au ca subiect gemenii ?i copiii unici (d?nd ca exemplu politica na?ional? a copilului unic din China); codificarea genetic? a tr?s?turilor comportamentale; tulbur?rile emo?ionale ?i efectele lor asupra rela?iilor fraterne; evolu?ia ?n timp a leg?turilor fraterne ?i multe altele.
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