

Am uitat s? fim ferici?i
Am uitat s? fim ferici?i
Liane Moriarty
Imagineaz???i c? ai uitat cei mai importan?i zece ani din via?a ta. De la autoarea bestsellerurilor Secretul so?ului ?i Marile minciuni nevinovate C?nd se treze?te ?ntins? pe podeaua s?lii de gimnastic?, dup? o puternic? lovitur? la cap, Alice Love crede c? este ?nc? o t?n?r? de dou??zeci ?i nou? de ani, dornic? de distrac?ii, aflat? la ?nceput de drum al?turi de un so? minunat ?i ?ns?rcinat? cu primul lor copil. ?ns? descoper? cu uimire c? lovitura la cap i?a ?ters ultimii zece ani din memorie ?i c? acum este o femeie de treizeci ?i nou? de ani, cu trei copii ?i un b?rbat care o ur??te. Cum e posibil ca via?a ei s? se fi schimbat at?t de dramatic? ?i de ce nu??i aminte?te nimic? Alice nu se mai recunoa?te ?i nici nu?i place persoana ?n care s?a transformat. Trebuie s? decid? dac? pierderea memoriei este un blestem sau o bine?cuv?ntare ?i cum s? o ia de la cap?t. "O comedie romantic?, amuzant? ?i provocatoare, scris? cu un fin sim? al observa?iei." - Marie Claire "O poveste dulce?am?ruie scris? de o autoare talentat?." - Women's Weekly "Stilul lui Moriarty este minunat: uneori nostim, alteori trist, dar mereu irezistibil." - Good Housekeeping
Cryptocurrency:Understanding Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum & Altcoins
Cryptocurrency:Understanding Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum & Altcoins
Sean Bennett
Cryptocurrencies have been referred to as ‘Digital Gold’. No wonder as they have continued to rise and beat expectations! Cryptocurrencies are a growing trend and have been on the rise over the past several years. There are a growing number of online businesses that accept cryptocurrencies as a form of payment, such as Bitcoin. With the growing world of cryptocurrencies, it can seem confusing with all the options you have. This book is here to help you understand the various cryptocurrencies currently serving the market. In this book you will learn about: ? What are Cryptocurrencies? The History of Cryptocurrencies? Cryptocurrency and Currency? What is Blockchain? How to Store Cryptocurrency? Sending and Receiving Currency? Investing in Cryptocurrencies? Trading Cryptocurrencies? Virtual Profits and Actual Profits? FOMO FUD? Risk Management? ICOs Not only will it cover this, you will also learn about: ? A Guide for Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethererum, Litecoin Altcoins? The Future of Cryptocurrencies There are endless opportunities when it comes to cryptocurrencies, so why not get involved now. They can be great investment opportunities, and they are a great way to impress your friends. Get this book today and learn the basics of the world of cryptocurrencies. Start learning more about cryptocurrency! Enjoy the second book in the series from Cryptomasher! What are you waiting for? Take control of your financial future, go ahead and purchase the book!
Victor Hugo
htiyalar ok fazlalaan insanlar kendi z kaynaklarn snrlarn zorlamaya itilir ve yollarna kan herhangi bir savunmasz kiiden bile irkilir. ve ücretler, yiyecek ve s, cesaret ve iyi niyet hepsi sahip olamadklar eylerdir. Bu karanlk ierisinde erkek, kadn ve ocuun zayfln ele geirir ve onlar utan verici ilere zorlar. Artk hibir dehet veya korku dlanmaz. mitsizlik, sadece drt duvarn adilii ve basitlii ile snrlanmtr; hepsi ktülük ve sua ynelir... Hepsi sefillemi, bozulmu birer ktü ve pislik gibi gzükür. Fakat o denli alalm kiilerin de daha fazla alalamayaca bir izgi vardr ve bu dnüm noktasnda, d dünya adeta yutar bu zavall, tahilsiz, kimliksiz insanlar... Onlar "Sefiller"dir; toplumdan dlananlar, yeralt kpekleri...
Az Arab lánya
Az Arab lánya
Borsa Brown
Megrendít és fordulatos”Gamal, a szaúdi királyi család tagja, megkapja élete legnagyobb feladatát: fel kell nevelnie magyar szerelmétl született gyermekét, Annát – nem is akárhol: saját hazájában, Szaúd-Arábiában. A család nem nézi jó szemmel a házasságon kívüli kislány érkezését. De ha ez nem lenne elég, a sors még egy megoldhatatlannak tn kihívást küld Gamalnak.Vajon képes egy apa egyenlséget tenni gyermekei kztt, amikor azt a vallási tradíciók szerint nem is volna szabad Lehet boldog egy ilyen zord világban egy ártatlan kislány, akinek már születésekor megpecsételdik a sorsa Mire képes az apai szív Mire képes egy mostohaA hatalmas sikert aratott Az Arab és Az Arab szeretje cím írásokban megismertük egy szívbemarkoló szerelem trténetét.BORSA BROWN legújabb regényében, Az Arab lánya els ktetében a korábbi részek folytatásaként a gyermek Anna élete bontakozik ki, mikzben édesapja, Gamal lelke is új életre kel.A szerzn külnleges, szókimondó, ugyanakkor érzelmes és szenvedélyes, erotikában bvelked írásai az olvasók kedvenceivé váltak. Az írón a már megszokott stílusban folytatja a trténetet, mely ismét érzelmi magasságokba és mélységekbe juttat bennünket.
Slavici Ioan
Roman scris de Ioan Slavici, publicat ?n anul 1894, ?n revista Vatra, iar ?n volum a ap?rut abia ?n 1906.Titlul este reprezentat de numele personajului principal ?n jurul c?reia se desf??oar? ac?iunea. Semnifica?ia titlului este sugestiva, deoarece aceast? crea?ie este mai ?nt?i romanul, al c?rei destin constituie axa fundamental? a epicii. Tema romanului o constituie fresca social? a lumii ardelene?ti, cu moravurile ei specifice, a?ezat? la interferen?a satului cu ora?ul, ?ntr-un t?rg ardelenesc. Ac?iunea este plasat? la sf?r?itul secolului al XIX-lea ?i ?nceputul secolului al XX-lea.
Hayat?n Anlam?
Hayat?n Anlam?
Lev Nikolayeviç Tolstoy
Bir guumln ccedilok zengin bir adam o?lunu yan?na alarak, insanlar?n ne kadar fakir olabilece?ini gouml;stermek iccedilin onu bir koumlye gouml tuumlrduuml. Ccedilok fakir bir ailenin evinde bir guumln bir gece geccedilirdiler. ehre douml nerken baba o?luna sordu: "Yolculu?umuzu nas?l buldun?" "Ccedilok guuml zeldi babac???m" diye cevap verdi o?lu. "?nsanlar?n ne kadar fakir olabilece?ini gouml rduumln de?il mi?" "Evet." "Peki ne ouml ?rendin?" "unu goumlrd uumlm" dedi o?lu: "Bizim evde bir kouml pe?imiz, onlar?n doumlrt kouml pe?i var.
Ea & el
Ea & el
Marc Levy
S-au cunoscut prin intermediul unui site de ?nt?lniri amoroase. Dar n-au devenit iubi?i, ci prieteni.?i a?a vor s? r?m?n?. Ea e actri??. El e scriitor.Ea e Mia. El e Paul.Ea e britanic?. El e american.Ea se ascunde ?n Montmartre. El locuie?te ?n Marais.Ea are mult succes. El nu prea.De fapt, ea e faimoas? – de?i el nu-?i d? seama.Ea se simte singur?. ?i el.El e amuzant. Ea face gaf? dup? gaf?.Ea nu trebuie s? se ?ndr?gosteasc?. Nici el. Marc Levy revine la vechile lui teme cu aceast? comedie irezistibil? ?i imprevizibil? despre dragoste ?i prietenie.
Ketogenic Diet Food
Ketogenic Diet Food
Michael Rowe
Are you tired of trying fad diets that never seem to work? Do you want a sure a certain way to lose weight, that is healthy and simple to achieve? The answer to your search could be with The Ketogenic Diet Food Cookbook, a book which will teach you all the essentials you will need to lose weight, boost energy and heal your body at the same time.? Inside these pages you will discover not only a range of great recipes for any time of the day, but also:? Chapter 1 – Introduction to Ketogenic Diet? Chapter 2 - A little history of Diet Ketosis? Chapter 3 - The Difference Between Ketogenic, Low Carb, Atkins Paleo Diets? Chapter 4 - Are Alcohol and Beer Allowed while following the Ketogenic Diet?? Chapter 5 – The Relation between Carbohydrate-based Diets Hunger? Chapter 6 - Various types of Ketogenic Diets? Chapter 7 - A quick Definition of The Body Nutrients? Chapter 8 - Benefits of Ketogenic Diet? Chapter 9: Demolishing myths about the keto diet? Chapter 10 - Normally used Utensils For Ketogenic Diet? The recipes that have been provided in this book are ketogenic diet friendly. These recipes are not only easy to cook but taste wonderful too. All that you will need to do is get the necessary ingredients and keep them on hand. If you plan ahead and pre-decide your meals, following the keto diet won’t be difficult. It would be quite simple. You will need to stay strong and resist temptation. Be patient and you will definitely notice positive results in no time. Also, this diet helps you in losing fat from the abdominal region. Inside we collected only best of the best Ketogenic recipes for: Breakfast Main dishes Side dishes Desserts Snacks and appetizers Download your copy right away!
Sovereignty:The Battle for the Hearts and Minds of Men
Sovereignty:The Battle for the Hearts and Minds of Men
Ryan Michler
Every man is born with just one thing: his sovereignty - his power to respond to his environment and his circumstances. Unfortunately, most men have spent much of their lives giving away that sovereignty. Every time a man passes blame or shirks his responsibility, every time he makes excuses for his performance, and every time he trades his unlimited potential for a little perceived safety and security, he willingly submits himself to the mercy of others. Is it any wonder that men, in general, seem to have lost their way? You don’t have to look very far to recognize that men don’t seem to possess the same amount of vigor and purpose they once did. Take one sobering statistic—the rate of suicide in men—and you begin to see how damaging the effects of the voluntary subjugation of men to their families, their businesses, and their governments can be. It’s not hard to understand why we give up control to others—it’s easy and we’re expected to. Sovereignty: The Battle for the Hearts and Minds of Men?is a call for men to once again rise up and establish themselves as they once were—a revolution if you will. Inside the pages of this book, we’ll uncover the battle each man will inevitably engage in, the external forces fighting against the call to masculinity, and the internal struggle all men must overcome. But make no mistake, this revolution is not a call for men to go their own way and rally against society.?It’s a call for men to become fully the men they are meant to be so they may more adequately take care of themselves and those they are responsible for. Men have always been expected to protect, provide, and preside over themselves, their families, their businesses, and their communities. By embodying the thirteen Sovereign Virtues we detail inside, every man will be more capable of fulfilling his masculine duties and responsibilities. The words in this book go well beyond principle and theory, however, as we build the framework for establishing a battle plan to combat the external and internal threats to our masculine power and give every man the tools, resources, guidance, direction, and ability to reclaim what has always been his: his sovereignty.
Сказки про детей:Иллюстрированное издание
Сказки про детей:Иллюстрированное издание
Алексей Лукшин
Представляем новый сборник коротких поучительных историй от Алексея Лукшина, автора, уже известного вам по ?Сказкам Дружного леса?. На этот раз действие разворачивается не в волшебном лесу, но на знакомых нам улицах родных городов, а главные герои книги — дети, которые попадают в иногда забавные, а иногда и сложные ситуации, делая из них правильные выводы и усваивая важные жизненные уроки. Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.
Paths to Wholeness: Selections
Paths to Wholeness: Selections
David J. Bookbinder
Most of us try to be fully present to this amazing existence we were born into, and often we can be. But sometimes, we look for help.In these selections from Paths to Wholeness: Fifty-Two Flower Mandalas, psychotherapist, photographer, and near-death survivor David J. Bookbinder brings his capacity for inspiring personal transformation to his readers. In this stunning collection of Flower Mandala images and their accompanying meditative essays and inspirational quotes, Bookbinder shows us how to find balance, build resilience, overcome fear, grant forgiveness, and love more fully. Described by one reader as "the best self-help book I've ever read" and by another as "like having a therapist in a book," Paths to Wholeness serves as a guide for successfully traversing the hills and valleys of our existence.Keep it by your bedside, thumb through it as you drift off to sleep, knowing you are not alone on your journey.TIP: For a more vivid experience of the images, try setting the background to Black.
John Williams
William Stoner tizenkilenc évesen beiratkozik a Missouri Egyetem agrártudományi karára. Kés?bb tanár lesz ugyanott. Rosszul n?sül. Csendes, észrevétlen életet él, és halála után ritkán jut eszébe kollégáinak. A Stoner univerzális érték? t?rténetet tár elénk: ?szintén, részvéttel, átható er?vel. Az ember konfliktusairól, kudarcairól és diadalairól mesél, a szürke hétk?znapokról, amelyeket nem szokott meg?r?kíteni a t?rténetírás. Az egyedi élet jelent?ségének állít emléket. Páratlan olvasmány, dicshimnusza az irodalom erejének, olyan regény, amelynek minden mondatát élvezni kell. John Williams (1922–1994) amerikai író, k?lt?. Denverben tanult, majd tanított irodalmat. F?bb m?vei: Nothing but the Night (1948), Butcher’s Crossing (1960), Stoner (1965) és az Augustus, amely 1973-ban megkapta a Nemzeti K?nyvdíjat. Magyarul ez az els? k?nyve.
Let’s Eat: Elly Pear’s Home Fridge Deli
Let’s Eat: Elly Pear’s Home Fridge Deli
Elly Curshen
Sunday Times bestselling author Elly Pear shares over 90 of her new pescatarian recipes all centring around vegetables, grains, pulses and dairy.Her approach to food and cooking perfectly suits the modern-day cook and is packed with innovative fresh flavours, interesting textures and a strong garnish game to boot. Crucially, Elly believes that food should be simple and special, whatever the occasion – the two go hand-in-hand.Let’s Eat contains everything you need to know to enjoy incredible meat-free dishes in a straight forward, cost-effective way. You don’t need a stand mixer, a huge processor or oodles of obscure ingredients. These are the cookery building blocks which will help you try new things, mix it up and feel confident in the kitchen. Elly covers:? Batch cooking, where you’ll learn how a little advance preparation can make for effortless dinners, whatever day of the week.? Freezeable dishes, where Elly provides 4 innovative ways to use your defrosted portions. Repetitive leftovers are a thing of the past.? Quick and easy menus containing curated sets of recipes perfectly suited to a whole host of occasions, whether it’s a romantic dinner for two, a brunch party or weeknight family teatime.Elly appreciates the challenges of being a modern cook. Hers is simple, tasty food – that sort that you can cook day-in, day-out, with ease. It’s nutritious but not spotless, and always brings joy.
Food Combining for Health: The bestseller that has changed millions of lives
Food Combining for Health: The bestseller that has changed millions of lives
Doris Grant,Jean Joice
DORIS GRANT was Dr Hay's first emissary in the UK. A true pioneer in the natural health field, she helped to revolutionise the way we eat and was extremely influential in the early -- and continued -- popularity of the food combining system. JEAN JOICE worked as a radio and television producer specialising in health topics and has written extensively about herbs. She is co-author of the Food Combining for Health Cookbook.
The Modern Cook’s Year: Over 250 vibrant vegetable recipes to see you through th
The Modern Cook’s Year: Over 250 vibrant vegetable recipes to see you through th
Anna Jones
Anna Jones is a cook, food writer and stylist. One grey, late-for-the-office day, she decided to quit her day job after reading an article about following your passion. Within weeks, she was signed up on Jamie Oliver’s Fifteen apprentice programme. She went on to be part of Jamie’s food team – styling, writing and working behind the scenes on books, TV shows and food campaigns. She has also worked with other well-known chefs, such as Henry and Tom Herbert (The Fabulous Baker Brothers), Stevie Parle and Antonio Carluccio, and cooked for royalty, politicians and LA school children alike. She lives, writes and cooks in Hackney, East London.
Home Baking
Home Baking
Rachel Allen
Rachel Allen was brought up in Dublin and at the age of eighteen left to study at the prestigious Ballymaloe Cookery School. Today, she not only teaches at the school, she also writes regular features for national publications, presents highly acclaimed television programmes which have been broadcast internationally. She is the winner of the 2012 Irish Book Award for Best Non-Fiction for Easy Meals.
Hibiscus: Discover Fresh Flavours from West Africa with the Observer Rising Star
Hibiscus: Discover Fresh Flavours from West Africa with the Observer Rising Star
Lopè Ariyo
Lopè Ariyo recently graduated from Loughborough University, where she read Mathematics. In her spare time, she wrote and filmed recipes for her food blog, focusing primarily on contemporary African food. This lead her to enter, and win, the HarperCollins and Red Magazine African cookery competition. Lopè currently lives in Croydon, south London, and divides her time between consulting for African food brands and writing content for her blog, www.lopeariyo.com.
The Grand Tour Guide to the World
The Grand Tour Guide to the World
The Grand Tour stars Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May as three middle aged men who should know better. The trio previously worked on an obscure BBC car show before hitting the big time with The Grand Tour which is an epic show about adventure, excitement and friendship. As long as you accept that the people you call friends are also the ones you find most annoying.
Elly Pear’s Let’s Eat: Simple, Delicious Food for Everyone, Every Day
Elly Pear’s Let’s Eat: Simple, Delicious Food for Everyone, Every Day
Elly Curshen
She is the founding owner of the Pear Café in Bristol, a must-visit destination for fresh, delicious, handmade soups, frittatas, and sandwiches (including the hugely popular Ham, Emmenthal and Chicken Crackling Sandwich, named one of Buzzfeed’s “17 Sandwiches You Must Eat Before You Die”).
Curlew Moon
Curlew Moon
Mary Colwell
Mary Colwell makes programmes for the BBC and the independent sector, mainly on nature and the environment. She recently featured in BBC Wildlife’s UK 50 Top Conservation Heroes awards.
Solo Food: 72 recipes for you alone
Solo Food: 72 recipes for you alone
Janneke Vreugdenhil
Janneke Vreugdenhil is one of the Netherlands’ best-loved culinary journalists. Her columns and articles in the quality Dutch daily NRC Handelsblad are hugely popular, due in no small measure to her infectious enthusiasm. She has been a food writer and critic for many years, and as a result is very well connected. Mark Bittman and Claudia Roden are close friends of hers.