

Cine a fost Pablo Picasso?
Cine a fost Pablo Picasso?
True Kelley
This book contains instructions for camping and walking in the wilderness.As an infantryman with the Union Army, John M. Gould marched and camped in an organized group for several years. He wrote down what he knew, and the result is a book that shows you how to camp and how to organize yourself when you go camping.
San-Antonio. Bérurier ?n serai
San-Antonio. Bérurier ?n serai
Dard Frédéric
Solu?ia Chopra pentru o sc?dere ?n greutate permanent?, stare de bine ?i lini?te sufleteasc? Via?a ?nseamn? ?mplinire! La ce t?nje?ti acum? La m?ncare? Iubire? Stim? de sine? Lini?te sufleteasc?? De ce m?nc?m uneori mai mult dec?t avem nevoie? Deepak Chopra ne r?spunde: fiindc? nu reu?im s? g?sim mul?umirea ?i lini?tea sufleteasc? de care avem nevoie, transform?m m?ncarea ?n substitut al satisfac?iei emo?ionale. C?nd motivele dezechilibrului emo?ional dispar, organismul se autoregleaz? ?i cere c?t ?i trebuie. Deepak Chopra identific? mai ?nt?i cauzele care ne ?mpiedic? s? ne schimb?m atitudinea: obiceiurile proaste, teama de schimbare, descurajarea de a urma ?nc? o diet? sau dimpotriv?, credin?a naiv? c? urm?toarea diet? va func?iona, al?turi de poftele cotidiene, mai ales pentru alimentele s?rate, dulci ?i grase ?i de faptul c? ritmul modern de via?? aproape c? ne impune alegerea alimentelor nes?n?toase.Solu?ia Chopra este o abordare holistic?, bazat? pe leg?tura dintre minte ?i corp. Ca s? ajungem la o stare ideal? de ?mplinire sufleteasc? ?i form? fizic? optim? trebuie s? ne hr?nim zilnic trupul cu alimente s?n?toase, inima cu bucurie, compasiune ?i iubire, mintea cu noi informa?ii, iar spiritul cu calm ?i con?tiin?? de sine.Cartea se ?ncheie cu o sec?iune de re?ete delicioase ?i s?n?toase inspirate din meniurile Centrului Chopra ?i bazate pe principiile alimentare ayurvedice, adaptate la via?a occidental? modern?.Oriunde te afli ?n via??, cartea de fa?? te va ajuta s? alegi direc?ia potrivit?.
Kötter Tamás
j vitaminforradalom zajlik – bár egyelre még csak a kutatás zárt világában. Az elmúlt egy-másfél évtizedben a tudomány olyan felismerések birtokába jutott a vitaminok kapcsán, amelyek szó szerint életbevágóan fontosak lehetnek számunkra. m SZENDI GBOR új ktetének aktualitását nem csupán e forradalmi helyzet adja. Az új ismeretek fényében ideje újragondolnunk a vitaminok krül kialakult babonákat és mesterségesen gerjesztett mítoszokat is, amelyek az utóbbi évtizedekben sajnálatos módon kialakították az elvakult vitaminhívk és a konok vitaminellenesek táborát. A vitaminguruk és -próféták által keltett kdben fontos végre tisztán látnunk, mik a vitaminok valódi hatásai, mit tarthatunk igaznak és mit idejétmúlt illúziónak a vitaminokkal kapcsolatban. SZENDI GBOR knyve vállaltan nem enciklopédia: nem sorolja fel, melyik vitamin mire jó”, vagy éppen mit okoz” a hiányuk. Ehelyett a vitaminkutatás legújabb eredményei alapján bemutatja a legfontosabb vitaminok, valamint a kalcium és magnézium hatásmechanizmusát, és igyekszik ráébreszteni az olvasókat arra, hogy ezek a vitaminok és ásványi anyagok csak egymással komplex klcsnhatásban mkdnek megfelelen. Kvetkezésképp ahhoz, hogy a szervezetben kifejthessék kívánatos hatásukat, az egyikbl beszedend mennyiséget célszer a vele klcsnhatásban lév másikkal sszhangba hozni. Ahogy a szerz fogalmaz: Olyan az egész, mint egy szimfónia. Csak akkor áll ssze egységes élménnyé, ha játékával minden zenész a nagy egészet szolgálja.”
Paul Hut
Торты с сюрпризом сделают ваш праздник незабываемым! Их ароматная середина подарит в разрезе цветы из творожного теста, радужное сердце с цедрой лайма, милых шоколадных кошек, ежевичное омбре и даже признание в любви! Торты просты в приготовлении. Эффектные приемы работы с различными видами теста, наполнителями из цедры, орехов, кусочков желе и шоколадных капель, начинками и специальными трафаретами превращают обычный рецепт в кулинарный шедевр.Torty s sjurprizom sdelajut vash prazdnik nezabyvaemym! Ih aromatnaja seredina podarit v razreze cvety iz tvorozhnogo testa, raduzhnoe serdce s cedroj lajma, milyh shokoladnyh koshek, ezhevichnoe ombre i dazhe priznanie v ljubvi! Torty prosty v prigotovlenii. Jeffektnye priemy raboty s razlichnymi vidami testa, napolniteljami iz cedry, orehov, kusochkov zhele i shokoladnyh kapel', nachinkami i special'nymi trafaretami prevrashhajut obychnyj recept v kulinarnyj shedevr.
Leiner Laura
Лето – прекрасное время для приготовления салатов! Вам понадобятся всего 5 ингредиентов и 5 минут! Для каждого салата приведено 5 вариантов. Заменив один ингредиент, вы получите новые необычные вкусы. Вы удивитесь, сколько новых салатов можно сделать из привычных овощей, сыра, мяса, рыбы! Каждый салат описан пошагово, готовые блюда показаны на фото. Воспользуйтесь рецептами из книги и приготовьте ?Цезарь? или ?Нисуаз?, салат с копченой курицей и черносливом или крабовый, шопский или азиатский салат. Leto – prekrasnoe vremja dlja prigotovlenija salatov! Vam ponadobjatsja vsego 5 ingredientov i 5 minut! Dlja kazhdogo salata privedeno 5 variantov. Zameniv odin ingredient, vy poluchite novye neobychnye vkusy. Vy udivites', skol'ko novyh salatov mozhno sdelat' iz privychnyh ovoshhej, syra, mjasa, ryby! Kazhdyj salat opisan poshagovo, gotovye bljuda pokazany na foto. Vospol'zujtes' receptami iz knigi i prigotov'te ?Cezar'? ili ?Nisuaz?, salat s kopchenoj kuricej i chernoslivom ili krabovyj, shopskij ili aziatskij salat.
Scorned, Torn And Reborn
Scorned, Torn And Reborn
Rebecca Donovan
Scorned, Torn & Reborn is written for women who are undergoing a divorce that has been initiated by their husbands. The author’s purpose is to help women in this group work through the changes that are occurring in their lives with dignity and grace. The goal is to come out on the other side of the transition whole and ready to embrace life and happiness. The book begins with guidance and support for the raw emotions the reader may be experiencing after having learned that their marriage is ending. The author discusses grief, betrayal, the need for self-care, and ways to start rebuilding lost self-esteem. The book then follows chronologically as the divorce process continues, giving practical advice for legal representation, financial awareness, and dividing households. Scorned, Torn & Reborn offers tools for supporting the children through the changes,communicating with the ex, finding support from friends and family, and dealing with loneliness. The last section of the book focuses on moving forward, establishing co-parenting strategies, various aspects of dating, finding what the reader truly wants, and building a better life and a happier self.
The Extraordinary Man: Reconnect to Your Masculine Power To Achieve Purpose, Fre
The Extraordinary Man: Reconnect to Your Masculine Power To Achieve Purpose, Fre
Arthur Magoulianiti
If You Don’t Claim Extraordinary, Ordinary Claims You!?What does it mean to be an Extraordinary Man? What does it mean to live an extraordinary life, and why should you care to find out?? The simple answer is that becoming an Extraordinary Man is the only way to achieve true joy and happiness. That process of becoming involves living passionately, feeling excited about life and prioritizing a life of abundance, meaning and deep fulfillment.? But what is at stake if you do not pursue an extraordinary life? If you don’t claim Extraordinary, ordinary claims you!? An ordinary man lives a mediocre life defined by surviving instead of?thriving, where things maybe?just OK, but are hardly ever great. Ordinary is where work is an emotionally-draining necessity, where relationships are a challenge and where finances are never too far away from going flat.? At the heart of creating and living an extraordinary life is the process of becoming an Extraordinary Man. The good news is that it’s a lot easier than you might think! In order to have more, we must first become more and?The Extraordinary Man?lays out the principles and practices that can change your life - literally overnight.? Each new habit, each new strategy applied changes your life for the better. Adopting these time-tested and proven principles will create extraordinary results for you and, just as importantly, those around you like your family and loved ones.? All men know deep down that they have more to give, they know that deep down they are powerful. But on the surface, anything that blocks our masculine power prevents us from accessing our innate powers to create, to love, and to live life to the fullest.? It’s time to leave behind the ordinary and become your best self; to fully become?The Extraordinary Manthat has always lived inside of you!
Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes
Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes
Parloa, Maria
This excellent book, specifically formatted for today's e-readers, is a wonderful treasure-trove of recipes involving chocolate. Despite being first published before the second world war, the sweets, cakes, desserts and dishes contained within these pages are as tasty now as when they were first concocted. Allow your taste-buds to experience the wonder of chocolate, cocoa and candy, and be amazed at the variety that you can cook!
Eating Out - By Staying In
Eating Out - By Staying In
Taylor, Keith
This entertaining and humourous book is laid out in twelve country chapters - each chapter detailing recipes and suggesting menus, from that country, thus effectively giving you a choice of twelve ethnic restaurants to imitate. The countries are: Great Britain, France, Italy, Spain, Morocco, Greece, Turkey, Goa, India, Thailand, China and North America. Within each chapter are detailed recipes using that country's local ingredients, allowing the choice to construct a one, two or three course ethnic meal - Firstly a soup and starter, then a choice between fish or shellfish in a seafood section. For the main course choice recipes are provided using the following as their dominant ingredient: Beef, Lamb, and Pork (where permitted) Chicken, Game, Offal and a Veggie option. Finally a pudding recipe is offered. Penned by a retired grumpy Old Man as a guide for fellow harassed males allowing them to transport and manufacture their favorite cuisine to their own dining room - instead of traveling miles to find an ethnic restaurant in which to spend a fortune on grub they can easily cook themselves - saving a good few quid and allowing them to do their impression of the late and much lamented Keith Floyd, without worrying about the boys in blue on the way home, also putting them on their bride's team, providing they clean up after themselves in HER kitchen...
365 Foreign Dishes
365 Foreign Dishes
Author, Traditional
Are you ever stuck for a fascinating new dish to try? This amazing cookbook contains 365 regional dishes from around the world - one for every day of the year. From Egyptian Cabbage to Scotch Scones and French Spiced Venison, this amazing list of recipes will have you trying new foods in no time! Each recipe is presented in a simple way, with easy-to-understand instructions. This edition has been specially formatted for today's e-readers.
Jewish Manual
Jewish Manual
Montefiore, Judith Cohen
A fantastic collection of hundreds of traditional Jewish recipes from the 19th century.
Casa cu ieder?
Casa cu ieder?
Logreșteanu Florin
Vrei s? afli secretul suprem al s?n?t??ii ?i al frumuse?ii? Nu-l c?uta ?n cutia cu medicamente, caut?-l aici!Apel?nd la doar c?teva schimb?ri de regim alimentar:vei ob?ine o str?lucire tinereasc? a pieliivei sc?pa de acnee, petele de pe ten ?i ridurivei avea un p?r cu un luciu s?n?tos ?i unghii tarite vei descotorosi de kilogramele ?n plus ?i nu vei mai calcula niciodat? caloriile!?Nu-mi place s? ?in diet?. ?mi place s? m?n?nc s?n?tos ?i tocmai ?n asta const? filosofia lui Kim. E genial?.“ – Drew BarrymoreKimberly Snyder, nutri?ionist? ?i expert? ?n ?nfrumuse?are, este cunoscut? ?n lumea celebrit??ilor din industria divertismentu-lui, pe care le ajut? s? arate excep?ional. Acum ai ?i tu posibilitatea s? beneficiezi de tratamentul vedetelor.Kim avea probleme cu p?rul aspru, st?ri de disconfort fizic ?i o burtic? ?nc?p???nat?, p?n? c?nd a ?nceput s? c?l?toreasc? prin lume ?i a aflat secrete ale frumuse?ii vechi de c?nd lumea.Astfel a descoperit c? ceea ce m?n?nci constituie cel mai bun produs pentru frumuse?e ?i a elaborat un program de anvergur? care cur??? organismul de toxine astfel ?nc?t s? po?i ar?ta splendid ?i s? te sim?i minunat.?Cartea lui Kimberly Snyder este o lectur? obligatorie, care scoate ?n eviden?? importan?a introducerii ?n alimenta?ie a c?t mai multor legume ?i fructe. Ea ?i ?nva?? pe cititori cum s? valorifice la maximum ceea ce m?n?nc?.“ – Dr. Mehmet Oz
Dezleg?nd misterele na?terii ?i mor?ii... ?
Dezleg?nd misterele na?terii ?i mor?ii... ?
Daisaku Ikeda
Un ghid complet pentru femeile care doresc s? r?m?n? ?ns?rcinate. Con?ine aspectele medicale, sociale, psihologice ?i sexuale ale unei astfel de ?ncerc?ri ?i este relatat? cu umor ?i compasiune, ?n stilul unei discu?ii cu o bun? prieten? care a trecut prin toate acestea. Analiz?nd cantitatea imens? de informa?ii – uneori contradictorii, frecvent alarmiste ?i adeseori descurajante – culese de pe internet, de la rude ?i prietene, ?i din c?r?i, autoarea ne d? o veste bun?: lucrurile nu sunt at?t de stresante cum par s? fie.Pornind de la ultimele studii din domeniu, cartea abordeaz? problemele esen?iale legate de sarcin?:cum s? te preg?te?ti fizic ?i mental c?nd vrei s? r?m?i ?ns?rcinat?;cum s? discu?i cu rudele, prietenii ?i partenerul t?u;cum s? treci peste marea triste?e a unei pierderi de sarcin? spontane.De asemenea, afli:cum s? ?tii c?nd ai ovula?ie, c?nd s? faci sex;cum s?-?i programezi sarcina;cum s?-?i maximizezi ?ansele de a r?m?ne gravid?;cum s? determini probabilitatea de a avea b?iat sau fat?;care este cea mai bun? diet? prenatal?.Ce e adev?rat ?i ce e fals ?n toate aspectele ?ncerc?rii de a deveni mam?, de la perioada optim? pentru sex, la problemele legate de stres ?i la alegerea unei alimenta?ii care s? duc? la cre?terea fertilit??ii… ?i nu numai at?t!?Aceast? carte este exact?, lini?titoare ?i foarte amuzant?! O recomand c?lduros!“ – Dr. Christiane Northrup, obstetrician ginecolog, autoare a c?r?ilor Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom ?i The Wisdom of Menopause
Femeile nu-?i dau seama
Femeile nu-?i dau seama
Vian Boris
Un program revolu?ionar, bogat ?n nutrien?i, pentru o sc?dere ?n greutate rapid? ?i sus?inut?. Sl?bi?i peste 10 kilograme ?n doar 6 s?pt?m?ni.Din cuprins:cazuri de succes care v? vor inspira (?nso?ite de fotografii relevante);m?rturii ale celor care au sc?pat de foarte multe kilograme ?i s-au vindecat de boli care le-au pus via?a ?n pericol;cercet?ri ?tiin?ifice actuale;re?ete noi;idei de preparate ?i multe altele.?O adev?rat? inova?ie medical?… Nu am nicio ?ndoial? c? va func?iona ?i ?n cazul t?u.“ – Dr. Mehmet Oz??n sf?r?it, o carte despre diete care trateaz? riguros ?tiin?a alimenta?iei. Majoritatea c?r?ilor despre diete con?in pu?ine informa?ii de baz? ?n ceea ce prive?te fiziologia. M?n?nc? pentru a tr?i analizeaz? motivele pentru care ne ?ngr???m ?i ne sf?tuie?te cum s? sl?bim ?i s? ne p?str?m silueta toat? via?a, r?m?n?nd totodat? s?n?to?i. Toate afirma?iile sunt sus?inute de date ?tiin?ifice reale.“ – Dr. Thomas Davenport, Spitalul General din MassachusettsM?n?nc? pentru a tr?i ofer? un mod de a sl?bi rapid, foarte eficient ?i demonstrat ?tiin?ific. ?n esen??, planul revolu?ionar pentru ?ase s?pt?m?ni al doctorului Fuhrman este simplu: s?n?tate = nutrien?i / calorii.Dac? raportul dintre nutrien?ii ?i caloriile din alimente este ridicat, sl?bi?i. Cu c?t alimentele pe care le consuma?i au o densitate mai mare a nutrien?ilor, cu at?t pofta de gr?simi, dulciuri ?i alimente bogate ?n calorii este mai redus?. M?n?nc? pentru a tr?i v? va ajuta s? tr?i?i mai mult, s? reduce?i dependen?a de medicamente ?i s? v? ?mbun?t??i?i starea de s?n?tate ?ntr-o m?sur? incredibil de mare. V? va schimba modul ?n care v? alimenta?i.?Cu ajutorul c?r?ii de fa?? ve?i sl?bi mai mult dec?t a?i crezut vreodat? c? este posibil ?i ve?i reu?i s? v? p?stra?i noua greutate.“ – Dr. Joel Fuhrman
Pérez Galdós Benito
Inversarea procesului de ?mb?tr?nire. Revitalizarea celulelor. Refacerea vigorii corporale?n cartea deschiz?toare de drumuri Enzima miracol, dr. Shinya ??i prezenta teoria enzimelor surs? ?i modul ?n care acestea influen?eaz? longevitatea. ?n cartea de fa??, autorul introduce ideea unei noi categorii de enzime, capabile s? inverseze deterior?rile produse de ?naintarea ?n v?rst? prin cur??area celulelor senescente sau ?zombi“, pe care ultimele cercet?ri ?tiin?ifice le arat? ca fiind cauza principal? a ?mb?tr?nirii. ?n paginile c?r?ii de fa?? vei afla:cum reu?esc enzimele ?ntineririi s? distrug? celulele zombi;de ce alimentele de culoare vi?inie contribuie la ?mbun?t??irea vederii ?i a memoriei; de asemenea, este prezentat un plan complet cu ajutorul c?ruia po?i s?-?i activezi enzima ?ntineririi ?i s?-?i revitalizezi s?n?tatea.totul despre comutatorul cancerului;de unde ?tiu celulele ce trebuie s? fac?.?tim c? un num?r tot mai mare de oameni sufer? de demen??, de Alzheimer sau de efectele unui atac cerebral. Celulele ?mb?tr?nite pot s? ne fac?, de asemenea, mai sensibili la bolile infec?ioase. Aceste celule pot chiar s? duc? la cancer. Esen?a vitalit??ii ?i s?n?t??ii noastre este dat? de buna func?ionare a celulelor organismului.
San-Antonio. Lupul travestit ?n bunicu??
San-Antonio. Lupul travestit ?n bunicu??
Dard Frédéric
Secretele c?mpului energetic uman sunt ?n sf?r?it dezv?luite! ?Pentru oricine dore?te s? examineze c?ile de integrare a cuno?tin?elor despre chakre ?n propria via?? ?i s?n?tate, cartea constituie un ghid valoros.“ – Dr. Larry Dossey, autorul c?r?ii Cuvinte t?m?duitoare ?n Puterea chakrelor, Susan Shumsky studiaz? am?nun?it literatura tantric? ?i vedic? antic?, pentru a ne pune la dispozi?ie cele mai autentice informa?ii despre cele ?apte chakre, cele ?apte sub-chakre ?i sistemul de energii subtile. P?n? acum, o mare parte din aceast? comoar? de ?n?elepciune a fost ?inut? ascuns? ?n p?durile ?i pe?terile Indiei ?i Tibetului. Citind aceast? carte de referin?? ?n domeniu, elogiat? de mae?trii spirituali din India precum ?i de mii de cititori recunosc?tori: ??i vei descoperi corpul subtil ?i c?mpul de energie ?i vei afla cum s? vindeci blocajele; vei ?n?elege cum func?ioneaz? kundalini ?i sistemul de chakre; vei ?nv??a cum s?-?i men?ii s?n?tos c?mpul de energie.
San-Antonio. Splin? ?n suc propriu
San-Antonio. Splin? ?n suc propriu
Dard Frédéric
Cre?te-?i energia ?n mod spectaculos pentru a nu te mai sim?i obosit niciodat?. Oboseala tinde s? devin? o adev?rat? epidemie. Oameni altfel s?n?to?i, cu v?rste ?ntre 30 ?i 50 de ani, se simt epuiza?i f?r? vreun motiv clar ?i totu?i, c?nd merg la doctor, li se spune c? nu e nimic ?n neregul? cu ei. Sim?i nevoia s? bei ceai sau cafea ca ?s? te treze?ti“? Te sim?i epuizat f?r? vreun motiv aparent? E?ti complet stresat vineri sau extenuat la sf?r?itul unei zile de munc?? Dac? ai r?spuns DA la oricare dintre aceste ?ntreb?ri, atunci a sosit momentul s? preiei controlul asupra s?n?t??ii tale cu ajutorul c?r?ii de fa??. Acest ghid practic pentru ?nvingerea oboselii, scris de unul dintre pu?inii medici generali?ti din Marea Britanie av?nd preg?tire at?t ?n medicina conven?ional?, c?t ?i ?n cea holistic?, te va ajuta: s? alegi regimul alimentar ?i tipul de exerci?ii fizice corecte pentru a-?i reface nivelurile de energie; s? descoperi cele mai bune suplimente care s? te ajute s? te sim?i excelent ?i s? ar??i mai t?n?r; s? atingi un echilibru hormonal ?i s?-?i ?mbun?t??e?ti func?ionarea intestinelor pentru o stare general? bun?. Citind aceast? carte, vom ?n?elege mai bine leg?tura dintre nutri?ie, exerci?ii fizice, mediu ?i s?n?tate precum ?i faptul c? trebuie s? ne asum?m responsabilitatea pentru propria noastr? stare de bine. ?Am scris Vindecarea oboselii pentru a eviden?ia un concept foarte important care este uitat adesea: nim?nui nu ar trebui s?-i pese de s?n?tatea ta mai mult dec?t ?ie. TU trebuie s? devii specialistul ?n tine ?i TU e?ti persoana responsabil? de s?n?tatea ta. Da, TU! Medicul generalist ?i al?i profesioni?ti din domeniul medical te pot ?ndruma, dar, ?n esen??, controlul depinde de tine ?i de alegerile pe care le faci. Nu?i a?a c? asta ??i d? putere?“ - Autoarea
Hamupip?ke, menj a búsba!
Hamupip?ke, menj a búsba!
Cindi Madsen
A világ legnagyobb sportsz?vetségének b?nügyi krónikája. A FIFA neve évek óta egyet jelent a megvesztegetéssel, a hivatali visszaéléssel, a nepotizmussal - r?viden: a maffiára emlékeztet? jegyekkel. Thomas Kistner egyike a világ vezet? oknyomozó újságíróinak. Immár t?bb mint húsz éve tárja a nyilvánosság elé a sportvilág b?nügyi mesterkedéseit, most pedig eddig ismeretlen dokumentumokból és tanúvallomásokból szerzett számtalan kül?nleges információkból drámai képet fest a világ legnagyobb sz?vetsége, a FIFA világában uralkodó hihetetlen állapotokról.??
Mrs Mary Eales's Recipes
Mrs Mary Eales's Recipes
Eales, Mrs Mary
120 fantastic recipes for all sorts of confectionary, from dried fruits to candies to preserves and jellies to biscuits and cakes, taken from the cookbook of Mrs Mary Eales, confectioner to Queen Anne. It even contains the very first instance of a recipe for ice cream to be included in an English cookbook.
Ce sunt Marile Piramide?
Ce sunt Marile Piramide?
Dorothy Hoobler, Thomas Hoobler, Jerry Hoare
The saber was the weapon of the soldiers and dueling heroes here in the Carpathian Basin for more than a thousand years. During this time it became more than a simple tool of fighting. It became a loyal companion and a symbol of valor of the wielder. This weapon and the valiant spirit of its wielders became known in Western Europe and North American via Hungarians. At the time of our settlement Western Europe feared the sight of the saber, it became a worthy opponent of the Turkish and later, after the civil war of Rákóczi it brought us honor in the wars fought at the side of foreign countries. Maybe there is no other sword type like this which reserved its significance for so long time. ?The saber is not only an antique weapon of a past era, but much like a sports tool as a foil which is used at the Olympic Games. ?This book contains an elaborated practical curriculum. With the help of it, the saber fencing can be learned from the basics to master level. The book guides the reader through hundreds of exercises with the help of more than a hundred photographic illustrations. These can help anyone to learn the basic moves, the more complex exercises and even the trick-cuts or disarmament. ?We prove with this book that the saber fencing is a living sport and martial art.
A f?n?k
A f?n?k
Baráth Viktória
"Negyvenkilenc voltam, amikor megszületett az els? és nyilvánvalóan egyetlen gyermekem, Linda.? Bár k?rnyezetem felkészített rá, hogy szinte minden ismer?snek, s?t idegennek is lesz valamilyen reakciója a hírrel kapcsolatban, talán még engem is meglepett, hogy milyen mennyiségben kaptam hideget-meleget. Ez a k?nyv az én verzióm, de nemcsak a saját sztorimat mesélem el benne, hanem hiszek abban, hogy segíteni tudok másoknak is a gondolataimmal.? Ha nem is tudom megoldani, hogy mindenki, aki szeretne, anyává válhasson, de bízom benne, az olvasóim céljainak eléréséhez kell? inspirációt nyújthatok." ?va ?szintén a kései teherbe esésr?l, gyermekvárásról, az els? hónapokról együtt.? Fej?s ?va új k?nyve egy személyes, naplószer? írás élete legutóbbi igen fontos eseményér?l, gyermeke születésér?l. ?szinte és humoros vallomások, t?rténetek gyerekvárásról, nevelésr?l, a mindennapokról. Egyfajta reflexió a sokakat foglalkoztató témára: a negyven f?l?tti gyerekvállalásra.? Tabukra fittyet hányó írás, amely minden gyereket tervez? vagy éppen már nevel? n?nek ajánlott olvasmány, kortól függetlenül, hogy mindenki számára egyértelm? legyen: Nem vagy egyedül, egy cip?ben járunk ;-)
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