

Autobiography of Charles Darwin
Autobiography of Charles Darwin
Darwin, Charles
The autobiography of one of the most influential people of the modern age. This was taken from writings and letters that Darwin wrote for his family, edited by his son Francis Darwin, and published posthumously.
A Bundakirály
A Bundakirály
Wilson Raj Perumal
Более 100 разнообразных диет ? Безопасные способы похудения ? Советы по питанию и подбору диеты ? Наглядные таблицы с меню Избавиться от лишних килограммов – это просто! Важно лишь правильно подобрать диету, подходящую именно вам, – и результат не заставит себя ждать. Вы будете худеть, великолепно выглядеть и прекрасно себя чувствовать! В этой книге собрано множество вариантов традиционных и современных диет, правила и секреты оптимального питания, которые позволят стройнеть без особых усилий и закрепить полученные результаты. Диета для ленивых, кальциевая, рисовая, безуглеводная диеты, гречневая, кефирная, голливудская, кремлевская, средиземноморская диеты, диеты Аткинса, Дюкана и другие – выбирайте свой вариант! Наглядные и удобные таблицы с меню для каждой диеты сделают процесс похудения еще менее хлопотным! Bolee 100 raznoobraznyh diet ? Bezopasnye sposoby pohudenija ? Sovety po pitaniju i podboru diety ? Nagljadnye tablicy s menju Izbavit'sja ot lishnih kilogrammov – jeto prosto! Vazhno lish' pravil'no podobrat' dietu, podhodjashhuju imenno vam, – i rezul'tat ne zastavit sebja zhdat'. Vy budete hudet', velikolepno vygljadet' i prekrasno sebja chuvstvovat'! V jetoj knige sobrano mnozhestvo variantov tradicionnyh i sovremennyh diet, pravila i sekrety optimal'nogo pitanija, kotorye pozvoljat strojnet' bez osobyh usilij i zakrepit' poluchennye rezul'taty. Dieta dlja lenivyh, kal'cievaja, risovaja, bezuglevodnaja diety, grechnevaja, kefirnaja, gollivudskaja, kremlevskaja, sredizemnomorskaja diety, diety Atkinsa, Djukana i drugie – vybirajte svoj variant! Nagljadnye i udobnye tablicy s menju dlja kazhdoj diety sdelajut process pohudenija eshhe menee hlopotnym!
Да ли ?е Срби?а шугава
Да ли ?е Срби?а шугава
Borislav Radosavljević
Автор книги?– кандидат медицинских наук, врач с?многолетним опытом – просто и?понятно рассказывает о?здоровье и?отвечает на?самые распространенные вопросы. ? Предвестники серьезных недугов ??Факторы риска заболеваний сердца ??Тест на?определение склонности к?гипертонии ? Симптомы и диагностика распространенных заболеваний ??При каких признаках нужно немедленно обращаться к?врачу ??Традиционные и?народные способы профилактики и?лечения артериальной гипертензии, ишемической болезни, стенокардии, аритмии, сердечной недостаточности и?др. ??Лечение травами ??Лечебное питание ??Лечебная физкультура и?многое другое. Avtor knigi?– kandidat medicinskih nauk, vrach s?mnogoletnim opytom – prosto i?ponjatno rasskazyvaet o?zdorov'e i?otvechaet na?samye rasprostranennye voprosy. ? Predvestniki ser'eznyh nedugov ??Faktory riska zabolevanij serdca ??Test na?opredelenie sklonnosti k?gipertonii ? Simptomy i diagnostika rasprostranennyh zabolevanij ??Pri kakih priznakah nuzhno nemedlenno obrashhat'sja k?vrachu ??Tradicionnye i?narodnye sposoby profilaktiki i?lechenija arterial'noj gipertenzii, ishemicheskoj bolezni, stenokardii, aritmii, serdechnoj nedostatochnosti i?dr. ??Lechenie travami ??Lechebnoe pitanie ??Lechebnaja fizkul'tura i?mnogoe drugoe.
TOTAL WAR: Attila kardja
TOTAL WAR: Attila kardja
David Gibbins
Not many years ago the group Insecta was held even by Zoologists to include numberless small creatures—centipedes, spiders, mites, etc.—which further study has shown to present essential differences of structure, and in popular language any fairly minute animal is still an insect, just as any insect is popularly a “fly”—or, in the United States, a “bug.” Scientifically the use of the term Insect is now much restricted, though still extensive enough in all conscience, since it includes many more than a quarter of a million known species. Zoologists recognise a large group of animals characterised by having no internal skeleton but a more or less firm external coating of a peculiar substance called chitin, often strengthened by calcareous deposits, which necessitates the presence of joints in their bodies, and especially in their limbs if they are to move freely, just as medieval suits of armour required to be jointed. These are the Arthropoda. One subdivision of this group consists of aquatic animals, breathing by gills, and known as Crustacea. Crabs, lobsters, shrimps and “water-fleas” are familiar examples, and with the exception of the so-called land-crabs the only Crustaceans habitually found on land are wood-lice. The other Arthropoda are air-breathing, and since their characteristic breathing organs are branching tubes known as tracheae, the term Tracheata is sometimes used to include them all. They fall naturally into three divisions, the Myriapoda, the Insecta and the Arachnida, and it is in this last-named division that we shall find the spiders. The Myriapoda are the centipedes and millipedes, and having said this we may dismiss them, for insects and arachnids are strictly limited as to legs; and no myriapod can ever be mistaken for a spider. The Arachnida are so varied in structure that it is not easy to give characteristics common to them all, and to any general statement there are bound to be exceptions, but for practical purposes it may be said that while an insect, when mature, has only six legs, and a pair of feelers or antennae of quite different structure, Arachnids have normally eight legs, and their feeling organs are not antennae but leg-like “pedipalps.”
Azi cant jazz
Azi cant jazz
Mihaela Stanciu
sszefoglaló knyvem olyan témát mutat be, amivel már tbb ismeretterjeszt írásban találkozhatott az olvasó, ám ezúttal olyan részletekkel és érdekességekkel találkozunk, amit eme knyvek alig, vagy egyáltalán nem taglalnak. E szerzeményben végigkvetjük a Fld mélyérl induló izzó anyagot, a kérgen át a felszínig, ahol tüzet és pusztítást zúdít mindenre és mindenkire a kzelben. Bemutatom, hogy mi lesz a kihlt lávából, és milyen formákat hoz létre. Ezen külnleges természeti képzdmények kialakulását és fejdését vesszük górcs alá. Megismerkedünk pár külnleges tzhányóval, amik pusztításuk révén rendkívüli hatással voltak nemcsak krnyezetükre, hanem az emberiségre is. Olyan ismereteket mutatunk be, amelyek meglepetést okozhatnak az olvasóknak.
Сила ?нтроверт?в: Тих? люди у св?т?, що не може мовчати
Сила ?нтроверт?в: Тих? люди у св?т?, що не може мовчати
Susan Cain
Disciplina affascinante e misteriosa, la Selfica permette di realizzare oggetti in metallo, inchiostri e colori in grado di interagire positivamente con l’ambiente e permettono a chi li possiede di aumentare il benessere personale, la sensibilità, l’equilibrio psicofisico. Le “self”– siano esse gioielli, strutture per l’ambiente o quadri – aiutano chi le usa a conoscere meglio se stessi e a entrare in contatto con dimensioni energetiche e campi di informazioni differenti da quelli in cui siamo normalmente immersi. La Selfica – sviluppata attraverso le ricerche e gli insegnamenti di Oberto Airaudi, Falco Tarassaco, ispiratore di Damanhur, Federazione di Comunità – è in realtà un’arte-scienza antichissima, già conosciuta da molti popoli del passato. Questo libro racconta le sperimentazioni di numerosi ricercatori e appassionati, raccolte dall’Autrice, protagonista a sua volta di molte esperienze appassionanti. ? un viaggio in una nuova dimensione dove tempo, spazio, emozione e memoria rispondono a leggi molto diverse da quelle a cui siamo abituati...
Divine Comedy (Volume II): Illustrated Hell
Divine Comedy (Volume II): Illustrated Hell
Dante Alighieri
Micrographia is a historic book by Robert Hooke, detailing the then thirty-year-old Hooke's observations through various lenses. Published in September 1665, the first major publication of the Royal Society, it was the first scientific best-seller, inspiring a wide public interest in the new science of microscopy. It is also notable for coining the biological term cell. Observations: Hooke most famously describes a fly's eye and a plant cell (where he coined that term because plant cells, which are walled, reminded him of a monk's quarters). Known for its spectacular copperplate engravings of the miniature world, particularly its fold-out plates of insects, the text itself reinforces the tremendous power of the new microscope. The plates of insects fold out to be larger than the large folio itself, the engraving of the louse in particular folding out to four times the size of the book. Although the book is best known for demonstrating the power of the microscope, Micrographia also describes distant planetary bodies, the wave theory of light, the organic origin of fossils, and various other philosophical and scientific interests of its author. Publication: Published under the aegis of The Royal Society, the popularity of the book helped further the society's image and mission of being "the" scientifically progressive organization of London. Micrographia also focused attention on the miniature world, capturing the public's imagination in a radically new way. This impact is illustrated by Samuel Pepys' reaction upon completing the tome: "the most ingenious book that I ever read in my life." Hooke also selected several objects of human origin; among these objects were the jagged edge of a honed razor and the point of a needle, seeming blunt under the microscope. His goal may well have been as a way to contrast the flawed products of mankind with the perfection of nature (and hence, in the spirit of the times, of biblical creation). About Author: Robert Hooke (1635 – 1703) was an English natural philosopher, architect and polymath.His adult life comprised three distinct periods: as a scientific inquirer lacking money; achieving great wealth and standing through his reputation for hard work and scrupulous honesty following the great fire of 1666, but eventually becoming ill and party to jealous intellectual disputes. These issues may have contributed to his relative historical obscurity. He was at one time simultaneously the curator of experiments of the Royal Society and a member of its council, Gresham Professor of Geometry and a Surveyor to the City of London after the Great Fire of London, in which capacity he appears to have performed more than half of all the surveys after the fire. He was also an important architect of his time – though few of his buildings now survive and some of those are generally misattributed – and was instrumental in devising a set of planning controls for London whose influence remains today. Allan Chapman has characterised him as "England's Leonardo".Robert Gunther's Early Science in Oxford, a history of science in Oxford during the Protectorate, Restoration and Age of Enlightenment, devotes five of its fourteen volumes to Hooke.Hooke studied at Wadham College during the Protectorate where he became one of a tightly knit group of ardent Royalists led by John Wilkins. Here he was employed as an assistant to Thomas Willis and to Robert Boyle, for whom he built the vacuum pumps used in Boyle's gas law experiments. He built some of the earliest Gregorian telescopes and observed the rotations of Mars and Jupiter. In 1665 he inspired the use of microscopes for scientific exploration with his book, Micrographia. Based on his microscopic observations of fossils, Hooke was an early proponent of biological evolution. He investigated the phenomenon of refraction, deducing the wave theory of light, and was the first to suggest that matter expands when heated and that air is made of small particles separated by relatively large distances. He performed pioneering work in the field of surveying and map-making and was involved in the work, though his plan for London on a grid system was rejected in favour of rebuilding along the existing routes. He also came near to an experimental proof that gravity follows an inverse square law, and hypothesised that such a relation governs the motions of the planets, an idea which was subsequently developed by Newton.
Székely és más finomságok kerek pocakoknak
Székely és más finomságok kerek pocakoknak
Asztalos Ágnes, Rudolf Elisabeth
Боли в руках, ногах, коленях периодически испытывают многие, а с возрастом болевые ощущения усиливаются. В этой книге представлена подробная информация о заболеваниях, которые становятся причиной неприятных симптомов. Вы вновь ощутите радость от движения без боли! ? Клинические симптомы, диагностика и лечение заболеваний: артрит, остеоартроз, синдром усталых ног, подагра и др. ? Народные методы лечения: настои, отвары, компрессы, ванны ? Лечебная гимнастика, массаж и самомассаж, рефлексо- и парафинотерапия ? Рецепты здорового питания ? Очищение организма и профилактика заболеваний ? ?Скорая помощь? для снятия боли. Boli v rukah, nogah, kolenjah periodicheski ispytyvajut mnogie, a s vozrastom bolevye oshhushhenija usilivajutsja. V jetoj knige predstavlena podrobnaja informacija o zabolevanijah, kotorye stanovjatsja prichinoj neprijatnyh simptomov. Vy vnov' oshhutite radost' ot dvizhenija bez boli! ? Klinicheskie simptomy, diagnostika i lechenie zabolevanij: artrit, osteoartroz, sindrom ustalyh nog, podagra i dr. ? Narodnye metody lechenija: nastoi, otvary, kompressy, vanny ? Lechebnaja gimnastika, massazh i samomassazh, reflekso- i parafinoterapija ? Recepty zdorovogo pitanija ? Ochishhenie organizma i profilaktika zabolevanij ? ?Skoraja pomoshh'? dlja snjatija boli.
Plato Plato
On the Origin of Species, published on 24 November 1859, is a work of scientific literature by Charles Darwin which is considered to be the foundation of evolutionary biology. Its full title was On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. For the sixth edition of 1872, the short title was changed to The Origin of Species. Darwin's book introduced the scientific theory that populations evolve over the course of generations through a process of natural selection. It presented a body of evidence that the diversity of life arose by common descent through a branching pattern of evolution. Darwin included evidence that he had gathered on the Beagle expedition in the 1830s and his subsequent findings from research, correspondence, and experimentation. Various evolutionary ideas had already been proposed to explain new findings in biology. There was growing support for such ideas among dissident anatomists and the general public, but during the first half of the 19th century the English scientific establishment was closely tied to the Church of England, while science was part of natural theology. Ideas about the transmutation of species were controversial as they conflicted with the beliefs that species were unchanging parts of a designed hierarchy and that humans were unique, unrelated to other animals. The political and theological implications were intensely debated, but transmutation was not accepted by the scientific mainstream. The book was written for non-specialist readers and attracted widespread interest upon its publication. As Darwin was an eminent scientist, his findings were taken seriously and the evidence he presented generated scientific, philosophical, and religious discussion. The debate over the book contributed to the campaign by T. H. Huxley and his fellow members of the X Club to secularise science by promoting scientific naturalism. Within two decades there was widespread scientific agreement that evolution, with a branching pattern of common descent, had occurred, but scientists were slow to give natural selection the significance that Darwin thought appropriate. During the "eclipse of Darwinism" from the 1880s to the 1930s, various other mechanisms of evolution were given more credit. With the development of the modern evolutionary synthesis in the 1930s and 1940s, Darwin's concept of evolutionary adaptation through natural selection became central to modern evolutionary theory, and it has now become the unifying concept of the life sciences. Summary of Darwin's theory: Darwin's theory of evolution is based on key facts and the inferences drawn from them, which biologist Ernst Mayr summarised as follows: ? Every species is fertile enough that if all offspring survived to reproduce the population would grow (fact).? Despite periodic fluctuations, populations remain roughly the same size (fact).? Resources such as food are limited and are relatively stable over time (fact).? A struggle for survival ensues (inference).? Individuals in a population vary significantly from one another (fact).? Much of this variation is inheritable (fact).? Individuals less suited to the environment are less likely to survive and less likely to reproduce; individuals more suited to the environment are more likely to survive and more likely to reproduce and leave their inheritable traits to future generations, which produces the process of natural selection (inference).? This slowly effected process results in populations changing to adapt to their environments, and ultimately, these variations accumulate over time to form new species (inference).
Andrzej Sapkowski
I shall be grateful to any Reader of this book who will point out any mistakes or misprints he may happen to notice in it, or any passage which he thinks is not clearly expressed. I have a quantity of MS. in hand for Parts II and III, and hope to be able——should life, and health, and opportunity, be granted to me, to publish them in the course of the next few years. Their contents will be as follows:— PART II. ADVANCED.Further investigations in the subjects of Part I. Propositions of other forms (such as “Not-all x are y”). Triliteral and Multiliteral Propositions (such as “All abc are de”). Hypotheticals. Dilemmas. &c. &c. Part III. TRANSCENDENTAL.Analysis of a Proposition into its Elements. Numerical and Geometrical Problems. The Theory of Inference. The Construction of Problems. And many other Curiosa Logica. Introduction TO LEARNERS.[N.B. Some remarks, addressed to Teachers, will be found in the Appendix]The Learner, who wishes to try the question fairly, whether this little book does, or does not, supply the materials for a most interesting mental recreation, is earnestly advised to adopt the following Rules:— (1) Begin at the beginning, and do not allow yourself to gratify a mere idle curiosity by dipping into the book, here and there. This would very likely lead to your throwing it aside, with the remark “This is much too hard for me!”, and thus losing the chance of adding a very large item to your stock of mental delights. This Rule (of not dipping) is very desirable with other kinds of books——such as novels, for instance, where you may easily spoil much of the enjoyment you would otherwise get from the story, by dipping into it further on, so that what the author meant to be a pleasant surprise comes to you as a matter of course. Some people, I know, make a practice of looking into Vol. III first, just to see how the story ends: and perhaps it is as well just to know that all ends happily——that the much-persecuted lovers do marry after all, that he is proved to be quite innocent of the murder, that the wicked cousin is completely foiled in his plot and gets the punishment he deserves, and that the rich uncle in India (Qu. Why in India? Ans. Because, somehow, uncles never can get rich anywhere else) dies at exactly the right moment——before taking the trouble to read Vol. I. This, I say, is just permissible with a novel, where Vol. III has a meaning, even for those who have not read the earlier part of the story; but, with a scientific book, it is sheer insanity: you will find the latter part hopelessly unintelligible, if you read it before reaching it in regular course. (2) Don’t begin any fresh Chapter, or Section, until you are certain that you thoroughly understand the whole book up to that point, and that you have worked, correctly, most if not all of the examples which have been set. So long as you are conscious that all the land you have passed through is absolutely conquered, and that you are leaving no unsolved difficulties behind you, which will be sure to turn up again later on, your triumphal progress will be easy and delightful. Otherwise, you will find your state of puzzlement get worse and worse as you proceed, till you give up the whole thing in utter disgust. (3) When you come to any passage you don’t understand, read it again: if you still don’t understand it, read it again: if you fail, even after three readings, very likely your brain is getting a little tired. In that case, put the book away, and take to other occupations, and next day, when you come to it fresh, you will very likely find that it is quite easy.(4) If possible, find some genial friend, who will read the book along with you, and will talk over the difficulties with you. Talking is a wonderful smoother-over of difficulties. When I come upon anything——in Logic or in any other hard subject——that entirely puzzles me, I find it a capital plan to talk it over, aloud. ? ? ? ? ? L. C.29, Bedford Street, Strand. February 21, 1896.
Fundamental Aspects of Palliative Care Nursing 2nd Edition
Fundamental Aspects of Palliative Care Nursing 2nd Edition
Becker, Robert
This new and expanded edition is aimed directly at the learning needs of student nurses and is unique in that context. Whilst there are many high quality books available for academic study in palliative care this is currently the only one that balances a strong educational focus for developing nursing practice with an understanding of the particular needs of student nurses. The text maintains a sensitive and supportive approach to the key themes of palliative care nursing, but contains important new material of a wide range of initiatives that are impacting on end of life care across the UK. It will provide the reader with a concise, easy to read and learning oriented text that will give advice and direction to the many challenges faced in this most important area of patient care. Each chapter examines a key component of care and new features include: Learning outcomes at the start of each chapter to guide the reader Clinical anecdotes to illustrate the reality and complexity of practice Extensive use of recognisable symbols to guide the reader and improve the usability of the text Competency assessment to help gauge knowledge and progress Reflective points to aid professional development Reflective activities to enable the student to reinforce learning from practice Links to appropriate clauses of the current 2008 NMC Code of Professional Conduct Quality internet resources relevant to chapter content Self assessment multiple choice tests at the end of each chapter to consolidate learning An extensive palliative care quiz covering the main topic areas of the book to test knowledge. This can be used as evidence with professional portfolios.
Ruins of Ancient Cities: (Volume - I)
Ruins of Ancient Cities: (Volume - I)
Charles Bucke
"UKRAY" - UNIFIED FIELD THEORY - - A New Unification Theory on Electromagnetic Gravitation- PREFACE ? ?“This study which aims to prove that all forces and laws of physics exist in a single unified structure at the Starting and Ending moment of the Universe analyzes all laws of physics within the framework of a unified structure from Newton Mechanics to Quantum Theory, Einstein Relativity to modern 11-dimensional Super string theory. The study may also be considered as a "MODERN ERA PRINCIPIA" since it was started to be written in about 300 years (early 2007) after the publication of the great study of Newton named "PRINCIPIA" (1703-1707) on the topic of gravity theories. The volume includes SEVEN CHAPTERS in the form of SEVEN different articles which follow each other and make clear the subject when they are read consecutively. In addition, FOUR additional chapters in the form of APPENDIXES in nature of FUNDAMENTALS OF MATHEMATICS were also included at the end of the volume for readers who have a less degree of technical knowledge about the topic… THIS THEORY, GETS THESE QUESTIONS INTO; - A CHANGE into Gravitational field and field equations, STATIC AND UNIVERSAL GRAVITATIONAL CONSTANTS, - THE DYNAMICS OF Gravitational field with Combining the Electromagnetics Theory. - THE VELOCITY OF LIGHT COULD BE EXCEEDED? THIS THEORY WAS PREPARED AS A CONSEQUENCE OF APPROXIMATELY 16 YEARS STUDY, - WHOLE "666" PAGE- INCLUDES ABOUT 100 THEOREMS, - AND 1000 ILLUSTRATED DRAWINGS, - ASSERTS THE NEW PHYSICS OF THE UNIVERSE. AND MUCH MORE… "I imagined the situation of a mass falling towards the singularity point in a blackhole singularity in electrodynamic gravity conditions for some relative structures in the electromagnetic theory which is the most important and understandable theory in the classical physics I had comprehensive knowledge in my last years of my undergraduate term of the academic life (in about 2000) in an article of Faraday on the topic of the law of induction I had incidentally seen while I was examining the existing physics literature in the faculty's library. I wondered if the law of induction in a circular conducting wire differently perceived according to an observer in the train and the one on the land in the special relativity of Einstein may occur by the increase and decrease of mass during the course of falling to singularity in this blackhole and may create an electromagnetic gravity wave and a magnetic charge current which would decrease the impact of gravitation in parallel to this. This oriented me to a series of researches to study and create this theory for years and then directed me to create a unified electromagnetic gravity theory composed of SEVEN ARTICLES in total I will submit here in order and step by step. Even though the theory includes a deductive mathematical approach, tensor calculation and geometric modellings, I will give solutions of Einstein-Maxwell Equations with a different mathematical 4x4 Pauli-Dirac Spinors and Tensor calculation construction in direction of closed extra dimension of the space (5 Dimension Effect) What Does the Theory Tell? {Short Abstract and Philosophy of the Theory} The THEORY summarizes the general and simple mathematical description of the universe in the form of general conclusion items and forecasts the followings; Basic Projections of the Theory? - NEW MODEL OF AN ATOM, - NEW MODEL OF THE UNIVERSE, - CHANGE IN GALILEO Inertia Principle, - A Fundamental Change in the Structure of MAXWELL's EQUATIONS, AN ADDITIONAL TERMS AND ADDITIONS, - A CHANGE IN POYNTING ENERGY THEORY, - A NEW ATOMIC MODEL, - A NEW UNIVERSE MODEL, - CHANGE IN GALILEO'S PRINCIPLE OF INERTIA, - A FUNDEMENTAL CHANGE AND AN ADDITIONAL TERM IN THE STRUCTURE IF MAXWELL EQUATIONS, - A CHANGE IN STATIC FIELD EQUATIONS OF THE GRAVITY FIELD AND IN THE UNIVERSAL GRAVITY CONSTANT. - CHANGE IN POYNTING ENERGY THEOREM, - HOW CAN THE VELOCITY OF LIGHT BE EXCEEDED?
Inside Out
Inside Out
Dorrian, Louise
Inside-Out Weight Loss focuses on changing relationships with food by 're-programming' behaviour. Understanding that control and choice around food is managed at an unconscious level Louise Dorrian gently guides you to develop an awareness of food habits and compulsions that stem from 'thought processes' and result in overeating. Easy to understand and use techniques change the unhelpful thought processes and combine with the hypnotic recordings to transform your relationship with food and eating behaviours. Already proven to be successful and result in weight loss with Louise's private clients this program is available for the first time in book format and mp3 downloads. No diets, eating plans or strict regimes, just a natural, easy and rewarding route to weight loss and wellbeing.
Legal Aspects of Medicines 2nd Edition
Legal Aspects of Medicines 2nd Edition
Dimond, Bridgit
Concise overview of the laws relating to the supply, administration and prescribing of medicines. User-friendly format for easy reference on the job, or a handy revision aid. Highly practical with case studies throughout to demonstrate application of theory into practice and revised and updated to reflect current law. This book is intended for all health professionals who are likely to be involved in the dispensing, administration, prescribing or supply of medication, whether in hospitals or in the community. It may also be of assistance to others, such as health service managers, patient groups and their representatives, lecturers and clinical supervisors. Each chapter uses a situation to illustrate the relevant laws so that the law can be explained in a practical jargon-free way. The book is intended to introduce readers to the basic principles which apply and the sources of law, so that they can, by following up the further reading and websites provided, add to their knowledge. This book will provide a baseline on which readers can develop their knowledge and understanding of the law relating to medicines.
Essential Practice for Healthcare Assistants
Essential Practice for Healthcare Assistants
Grainger, Angela
This book is specifically aimed at healthcare assistants, and is a comprehensive text covering all aspects of care of the patient.It is written by healthcare assistants and cover the a wide range of topics:* Safety issues* Basic patient and residential care* Special care* Mental health* Learning disabilities* Paediatrics* Women and maternity* Men's care* Caring for carers* Home health care* Lifting and moving patients* Death and dying.
Legal Aspects of Patient Confidentiality 2nd edition
Legal Aspects of Patient Confidentiality 2nd edition
Dimond, Bridgit
This revised and updated edition explores the law relating to patient confidentiality and reflects the recent legislation in the field. The text is written in a jargon free, non-legalistic way to allow the reader to understand the principles and how they apply to practice. The book is aimed at all health professionals who care for the patient, and for patient service managers, patient groups, relatives and anybody who is interested in understanding the law relating to patient confidentiality. The book includes case studies throughout.
Great Astronomers
Great Astronomers
Ball, Robert S.
A fascinating guide to some of the greatest stargazers in history, including Copernicus, Galileo, Halley, Newton, Brahe and many more.
Indigo Awakes
Indigo Awakes
de Winter, Stephanie
This debut novel is truly inspiring. Beautifully written in simple language, the author shows us a way to live free of fear. Indigo is tired of conflict with her partner and her. But then a quiet voice within begins to demand change; intense dreams and synchronicities show her an alternative path. Indigo begins a journey into the unknown exploring her own spirituality. This book vibrates with positive energy.
Exploring Emotions
Exploring Emotions
Bailey, Ros
This practical book from Ros Bayley is designed to enable every practitioner to help children manage their emotions. This title looks at the whole range of emotions that children feel and enable any practitioner to help children recognise these emotions and talk about them. Brimming with ideas for using puppets, toys, pictures, games and stories this is a must-have book for any practitioner looking to manage the emotions of children in their care.
Fundamental Aspects of Long Term Conditions
Fundamental Aspects of Long Term Conditions
McVeigh, Helen
Underpinned by relevant epidemiology, demography and policy, this book explores the management of long-term conditions. It discusses communication and multidisciplinary working, including discussion of the student nurse's role. Each chapter includes learning points and uses a questioning/reflective approach, which draws on the reader's own experiences.
Ben Goes to the Dentist
Ben Goes to the Dentist
Harvey, Keith
Will Bartholomew the panda have to take Ben's place when the Campbell family visit the dentist?
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