The Return Of Don Quixote
A librarian in a small town is asked to play the part of a medieval king. He not only takes his role seriously by thoroughly researching the Middle Ages, when the play is concluded, he refuses to take off the costume. He remains in character, much to the surprise of the other actors.
Valetul de pic?
Cu o precizie remarcabil?, George Friedman a prognozat tendin?e viitoare ?n politica, tehnologia, cultura ?i demografia global?. ?n Puncte de presiune, Friedman se concentreaz? asupra Europei – centrul cultural ?i de putere al lumii ?n ultimele cinci secole... p?n? acum. Analiz?nd cele mai instabile, imprevizibile ?i fascinante linii de grani?? ale Europei ?i Rusiei – ?i liniile de falie care au existat vreme de secole ?i care au fost motivul a numeroase r?zboaie catastrofale – Friedman scoate ?n eviden??, ?ntr-o modalitate inedit?, punctele de presiune care au ?nceput din nou s? cedeze. Uniunea European? de ast?zi a fost construit? ?n mare parte pentru a reduce la minimum tensiunile geopolitice care au sf??iat continentul de-a lungul istoriei. Dup? cum demonstreaz? Friedman, folosindu-se de o bogat? analiz? istoric? ?i cultural?, acest model a ?nceput s? ??i arate limitele. Puncte de presiune relateaz? istoria vie a Europei ?i explic?, cu mult? claritate, care sunt cele mai volatile regiuni ale acesteia: teritoriul agitat ?i mereu ?n schimbare dintre Occident ?i Rusia (o zon? mare care include, ?n prezent, Ucraina, Belarus ?i Lituania); vechea linie de grani?? dintre Germania ?i Fran?a ?i zona Mediteranei, care este leag?nul iudaismului ?i al cre?tinismului ?i care a devenit un centru al vie?ii islamice. Din paginile scrise de Friedman se desprinde o imagine clar? a regiunilor ?i ??rilor, iar istoria ?ncepe s? se contureze precis. Puncte de presiune este o analiz? cuprinz?toare a Europei moderne, a trecutului s?u remarcabil ?i a faliilor care s-au trezit la via?? ?i care vor fi fundamentale ?n viitorul apropiat. Aceasta este cea mai oportun? ?i, p?n? la urm?, cea mai fascinant? carte a lui Friedman. ?... ?n preajma lui George Friedman, exist? mereu tenta?ia de a-l confunda cu un glob de cristal, capabil s? ??i arate viitorul.“ — The New York Times Magazine ?Friedman descrie ?n culori vii o regiune unde amintirile sunt vechi, vulnerabilit??ile omniprezente ?i amenin??rile apar rapid ?i pe nea?teptate...“ — Publishers Weekly ?Kronika“ este colec?ia ?n care umanitatea este reconstruit? prin c?r?i care ne ajut? s? p?trundem ?n culisele celor mai interesante evenimente politice, sociale sau financiare de ieri ?i de ast?zi.
Medicina bun?. Solu?ii naturale sigure pentru peste 75 de probleme de s?n?tate g
Ce greu este orice nceput! Dar necesar, de neocolit. Nu tim cum va fi sfritul, nu tim nici mcar ce form va lua drumul, dect n linii mari; dar pentru c suntem aici, pe acest pmnt i pe acest continent, Europa, trebuie s re-ncepem, moralitatea noastr va fi cea a luptei i a onestitii n lupt. Avem libertatea, adevrat, n sfrit o avem, a sosit att de trziu nct, dei o pipim i o simim, pare incredibil. Dar ea nu este mai mult dect o form, o form goal ce va trebui umplut...“ (Nicolae Breban)
The New Freedom: [Illustrated & Biography Added]
The book is not a discussion of measures or of programs. It is an attempt to express the new spirit of our politics and to set forth, in large terms which may stick in the imagination, what it is that must be done if we are to restore our politics to their full spiritual vigor again, and our national life, whether in trade, in industry, or in what concerns us only as families and individuals, to its purity, its self-respect, and its pristine strength and freedom. The New Freedom is only the old revived and clothed in the unconquerable strength of modern America. I have not written a book since the campaign. I did not write this book at all. It is the result of the editorial literary skill of Mr. William Bayard Hale, who has put together here in their right sequences the more suggestive portions of my campaign speeches.And yet it is not a book of campaign speeches. It is a discussion of a number of very vital subjects in the free form of extemporaneously spoken words. I have left the sentences in the form in which they were stenographically reported. I have not tried to alter the easy-going and often colloquial phraseology in which they were uttered from the platform, in the hope that they would seem the more fresh and spontaneous because of their very lack of pruning and recasting. They have been suffered to run their unpremeditated course even at the cost of such repetition and redundancy as the ex-temporaneous speaker apparently inevitably falls into. WOODROW WILSON. ABOUT WOLSON: Thomas Woodrow Wilson, known as Woodrow Wil-son (1856 –1924), was an American politician and academic who served as the 28th President of the United States from 1913 to 1921. Born in Staunton, Virginia, he spent his early years in Augusta, Georgia and Columbia, South Carolina. Wilson earned a PhD in political science at Johns Hopkins University, and served as a professor and scholar at various institutions before being chosen as President of Princeton University, a position he held from 1902 to 1910. In the election of 1910, he was the gubernatorial candidate of New Jersey's Democratic Party, and was elected the 34th Governor of New Jersey, serving from 1911 to 1913. Running for president in 1912, Wilson benefited from a split in the Republican Party, which enabled his plurality of just over forty percent to win him a large electoral college margin. He was the first Southerner elected as president since 1848, and Wilson was a lea-ding force in theProgressive Movement, bolstered by his Democratic Party's winning control of both the White House and Congress in 1912. In office, Wilson reintroduced the spoken State of the Union, which had been out of use since 1801. Leading the Congress, now in Democratic hands, he oversaw the passage of progressive legislative policies unparalleled until the New Deal in 1933. Included among these were the Federal Reserve Act, Federal Trade Commission Act, the Clayton Antitrust Act, and the Federal Farm Loan Act. Having taken office one month after ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment, Wilson called a special session of Congress, whose work culminated in theRevenue Act of 1913, reintroducing an income tax and lowering tariffs. Through passage of the Adamson Act, imposing an 8-hour workday for railroads, he averted a railroad strike and an ensuing economic crisis. Upon the outbreak of World War I in 1914, Wilson maintained a policy of neutrality, while pursuing a more aggressive policy in dealing with Mexico's civil war. ***
哈贝马斯在本书中指出了当代资本主义社会的经济、政治和社会文化 系统中存在着四种形式的危机倾向。由于现代技术的高速增长,管理和控 制的过度强调,产生了一系列新的危机,除各种形式的经济危机外,文化 危机(包括人性的自由发展、社会成员对社会的信任和参与动机等问题), 以及行政系统的合理决策和有效协调等问题,是更严重的危机。
本书作为应急演练实施指南,是以导调过程为主线的,是对于演练组织方如何组织应急演练的方法与手段的介绍。本书分四个章节介绍其内容: *章“应急演练实施基础知识”介绍相关概念与原则。 第二章“应急演练实施基本方法”介绍典型的应急演练实施方法和流程。第三章“应急演练实施工作表单”介绍有关的工作检核表。第四章“应急演练实施实例展示”介绍有关实例。作为推荐性指南,这里介绍的方法并不是要给实践者“立法”或居 高临下式地予以“指导”,而是提供一种值得信赖的、可供参考的方法。
一切浪漫现象都是受非浪漫力量的控制。 昂首超然于各种限制与决断之上的人,变成了异己势力和异己决断的臣仆。 ——卡尔·施米特 浪漫主义是19世纪西方的主导精神,对于思想史研究而言,政治的浪漫派问题不可小视。《政治的浪漫派》是施米特的代表作之一,初版于1919年,1925年再版并增加长篇序言,关注的是作为政治哲学的浪漫主义,看似思想史论著,其实针对的是现实政治问题,其用意在于表明浪漫派的“永恒交谈”与自由主义议会民主制的公辩论基于相同的形而上学真理论。本书浪漫主义政治哲学研究之先河,晚期的浪漫主义哲学研究(如伯林)尚不及其所达到的思想深度。施米特从德国知识分子的现实处境出发,讨论浪漫派在思想史上的位置,阐明了浪漫派对现实社会生活的基本看法,并表明了它的本质是一种关于政治的趣味。本书着力在思想史的脉络里整理弥漫整个欧洲的浪漫主义精神,是一本不可多得的思想史力作。
【内容简介】 本书为社会科学类论文集,分为治国理政新理念新思想新战略研究、中国特色社会主义与当代中国、马克思主义研究、政治文明、经济建设与社会发展和党的建设六个版块。 本书由中共江苏省委党校中国特色社会主义理论体系研究中心,根据理论热点,组织刊发国内有影响的专家学者关于中国特色社会主义理论与实践研究的原创研究成果,是江苏省委党校在新形势下进一步深化中国特色社会主义理论体系研究,切实把中国特色社会主义理论体系学习宣传和研究引向深入的成果展示。
【内容简介】 本书为社会科学类论文集,分为专题研究:“四个全面”战略布局、中国特色社会主义与当代中国、马克思主义研究、政治文明、经济建设与社会发展和党的建设六个版块。 本书由中共江苏省委党校中国特色社会主义理论体系研究中心,根据理论热点,组织刊发国内有影响的专家学者,如包心鉴、侯惠勤、郭广银等的关于中国特色社会主义理论与实践研究特别是对五大发展理念的原创研究成果,以深化对重大理论和现实问题的理论阐释,以服务于马克思主义中国化和中国特色社会主义理论体系建设。
初版于1957年的《国王的两个身体》,作为一部屡屡重印、畅销不衰的经典之作,已被翻译成了十几种语言,在探求中世纪政治神学之谜方面指引了几代学人,甚至被誉为中世纪政治思想史方面*重要的著作。 作者恩斯特·H.坎托洛维奇是20世纪杰出的中世纪史学家,他深中世纪追溯了“国王的两个身体”——自然身体和政治身体——所造成的历史悖论:国王的自然身体使国王如常人一样,不免生老病死;而国王的政治身体或灵性身体却超凡脱俗,充任国王职位的象征,享有统治的神圣大权。“两个身体”的概念让君主制就算在君主死亡后仍保有连续性,这一集中体现于“国王死了,国王永生”这句葬仪用语。 该书将有关中世纪王权观念的法学、神学、图像学、古币学等方面的史料结合在一起,探寻了国王二体论在基督教时代的演,揭示了西方中世纪后期至现代早期(11—16世纪)如何逐步发展出一种政治神学,以及共同体如何为了建立自己的主权而拟制出一套象征手法,又是如何借助这些象征手法来塑造民族—国家的早期形态。 本书译者前后历时10年,参照了日语、俄语、德语、法语、意大利语、西班牙语译本,对正文和注释的翻译均力求做到准确、流畅;德国法兰克福大学坎托洛维奇研究专家古迪安(J.Gudian)为中译本撰写了长篇导读,对曾任职于法兰克福大学的坎托洛维奇的写作背景和意图作了精彩分析,同时也多视角地展现了国外学界对《国王的两个身体》的*研究动态。
中国的迅速崛起震撼了世界,正影响着整个国际格局和秩序的演变,但是读懂中国不易,因为中国太大,情况太复杂,盲人摸象的解读很多,每个人都只看到中国的一部分。要真正读懂中国,我们需要一种对中国的整体把握。 “文明型国家”概念的提出即是一种有益的尝试,本书探讨了“文明型国家”的概念、特征、模式、制度和理念等主题,也论述了其他一些相关的问题,如政治话语范式的转变、“西方中心主义”的困境等。 “文明型国家”概念解构了西方话语关于中国的主流叙述,它有利于增国人的道路自信和文化自信,有利于促国人和外部世界对中国和中国崛起的全面理解和整体把握,也有利于行跨国的制度比较、评估和预测。