

Blockchain Technology and DevOps
Blockchain Technology and DevOps
Stephen Fleming
Blockchain Technology & DevOps BundleBook 1- Blockchain Technology: Introduction and its impact on Business EcosystemBLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY BEYOND BITCOIN INVESTING……(Free Blockchain Booklet Inside- Resources for further study)Larry Summers (US Former Treasury Secretary) once exclaimed,” 40 years from now, Blockchain and all that followed from it will figure more prominently in that story than will Bitcoin.”This is the essence of my interest and research in Blockchain Technology. Most of the discussions or information is about Bitcoin investing and its implications on Fintech sector. But what if you have more in-depth curiosity like:- How would Blockchain Technology impact the day to day lives of common people?- How could the government leverage the Blockchain Technology to improve the service delivery?- How would the existing businesses be impacted and integrated with this new Technology?- How the current Businesses and Jobs would be transformed?- What are the other sectors where this Technology have been Implemented?The answer to these questions would pave the way for your future research of the topic. It would also help you to stay ahead of the race by learning the relevant applications of Blockchain Technology. My book is an attempt to understand and look Blockchain Technology beyond investing!Book 2- DevOps Handbook: Introduction and its impact on Business Ecosystem“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”- Charles DarwinAs the industry is moving towards maximum digitization there is a consensus that DevOps practices help you deliver software faster, more reliable, and with fewer errors.DevOps is set of practices and cultural values that have been proven to help organizations of all sizes improve their software release cycles, software quality, security, and ability to get rapid feedback on product development.This book is aimed at Consultant, Project Manager and people from techno-commercial profiles who would be explaining the benefits of DevOps to the client, internal leadership or project teams. As the crux of DevOps methodology lies in the cultural transformation of the organization, people who are stakeholders in shaping this change must understand the overall alignment of business goals with this methodology.You would get to explore:? ·What is DevOps·Relationship between Agile, Scrum, Kanban and DevOps·DevOps Adoption: Organizational cultural Change ·Emerging Trends·DevOps success stories In the Free Booklet you will find out: ·DevOps Job Market overview (No. of jobs, Mean salary etc.)·Insights into DevOps job application·People to follow the latest development
The Real Estate Primer:The Golden Rules of Buying and Selling
The Real Estate Primer:The Golden Rules of Buying and Selling
Geoffrey Gibson
You would not set out to climb Everest without the right training and equipment. Same with real estate, do not even start unless you know what you are doing. This book can be your guide, it is the result of thirty years in a very competitive real estate market. Let the author walk you through the marketplace in this easy step-by-step guide. This will help you achieve your real estate goals and save your hard earned money. Learn how to: ·Set up your search. ·Assess value. ·Understand the golden rule of real estate. ·Overcome the hurdle of price. ·Read the real estate market. ·Negotiate to buy or sell. ·Auctions. ·Successfully invest. Geoffrey Gibson spent thirty years in the highly competitive real estate market of Sydney's Lower North Shore. He has sold some of Sydney's finest homes, and was also known for his marketing of the area's commercial, retail and industrial property. Learn more at www.GeoffreyGibson.com Business & Economics : Real Estate - Buying & Selling Homes
Maps of the Soul
Maps of the Soul
Ahmed Fagih
Othman al-Sheikh is running away from the shadows of his past life in a small dusty village in the Libyan Desert. Tripoli, meanwhile, is a city in the process of transformation, moulded to the will of its Italian colonisers. Its decadent entertainments and extravagant riches conceal an underbelly of abject poverty and ruthless plotting. Othman falls for the city and its temptations. With a natural instinct for survival, he tries his luck in the capital, swept along by chance and opportunity.
Hillary Scholl
Step-By-Step Guide Makes It Easy To Get Targeted Traffic That Converts For Pennies Per Click With YouTube Advertising… YouTube is the 2nd BIGGEST search engine ?on the? internet?? has over 1 Billion users with hundreds of millions of hours of YouTube videos being watched daily with full engagement? YOUTUBE? ADS? for MAXIMUM? PROFITS Although often overlooked, YouTube advertising is one of the fastest, easiest ways to get affordable traffic flowing quickly… Engagement on YouTube is MASSIVE, and growing, with a 60% year over year increase in the number of hours people spend watching video… this means your ads get clicked It’s pretty obvious that YouTube is big and getting BIGGER… which means the advertising opportunity is MASSIVE! But, To See Success With YouTube Ads, You Must Know What You’re Doing… You can’t just throw up an ad and expect to start making big profits… Although YouTube ads is a very user-friendly platform, there are some details that you must pay attention to if you want to see success… If you do things the right way, you can find yourself raking in profits like crazy… in many cases right out of the gates… But if you do things wrong, you could find yourself wasting time, spinning your wheels, and ultimately wasting money… And it gets worse… Sadly, Many People That Try To Generate Traffic With YouTube Advertising Fail… That’s because they don’t fully understand what must be done to see success with YouTube ads. The KEY to success with YouTube is to pay attention to the details, and in order to do that, you really need to learn from someone that’s seen massive results from advertising on YouTube. Pay close attention, because today I’m going to show you a system that will take you by the hand and show you how to generate as much targeted traffic as you could ever want with YouTube advertising… This step-by-step guide will show you how to harness the power of YouTube’s ads platform to get fast results and traffic that generates a positive return on your marketing investment… How to get started with YouTube ads even if you’ve never made a video or logged into YouTube in your entire life… Step-by-step instructions to get your YouTube ads setup and ready to start generating traffic within just a few minutes… Creating your first video campaign the right way… Do this right, and you’ll find yourself getting massive ROIs…?? The tools of the trade… You’ll discover exactly which tools you need to get started… I’ll even show you how to start with little to no budget if you’re trying to do this on a shoestring… No camera? No problem… this book reveal the fastest way to create a professional looking video WITHOUT a video camera… using this simple method, you can get started today, even if you don’t have any high-tech equipment… The types of ads that work the best and generate the highest ROI are broken down… you’ll be a YouTube ads expert when you finish this training… The best way to track the success of your campaigns so you know when to call it quits on a campaign and when to scale things up to the next level… What if you could just cut to the chase and start making money right out of the gates? Wouldn’t that make a whole lot more sense? This guide to YouTube advertising was created by someone with experience creating and profiting from winning campaigns… Doesn’t it make more sense to learn from an expert and take a shortcut to success?
Cum s? sl?be?ti peste noapte
Cum s? sl?be?ti peste noapte
Dr. Caroline Apovian
Autoarea c?r?ii propune o documentat? trecere ?n revist? a celor mai importante teorii ale marketingului politic ?i o descriere aprofundat? a etapelor pe care le presupun conceperea ?i plasarea unui produs din acest domeniu. De asemenea, volumul cuprinde un studiu comparativ al abord?rilor privind marketingul politic ?i o clarificare a sectorului publicistic privind domeniul marketingului politic.
Marchizul de Rio-Santo
Marchizul de Rio-Santo
Paul Féval
Strategii verificate pentru succes profesional Dac? ne na?tem to?i cu un creier ?n esen?? asem?n?tor, atunci cum se face c?, ?n istorie, doar pu?ini oameni par s? exceleze cu adev?rat ?i s? ?i ?mplineasc? aceast? putere care exist? latent? ?n to?i? Robert Greene analizeaz? vie?ile mae?trilor pentru a spulbera miturile privind geniul ?i a demonstra c? s?rguin?a, r?bdarea, perseveren?a ?i ?ncrederea joac? un rol mult mai mare ?n ob?inerea succesului dec?t simplele capacit??i intelectuale. Cu ajutorul strategiilor de urmat pentru ?mplinirea poten?ialului ?i respect?nd pa?ii descri?i ?n carte, pa?i pe care i-au urmat, ?n evolu?ia lor profesional?, personalit??i ca Goethe, Einstein, Darwin sau Mozart, ne arat? autorul, ne putem dezvolta talentele cu care am fost ?nzestra?i la na?tere, astfel ?nc?t s? ne g?sim propria chemare ?i s? devenim lideri ?n orice domeniu de activitate.
Doctorul memoriei - tehnici simple ?i amuzante pentru ?mbun?t??irea memoriei
Doctorul memoriei - tehnici simple ?i amuzante pentru ?mbun?t??irea memoriei
 Douglas Mason, Xavier Smith
Prima carte din Rom?nia despre p?strarea clien?ilor Aceasta nu este o biblie ?n domeniu, dar este un must read pentru oricine vrea s? p?streze un client. ?Cred ?n Customer Retention. Cred ?n Lovemarks. Cred ?n Customer Experience ca form? evoluat? a loialit??ii. Cred ?n cei mai buni. Cred ?n exper?i, ?n cei care nu se vor mul?umi cu a fi exper?i din titulatur?, ci din convingeri ?i idei proprii.” Acesta este manifestul cu care ??i ?ncepe Mihai Dragnea pledoaria pentru autenticitate, responsabilitate ?i creativitate ?n rela?ia cu clien?ii. ?n goana dup? market share ?i profit se investesc foarte multe resurse ?n atragerea clien?ilor noi, iar rela?ia cu clien?ii existen?i este adeseori neglijat?. Foarte important: Customer Retention nu se refer? la loializarea clien?ilor, ci la p?strarea celor care inten?ioneaz? s? renun?e. Customer Loyalty este pentru cei pe care vrei s? ?i r?spl?te?ti c? ??i sunt clien?i. Este vorba despre dou? segmente diferite c?rora trebuie s? le corespund? abord?ri de business distincte. Clien?ii ??i exprim? opiniile oriunde, online mai ales, ?i au o mare putere de decizie, inclusiv pe aceea de a schimba valorile ?i credin?ele unei companii. A-i trata nediferen?iat pe cei care vor s? renun?e la produsele ?i serviciile tale ?i pe cei care ??i sunt fideli este ca ?i cum ai trage cu tunul la un concurs de tir cu arcul. ?A? recomanda aceast? carte ca lectur? obligatorie pentru toate persoanele dintr-o companie, de la front office p?n? la management. ?n orice moment ?i la orice palier ierarhic, pot fi luate decizii care s? ajute compania s? ??i p?streze clien?ii mul?umi?i ?i aceast? mul?umire s? fie tradus? ?n fidelitate. Mihai ne arat? exact cum trebuie tratat? problema reten?iei ?i reu?e?te s? explice importan?a unor decizii potrivite luate ?n deplin? cuno?tin?? de cauz?, at?t business, c?t ?i customer oriented.” - Andrei Cismaru, Social Media Manager at Bitdefender ?Mihai este un artist des?v?r?it. Iar arta sa st? ?n m?iestria cu care reu?e?te s? pun? ?n practic? una dintre cele mai frumoase discipline de business, rela?ia cu clien?ii.” - M?d?lina Vil?u, Managing Director, Marketing Insiders Group ?This is retention vine cu informa?ii foarte bine documentate despre loializare ?i reten?ie, dou? instrumente de marketing despre care nu mul?i ?tiu c? sunt diferite. Cu un stil diplomatic ?i pe alocuri umoristic, Mihai ne vorbe?te despre provenien?a acestor instrumente ?i ne ajut? s? le diferen?iem prin simpla aprofundare a istoriei lor. Speciali?tii ?n marketing vor ?n?elege, dup? citirea acestei c?r?i, c? uneori ?i-au targetat gre?it clien?ii, dar vor ?ti ce ?i cum s? ?mbun?t??easc? pe viitor.”- Gabriela Udeanu, Founder, Buzzle.ro
Bitcoin & Cryptocurrencies Guide: Introduction Learn Everything You Need To Know
Bitcoin & Cryptocurrencies Guide: Introduction Learn Everything You Need To Know
Raymond Kazyua
Bitcoin & Cryptocurrencies Guide: Introduction Learn Everything You Need To Know! Discover the next currency revolution taking the world by surprise The next big trend is here and you do not want to miss out! Make MASSIVE profits and learn how to leverage bitcoin trends Easy to read, in depth and coherent Bitcoin guide. Learn what Bitcoin is Learn the mystery behind cryprtocurrenciesKey concepts, valuable insights, facts, and your step by step guide to success"This most comprehensive guide and shortcut to understanding the complexities of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies" ----William Leung, IT Analyst What You'll Learn How values fluctuate and how value is actually tradedBlockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, etcInsights on risks and how value is tradedHow mining worksHow to estimate trendsDirection in which Bitcoin is heading and how its changing the worldGovernment & policies surrounding Bitcoin internationallyYou don't want to miss out on this next big trend, and this once in a life time opportunity that can change your life forever!Through out history there has always been periods or spikes of trends that set ablaze a new era and way of living. We've seen the discovery of electricity which we use today as a source of renewable energy, planes which drastically changed the world of transportation, and then the cell phone which shifted the way people communicate with one anotherBitcoin, cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology is the next big WAVE of change and will revolutionize the world we live in today. Do not get left behind! Grab your copy now! Before its to late!
Cómo ganar $ 100,000 por a?o en ingresos pasivos y viajar por el mundo
Cómo ganar $ 100,000 por a?o en ingresos pasivos y viajar por el mundo
Chase Andrews
"Chase Andrews proporciona la hoja de ruta exacta que puede seguir para obtener $100,000 por a?o en ingresos pasivos." ?Muy valioso y altamente recomendado para aquellos que quieren comenzar a ganar dinero mientras duermen!"“Mark Anastasi, autor del best-seller del New York Times "The Laptop Millionaire”Si su objetivo es una isla remota o simplemente pasa más tiempo con su familia, este libro puede llevarlo allí. Descubra las 14 estrategias de ingresos pasivos que utilizan las personas comunes para recuperar el control de su tiempo y aprovechar al máximo sus vidas. Sí, ahora puede vivir el estilo de vida que siempre ha so?ado y disfrutar de múltiples flujos de ingresos.?Si está cansado de hacer a su jefe rico de trabajar de cheque a cheque, o simplemente quiere mejorar drásticamente su estilo de vida actual, este es el libro que puede cambiar todo.Siga los pasos que se detallan en este libro y tendrá todo esto más pronto de lo que creyó posible.?Millones de personas viven bajo sus propios términos, haciendo lo que aman, trabajando cuando eligen hacerlo, ganando el doble, el triple o más de lo que hicieron en sus trabajos "normales".??Está listo para unirse al movimiento? **Aquí hay una vista previa de lo que aprenderá**?Qué es el ingreso pasivo y por qué lo necesita más de lo que cree?Cómo hacer una fortuna vendiendo eBooks en Amazon Kindle?Cómo encontrar, analizar y vender productos físicos a través del programa FBA de Amazon?Cómo generar seis cifras por a?o en Bienes Raíces comprando solo dos propiedades por a?o?Cómo analizar el mercado de valores y hacer una matanza de opciones de compra y venta?Cómo hacer $ 100,000 por a?o gracias a eBooks?Cómo crear un sitio y monetizar con una guía paso a paso?Cómo crear un blog con una guía paso a paso?Cómo hacer dinero de los sitios de autoridad?Cómo encontrar y vender bienes raíces digitales (sitios web) para obtener enormes ganancias?Cómo convertir su oro y plata en activos que generan ingresos?Cómo crear una cartera de dividendos de seis cifras por a?o??Y mucho más!Obtenga su copia hoy y dé un paso más hacia la libertad financiera
Preparing for ISO Certification Audit – A Plain English Guide
Preparing for ISO Certification Audit – A Plain English Guide
Dejan Kosutic
“Before you decide if your company should go for the certification, you have to ask yourself one important question: Do you really need it?” This book is a complete guide that will not only help you decide on this crucial concern, but also lead you from the beginning of the certification project to the end. This book is not focused solely on one ISO standard – the certification process is the same for any standard, so the book is adapted in such a way that it is perfectly acceptable for ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 27001, ISO 20000, ISO 22000, OHSAS 18001, ISO 13485, and IATF 16949. Kosutic wrote Preparing for ISO Certification Audit: A Plain English Guide primarily for beginners in this field, and for people with moderate knowledge about ISO certification. The book is structured in such a way that someone with no prior experience or knowledge about ISO standards can quickly understand how the whole certification process works, and what steps to take for its successful completion. This book is a straightforward guide for ensuring your company passes the certification audit, leading you through the following steps: The final check before going for the certification – this part of the book explains in detail all the necessary steps that need to be done before going for the certification. How to choose a certification body – here you will learn about the most important criteria for choosing the certification body. Among others, you should consider the reputation, specialization, and experience of a certification body. Steps in the company certification and how to prepare – in this part of the book you will learn more about the Stage 1 audit, Stage 2 audit, and surveillance visits – the three main steps in the certification process. Which questions the certification auditor may ask – this section of the book will give you insight into how the certification auditors usually perform the certification audit, explaining what documentation you should prepare, what evidence the auditor will try to find, and what kind of questions you can expect during the certification interview. How to talk to the auditors to benefit from the audit – “Don't forget that auditors are only people, and no matter how professional they are, they will always be glad if you treat them fairly, and will be negative if you treat them badly.” What the auditor can and cannot do – this section is also very important in order to prepare your company for the certification audit. You have to be aware that there are borders that a certification auditor shouldn’t cross. Written in plain English with easy-to-understand language, this is the only book you will ever need on the subject.?
Managing ISO Documentation – A Plain English Guide
Managing ISO Documentation – A Plain English Guide
Dejan Kosutic
In this book, Dejan Kosutic, author and experienced ISO consultant, is giving away his practical know-how on managing policies, procedures, plans, forms, reports, and other documented information. No matter if you are new or experienced in the field, this book gives you everything you will ever need to learn on how to handle ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 27001, ISO 22301, ISO 20000, ISO 22000, OHSAS 18001, ISO 13485, AS9100, and IATF 16949 documents. Many ISO practitioners are often disappointed with the quantity and complexity of the documentation. You can frequently hear: “We don’t need these documents – we’re doing just fine without them; this would only be overkill.” “This standard is all about documentation – we simply need to fill out all the documents, and we’ll automatically get the certificate.” “We need to write policies and procedures for each and every process, activity, and control in our company – the more documents, the clearer the rules will be, and it will be easier for us to comply.” This book is here to prove these statements wrong. As Kosutic says: “The main point of the implementation of any standard is that the employees perform their activities and processes in a better way, and the documentation is here to help you do that, because otherwise, their processes and activities would become unmanageable.” Managing ISO Documentation: A Plain English Guide is a step-by-step guide that will explain the sequence of writing the documentation and its relationship with the PDCA cycle, how to decide on your documentation strategy, how to decide which policies and procedures to write, and what might be the most crucial part – how to write documentation that will be accepted by your employees. Written in easy-to-understand language, whether you’re an experienced practitioner or new to the field, Managing ISO Documentation: A Plain English Guide is the only book you’ll ever need on the subject.
Сооружаем уютную беседку, веранду, террасу
Сооружаем уютную беседку, веранду, террасу
Podol'skij Jurij
Б?знес-гуру, ?нвестор Кремн??во? долини, американський п?дпри?мець Бен Горов?ц написав в?дверту книгу про б?знес, не под?бну до сотн? видань штибу ?Як створити власну справу ? досягнути усп?ху?. ??Автор не пропону? готових рецепт?в усп?ху й аргументовано поясню?, чому таких рецепт?в не ?сну?. Горов?ц розпов?да?, що в б?знес?, як ? в житт?, передус?м потр?бно розмежовувати сво? сприйняття ? факти, особисте та профес?йне, ? тод? нав?ть р?шення зв?льнити кращого товариша н? для кого не стане катастрофою. Нав?ть якщо п?д вашим кер?вництвом працю? найталановит?ший прац?вник, який здобув визнання у профес?йних колах, саме ви вир?шу?те, чи потр?бен його нестерпний характер ? великий талант ваш?й компан??.??Увесь св?й досв?д керування людьми, боротьбу з ?хн?ми ?нтригами, пошуки найкращих фах?вц?в Бен Горов?ц пода? як ?нструкц?ю до д??, зрозум?лу кожному. Б?знес-д?йсн?сть — нещадна, наче життя у гетто, про яке сп?вають часто цитован? автором репери. А ваш? шанси виграти дор?внюють шансам програти. Тому ця книга не для тих, хто шука? легких в?дпов?дей, а для тих, хто зна?: запитань завжди б?льше, н?ж в?дпов?дей, а перемагають у б?знес? т?льки найв?дважн?ш?.??
Тайна имения Велл (Tajna imenija Vell)
Тайна имения Велл (Tajna imenija Vell)
Kjetrin Chanter
У чому причина стр?мкого економ?чного злету Китаю? Чому не можна беззастережно дов?ряти думц? нео?нституц?онал?ст?в? Де ?золота середина? в керуванн? економ?кою держави? На ц? та ?нш? питання шука? в?дпов?дь репортер Financial Times Джо Стадвелл. В?н анал?зу? три головн? складники усп?шно? економ?ки: с?льськогосподарську пол?тику, промислове виробництво ? розпод?л ф?нансування. У приц?л? авторсько? уваги Япон?я, П?вденна Корея, Тайвань, ?ндонез?я, Малайз?я, Та?ланд, Ф?л?пп?ни, В’?тнам ? Китай. Анал?зуючи б?знес цих кра?н, автор показу?, що спрацювало в Аз??, а що н?
Institutional Foundations of Impersonal Exchange
Institutional Foundations of Impersonal Exchange
Arrunada, Benito
Governments and development agencies spend considerable resources building property and company registries to protect property rights. When these efforts succeed, owners feel secure enough to invest in their property and banks are able use it as collateral for credit. Similarly, firms prosper when entrepreneurs can transform their firms into legal entities and thus contract more safely. Unfortunately, developing registries is harder than it may seem to observers, especially in developed countries, where registries are often taken for granted. As a result, policies in this area usually disappoint. ?Benito Arruada aims to avoid such failures by deepening our understanding of both the value of registries and the organizational requirements for constructing them. Presenting a theory of how registries strengthen property rights and reduce transaction costs, he analyzes the major trade-offs and proposes principles for successfully building registries in countries at different stages of development. Arruada focuses on land and company registries, explaining the difficulties they face, including current challenges like the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States and the dubious efforts made in developing countries toward universal land titling. Broadening the account, he extends his analytical framework to other registries, including intellectual property and organized exchanges of financial derivatives. With its nuanced presentation of the theoretical and practical implications, Institutional Foundations of Impersonal Exchange significantly expands our understanding of how public registries facilitate economic growth.
The One-Life Solution
The One-Life Solution
Cloud, Henry
Do you feel that if you could get rid of some of the chaos in your work life, you could take your performance to a greater levelDo you stay late at the office many nights, trying to empty an inbox that never seems to diminishDo you have difficulty dealing with cantankerous bosses or passive-aggressive coworkersDo you find yourself checking your BlackBerry almost against your will during dates, family dinners, or your children's soccer gamesIf you've answered yes to any of the above, chances are you feel fragmented, pulled in too many directions at once, frustrated. Your work life has taken over your personal life.In The One-Life Solution, Dr. Henry Cloud, consultant, bestselling author of the Boundaries series and Integrity, and clinical psychologist, examines the workplace. He demonstrates how our failure to maintain a unified life with good boundaries at the office not only blurs the line between the professional and the personal, but leaves us less equipped to deal with the problems of today's workplace: stress, heavy workload, and a blistering pace. As a result, we are overworked, overstressed, and unhappier than ever. Through real-world examples from years of working with leaders at companies large and small, Dr. Cloud shows us how to construct and enforce better boundaries against the technological devices, bullying bosses, and distracting coworkers who invade our time and space.From conducting an audit of your time, to developing a policy of who you are and what you stand for, to learning how to overcome a paralyzing inability to say no, Dr. Cloud provides invaluable strategies and *s for moving toward a more unified, coherent sense of self and a life that fully encompasses work, family, and spirituality. In a clear, conversational voice, he will help you develop the ability to: contain self-destructive behavior and keep it from spreading. define yourself and know who you are. set limits when needed. communicate effectively. learn how to improve your performance at the office and outside it. By starting to do what's best for you, you'll find the key to living the one happy, fulfilling life that only you can live.
Get Back in the Box
Get Back in the Box
Rushkoff, Douglas
Douglas Rushkoff was one of the first social commentators to identify the new culture around the internet. He has spent nearly a decade advising companies on the ways they can re-orient their businesses to the transformations the internet has caused. Through his speaking and consulting, Rushkoff has discovered an important and unrecognized shift in American business. Too many companies are panicked and operating in survival mode when the worst of the crisis has already passed. Likening the internet transformation to the intellectual and technological ferment of the Enlightment, Rushkoff suggests we have a remarkable opportunity to re-integrate our new perspective with the work we actually do. Instead of running around trying to "think out of the box," Rushkoff demonstrates, now is the time to "get back in the box" and improve the way we do our jobs, run our operations and drive innovation from the ground up. Combining stories gleaned from his consulting with a thrilling tour of history's dramatic moments and clever readings of cultural shift we've just experienced, Rushkoff offers a compelling vision of the simple and effective ways businesses can re-invigorate themselves.
Your Money or Your Life
Your Money or Your Life
Cavuto, Neil
As the host of Fox News Channel's Your World with Neil Cavuto and Cavuto on Business, Neil Cavuto reports on today's most influential business leaders and newsmakers. His great talent is to get beneath the issues, connecting people to the events that define them and changing the way that Americans think about their money. Ending each show with a provocative, insightful commentary, Cavuto stirs people to see the world in a new light, calling on them to think beyond the stories at hand and challenging people to reevaluate the world that they live in.In Your Money or Your Life, Cavuto compiles the best of these commentaries in one volume, creating a collection that is at once witty, thought-provoking, and inspiring. Covering a variety of topics from remembering life before 9/11, to providing tips for empty nesters Cavuto presents a wry yet evocative look at our world, one that speaks to the heart of the American condition. Spanning one of the most tumultuous decades in memory from the wild and chaotic Clinton years through the sobering challenges of the War on Terror Cavuto's words offer a window into our America at its best and its worst.
The Motley Fool Million Dollar Portfolio
The Motley Fool Million Dollar Portfolio
Gardner, David
In this long-anticipated, groundbreaking guide to building a portfolio, acclaimed stock pickers and Internet pioneers David and Tom Gardner lay bare the simple philosophy that they have used to help millions of grateful individual investors outfox the professionals on Wall Street. The research, the stories, and the results that underpin this book stem from the revolutionary and wildly successful "Motley Fool Million Dollar Portfolio"" a one-of-a-kind Web experiment in which individual investors follow along as Motley Fool co-founder Tom Gardner invests and manages $1 million of The Motley Fool's own money. In page after page of sound, sensible investment advice, readers are offered a rare glimpse into the inner workings of The Motley Fool machine and offered a first-class education in building, growing, and defending an individual portfolio, one investment strategy at a time. From learning to think like an investor to finding a first stock, from dividend investing to blue-chip bargains to small-cap treasures, from international investing to community-based online tools that are revolutionizing stock selection and asset allocation, this book takes the reader through the essential strategies for building any portfolio no matter how small its start or how big its ambitions.
The Confines of the Shadow: The Colonial Conquest
The Confines of the Shadow: The Colonial Conquest
Alessandro Spina
The Confines of the Shadow is a sequence of novels and short stories that map the transformation of the Libyan city of Benghazi from a sleepy Ottoman backwater in the 1910s to the second capital of an oil-rich kingdom in the 1960s. Alessandro Spina's saga begins in November 1912 with The Young Maronite, which sees Italian soldiers solidifying their control over Libya's coasts, leaving the Libyan rebels to withdraw to the desert and prepare for a war that would last until 1931, when by dint of sheer brutality, including the internment of tens of thousands of civilians into concentration camps, the Italians crushed the rebellion and murdered its widely respected leader, Omar al-Mukhtar. Employing a cosmopolitan array of characters, ranging from Ottoman functionaries, to Sanussi aristocrats and Italian officers, Spina chronicles Italy's colonial experience from the euphoria of conquest - giving us a front row seat to the rise and subsequent fall of Fascism in the aftermath of World War II - to the country's independence in the 1950s. Spina finally concludes his narrative with the discovery of Libya's vast oil and gas reserves, which triggered the tumultuous changes that led to Muammar Gaddafi's forty-two-year dictatorship. Distinguishing themselves by their intimate understanding of East and West, the novels that comprise The Confines of the Shadow are among the most significant achievements of 20th-century fiction and stand unchallenged as the only multi-generational epic about the European experience in North Africa. This is the first instalment of a three-volume translation, and it includes The Young Maronite, The Marriage of Omar and The Nocturnal Visitor, which are set between 1912 and 1927.
Erelem: eszetlen szerelem
Erelem: eszetlen szerelem
Robin O'Wrightly
Vannak ügyfelei??Vev?i??Vásárlói??Akkor erre a k?nyvre szüksége van!?A Királyok vagy zsarnokok? ?gyfélpanasz 2.0 cím? k?nyv??sszefoglalja az ügyfélpanaszok kezelésének jó gyakorlatát. Jellegzetes esetpéldákon keresztül dolgozza fel az ügyfélpanasz kezelés buktatóit, bemutatja a legfontosabb kutatásokat is.? Egy k?nyv a vev?visszajelzések fontosságáról és a panaszkezelésr?l.?Amit megtudhat a Királyok vagy zsarnokok? ?cím? k?nyvb?l: Miért olyan fontosak a vásárlók d?ntéseiben a korábbi vásárlók visszajelzései? Tényleg mindig a vev?nek van igaza? Hogyan lesz kommunikációs krízishelyzet egyetlen ügyfélpanaszból? Mit tanulhatsz meg mások hibáiból, nevezetes ügyfélpanaszokból? Hogyan használható a szájreklám és a social listening a panaszkezelésben? Mire jók az ügyfélszolgálati chatbotok? Hogyan segít a mesterséges intelligencia a panaszkezelésben? Mi a social media ügyfélszolgálat? A k?nyv szerz?je Vas Dóra, kríziskommunikációs szaktanácsadó, online kommunikációs szakember.
The Marriage Contract by Honoré de Balzac - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
The Marriage Contract by Honoré de Balzac - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
Honoré de Balzac
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘The Marriage Contract by Honoré de Balzac - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Collected Works of Honoré de Balzac’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Balzac includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘The Marriage Contract by Honoré de Balzac - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Balzac’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
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