

49元5本 韩国语专业本科生教材:韩国语写作教程
新世纪高等学校韩国语专业本科生系列教材: ★ 前瞻性与创新性并重:推陈出新,融合传统与现代教学理念。 ★ 代表性与权威性兼顾:全国知名韩国语专业负责人和骨干教师参与编写,阵容强大。 ★ 系统性与整体性结合:策划品种基本涵盖教学大纲涉及的专业技能和专业知识课程,全面培养学习者听、说、读、写、译的能力和跨文化交际能力。 ★ 突出趣味性和应用性:教材形式活泼、结构新颖,图文并茂,书面教材和多媒体手段配合。 《韩国语写作教程》属于“新世纪高等学校韩国语专业本科生系列教材”,适用于高校韩国语专业本科生教学,也可供韩国语爱好者作为自学教材使用。 教材以记叙文、说明文和议论文三种文体的写作训练为经,以篇章结构、常用句式以及写作修改等各层面训练为纬,经纬交织搭建教材整体框架。 教材由十五篇课文组成,涵盖韩国语书写基础知识和记叙文、说明文、议论文三种文体。每篇课文设计有学习目标、读前思考、范文展示、思路展示、实用句式、习作训练、改错训练等版块,具有互动性、规范性、实用性、科学性、针对性等特。
A Caribbean Mystery (Miss Marple)
A Caribbean Mystery (Miss Marple)
Agatha Christie
An exotic holiday for Miss Marple is ruined when a retired major is killed…
Five Little Pigs (Poirot)
Five Little Pigs (Poirot)
Agatha Christie
Agatha Christie’s ingenious murder mystery, reissued with a striking new cover designed to appeal to the latest generation of Agatha Christie fans and book lovers. Beautiful Caroline Crale was convicted of poisoning her husband, yet there were five other suspects: Philip Blake (the stockbroker) who went to market; Meredith Blake (the amateur herbalist) who stayed at home; Elsa Greer (the three-time divorcee) who had roast beef; Cecilia Williams (the devoted governess) who had none; and Angela Warren (the disfigured sister) who cried ‘wee wee wee’ all the way home. It is sixteen years later, but Hercule Poirot just can’t get that nursery rhyme out of his mind…
The Return of the King: The Lord of the Rings, Part 3
The Return of the King: The Lord of the Rings, Part 3
J. R. R. Tolkien
Concluding the story begun in The Hobbit, this is the final part of Tolkien’s epic masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings. Featuring a striking black cover based on Tolkien’s own design, the definitive text, and a detailed map of Middle-earth. The armies of the Dark Lord are massing as his evil shadow spreads ever wider. Men, Dwarves, Elves and Ents unite forces to do battle agains the Dark. Meanwhile, Frodo and Sam struggle further into Mordor in their heroic quest to destroy the One Ring. Impossible to describe in a few words, JRR Tolkien’s great work of imaginative fiction has been labelled both a heroic romance and a classic fantasy fiction. By turns comic and homely, epic and diabolic, the narrative moves through countless changes of scene and character in an imaginary world which is totally convincing in its detail. Tolkien created a vast new mythology in an invented world which has proved timeless in its appeal.
49元5本 超简单法语单词书一学就会
《超简单法语单词书 一学就会》法语单词网络联想速记法,新的法语学习法大公!每单元都有文字引导您由特定的主题,通过互联 网络记忆相关词汇,配合着网络图,可以加深对单词的印象。
《 迪士尼大电影双语阅读·超能陆战队(日汉对照)》本书是迪士尼电影小说,日汉对照,适合初级以上日语水平的读者。 故事简介如下:在未来世界的超级都市,热爱发明创造的天才少年小宏,在哥哥的鼓励下参加了理工学院的机器人大赛。他凭借微型机器人赢得一致好评,谁知突如其来的灾难夺走了小宏的哥哥,也将小宏的梦想和人生毁于一旦。小宏的身心饱受创伤,哥哥生前留下的治疗型机器人大白则成为安慰他的伙伴。之后小宏意外发现那场灾难背后似有阴谋,于是他和大白以及哥哥的朋友们共同努力,和神秘人展了较量……
[意]麦克雷 编
Ego Sentio Ergo Sum: A Influência da Lei do Amor na Lei da Atra??o
Ego Sentio Ergo Sum: A Influência da Lei do Amor na Lei da Atra??o
Daniel Marques
Ego Sentio Ergo Sum: A Influência da Lei do Amor na Lei da Atra??o
Classroom Hierarchy: 50 Rules to Become a Dominant, Loved, Respected and Admired
Classroom Hierarchy: 50 Rules to Become a Dominant, Loved, Respected and Admired
Daniel Marques
Classroom Hierarchy: 50 Rules to Become a Dominant, Loved, Respected and Admired Teacher
Rowling, J.K.
“米勒娃是罗马神话中的战神与智慧女神。威廉·麦格则被视为英国糟的诗人,我无法克制地想着他的名字,想着这位如此优秀的女性居然有可能是这位麦姓小丑的远亲。” —— J.K.罗琳《Pottermore Presents》是J.K.罗琳的作品系列,收录了早期曾发表于 pottermore.com 的短篇文章。将 Pottermore 发表过的作品集结为电子书,带您遨游在哈利·波特的世界中,并一探J.K.罗琳的灵感来源和角色背景,尽情享受魔法世界带来的惊喜。哈利·波特故事中象征勇气的两位代表性角色——米勒娃·麦格与莱姆斯·卢平——他们的英雄气概、人生困境与危险嗜好等详细介绍,都在人物介绍中娓娓道来。另外,J.K.罗琳除了揭开了占卜学教授西比尔·特里劳妮的神秘面纱,也讲述了西瓦诺斯·凯特尔伯这位无畏且热爱魔法生物的教授之故事。
Paths to Wholeness: Selections
Paths to Wholeness: Selections
David J. Bookbinder
Most of us try to be fully present to this amazing existence we were born into, and often we can be. But sometimes, we look for help.In these selections from Paths to Wholeness: Fifty-Two Flower Mandalas, psychotherapist, photographer, and near-death survivor David J. Bookbinder brings his capacity for inspiring personal transformation to his readers. In this stunning collection of Flower Mandala images and their accompanying meditative essays and inspirational quotes, Bookbinder shows us how to find balance, build resilience, overcome fear, grant forgiveness, and love more fully. Described by one reader as "the best self-help book I've ever read" and by another as "like having a therapist in a book," Paths to Wholeness serves as a guide for successfully traversing the hills and valleys of our existence.Keep it by your bedside, thumb through it as you drift off to sleep, knowing you are not alone on your journey.TIP: For a more vivid experience of the images, try setting the background to Black.
The Art of Balance Cheat Sheet
The Art of Balance Cheat Sheet
David J. Bookbinder
The Battle for Balance is a life and death struggle. Stay balanced, and we enjoy life to the fullest. Lose balance, and life gets hard. In The Art of Balance: Staying Sane in an Insane World, life coach and psychotherapist David J. Bookbinder shows you how to stay on top of the forces that unbalance us, recover quickly if you get knocked down, and be prepared whenever life's unbalancers throw you a curve ball.? The Art of Balance doesn't just "give a man a fish," so he can eat that day. It teaches you how to fish. Time-tested self-help tools and techniques are integrated into a system that helps you create your own tools, develop your own techniques, refine your own strategies--and thereby become the master of your destiny.This Cheat Sheet is a quick overview of the six-step system for restoring and maintaining life balance described in The Art of Balance: Staying Sane in an Insane World.
The Social Contract
The Social Contract
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
According to Wikipedia: "Of The Social Contract, Or Principles of Political Right (Du contrat social ou Principes du droit politique; 1762) by Jean-Jacques Rousseau is a book in which Rousseau theorized about the best way to establish a political community in the face of the problems of commercial society, which he had already identified in his Discourse on Inequality (1754). The Social Contract helped inspire political reforms or revolutions in Europe, especially in France. The Social Contract argued against the idea that monarchs were divinely empowered to legislate; as Rousseau asserts, only the people, who are sovereign, have that all-powerful right... Jean-Jacques Rousseau (28 June 1712 – 2 July 1778) was a Genevan philosopher, writer, and composer of the 18th century. His political philosophy influenced the French Revolution as well as the overall development of modern political, sociological, and educational thought. Rousseau's novel Emile, or On Education is a treatise on the education of the whole person for citizenship. His sentimental novel Julie, or the New Heloise was of importance to the development of pre-romanticism and romanticism in fiction. Rousseau's autobiographical writings — his Confessions, which initiated the modern autobiography, and his Reveries of a Solitary Walker — exemplified the late 18th-century movement known as the Age of Sensibility, and featured an increased focus on subjectivity and introspection that later characterized modern writing. His Discourse on Inequality and The Social Contract are cornerstones in modern political and social thought."
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