

俄语专业本科生教材:俄语口语教程 上
俄语专业本科生教材:俄语口语教程 上
本书共18课,按72学时编写而成,可供高校俄语专业二年级学生及自学俄语者展口语会话、提高俄语口语技能之用,还可供俄语专业教师课堂教学以及初涉对俄外事工作者作参考之用。本书每一课分为两个部分,每一课内容为一个专题, 每个专题含4例相近的情境。本教材题材广泛,情境真实,语言生动,反映了现代标准俄语口语,并且选用了当代俄罗斯人生活中的部分新词语,对提高学习兴趣和掌握现代俄语口语极有帮助。
满1件7折 2件6折 日语专业本科生教材:日语综合教程 第4册
日语专业本科生教材:日语综合教程 第4册
满1件7折 2件6折 完全掌握.新韩国语能力考试TOPIKII(中高级)写作考前对策(第3版)
满1件7折 2件6折 意大利语翻开就说
本书是专门为意大利语刚门或基础较弱、急于口说意大利语的读者量身定制的一本实用意大利语速成工具书,能帮助他们轻轻松松快速掌握简单意大利语。 全书分为四大部分,将日常必需单词、日常生活用语、情景应急口语全部覆盖,第四部分附录对意大利国情、节日和习俗做了介绍。这是一本即翻即用型的便携工具书,是赴意大利语国家学习、生活、工作、旅游和物的好帮手。
《中德文化阅读教程》为上海外语教育出版社组织编写的“新世纪高等学校德语 专业本科生系列教材”之一种。 全书紧扣中德文化对比这条主线,分为13个单元。主要特有: ●主题丰富,涉猎面广,涵盖中德两国的大学生活、节日、饮食、休闲方式、 青少年生活、城市以及道德观念等内容 ●练习题形式多样,并与德语专业四级考试阅读理解题型紧密结合 ●文化小贴士简洁实用,引导学习者主动探索和思考中德文化现象 本书既可用于德语本科二年级学生的阅读课程也可供同等水平的德语学习者研 习使用。
本书为新世纪高等学校俄语专业本科生系列教材《俄罗斯文学史》的第2版,有如下特色:         纵横交错,系统性强       纵向以时间顺序和流派更迭为经,概览俄罗斯文学发展的总体程和阶段特征;横向以文学体裁和作家作品为纬,细察各阶段俄罗斯小说、诗歌、戏剧的成就和艺术特色。         合理更新,与时俱     适当更新文学史观念,吸收国内外学界的新材料和新观,内容上体现与时俱的精神,对20世纪和21世纪之交的俄罗斯文学做了大量增补。         取舍精当,贴合大纲     内容的多寡、叙述的详略、重作家的确定,既反映了文学史之真实,又贴合了教学大纲的要求以及使用对象的特,使之更适合教学。
满1件7折 2件6折 新编日语(重排本)教学指南 第四册
新编日语(重排本)教学指南 第四册
黄博, 郑岚编著
本书是《新编日语(重排本)第四册》的教学参考书。内容如下: ●解释每课的重点词汇和句型 ●精讲前文、会话、读解文中的难句 ●补充与本课内容相关的语言文化知识 ●提供自测习题 本书内容充实,编排合理,既可作为日语教师课堂教学的参考,也是广大日语学习者案头的良师益友。
本书的主要内容为高考备考练习题,其无论从题型上,还是从模式上都尽可能的贴近高考。其中考查的重点包括词汇接格,词汇特殊变格和变位,近义词汇辨析,形近词汇辨析,语法项目等知识点。书中尽可能*的涵盖了重点知识,这有助于学生逐步的提高。 书中大致分为两个阶段:基础与拔高。基础部分的题目重点考查学生的知识“地基”是否牢固,适于查缺补漏,夯实学生在学习过程中未扎实的知识。而拔高部分的习题则更加侧重学生举一反三的能力,更适于基础已经巩固坚实的提升阶段,学生可在此过程中完善知识体系,提高做题的准确率和速度。本书可使学生脚踏实地的从基础走向拔高,在循序渐进的学习过程中提高自我,从而决胜高考。
Sukkwan Island
Sukkwan Island
Vann, David
In semiautobiographical stories set largely in David Vann's native Alaska, Legend of a Suicide follows Roy Fenn from his birth on an island at the edge of the Bering Sea to his return thirty years later to confront the turbulent emotions and complex legacy of his father's suicide.
Coffee and Cake
Coffee and Cake
Rodgers, Rick
What better way to welcome friends and family than with a steaming cup of coffee and some delectable cake?In Coffee and Cake, acclaimed cookbook author Rick Rodgers presents dozens of recipe pairings for these classic and inseparable components. Rodgers starts with coffee, teaching the basics, from choosing the perfect beans to brewing a fabulous cup or pot. And he offers a selection of delicious international treats, both hot and iced, that can be whipped up at home—from Spiced Mocha and Thai Iced Coffee to a Coffee Frappe and even an Espresso Martini. Rodgers then provides an array of recipes for delicious cakes designed to be savored with coffee, whether it's for a special after-dinner dessert or a get-together with family, neighbors, or friends. Whip up a simple and rustic treat like Apple-Cranberry Ginger Loaf for a coffee klatsch. Indulge the young and the young at heart with Peanut Butter Cupcakes with Milk Chocolate Ganache. Here, too, are American-style cakes sure to bring back wonderful childhood memories, including Angel Food Cake with Coffee Cream, as well as Chocolate-Strawberry Sachertorte and more elaborate creations worthy of a European café.So make that next cup special—serve up a wonderful helping from Coffee and Cake.
Tea and Cookies
Tea and Cookies
Rodgers, Rick
Treat your friends and family to a flavorful cup of tea and a plate of scrumptious cookies In Tea and Cookies, acclaimed cookbook author Rick Rodgers celebrates this time-honored combination of beverage and dessert, offering delicious hot and cold tea varieties as well as sweet things to nibble on between sips. Rodgers starts with tea, revealing its rich history and demystifying the process of preparing the perfect cup—from choosing the right tea leaves to the proper steeping times for every flavor. Here, too, are an array of recipes, from the indulgent Orange Spice Tea and Rooibos Hot Cocoa to the refreshing Mango Tea Slush and Peachy Iced Tea Cooler.Rodgers then provides dozens of recipes for whipping up the perfect accompaniments, including international delicacies like French madeleines and macarons and Scottish shortbread; elegant varieties such as Chocolate Sandwich Cookies with Earl Grey Ganache; and tearoom treats like Pistachio Meringues and Currant Cream Scones.Whether you are serving a large group of friends, preparing a quiet tea for two, or indulging in a personal treat, this book will guide you through the perfect pairings of tea and cookies.
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Python Programming for Arduino
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